
Oct 3, 2005
Which onimusha do you think is the best?(sorry if this has been done before)

My favorite is onimusha 2.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
LisaB1138 said:
I like Onimusha 3 best.

I'm with lisa on that. It's intro movie alone is enough to make it top of the musha's, along with the return of sam in wonderful armour, a supporting cast member modelled on jean reno and an irritating fairy know as ako [face_tongue].

Great weapons, memorable locations and an all out joy to behold. Setting half of it in current day paris was a stroke of genius in my books. On top of all that we get the tenso [face_drooling].

However, I think Oni 2 would be a close second.
Aug 20, 2006
People seem to neglect Dawn of Dreams. Honesty I CAN'T STAND the controls of the first three games (despite how awesome the originals are). But Dawn of Dreams has a new control scheme, on-the-fly character switching, a deep storyline with an EXTREMELY emotional ending[face_cry],(I pray for an Onimusha Five where maybe a certain someone will be revived[face_praying]) and some decent humor every now-and-then. That's why I think Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams is the best Onimusha. Long live the Black Oni[face_dancing].
Feb 15, 2005
i like the first one the best becuase of all the bad ass memories i have with it
but oni 3 is so close to being my favorite


Jun 1, 2006
>>>masquered_red: I'm with lisa on that. It's intro movie alone is enough to make it top of the musha's, along with the return of sam in wonderful armour, a supporting cast member modelled on jean reno and an irritating fairy know as ako .

Great weapons, memorable locations and an all out joy to behold. Setting half of it in current day paris was a stroke of genius in my books. On top of all that we get the tenso.

However, I think Oni 2 would be a close second <<<

I agree with you, masquerade_red.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
You know, I was in Paris in Oct. 05 and it was cool seeing Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower through "Onimusha eyes." They did their homework. It was very accurate except for their were no Dordios in the basement of Notre Dame though. Which was a big relief! :D

No Samanosuke either. [face_cry]


Feb 21, 2006
1>2>3>4 imo

the first 3 are all really good. DoD isn't a bad game but it's nothing really special

My only problem with the 3rd one was the bosses. The first two games were full of awesome bosses that you encountered along the way. I didnt like Ranmaru too much. Everything else was really cool though


Jun 1, 2006
I boght Onimusha 1 yesterday and now at the keep. I bought this game last year, played a little bit, got stuck at the underground temple (because I didn't have the rope ladder, now I know where to get it!), then traded it in, now I bought it back! :)

So far, I'm only at the beginning of each game of the trilogy but each game has some things I like and dislike:

#1. Warlords:

+ Great protagonist (Samanosuke)
+ Has option to turn on Japanese language and English subtitles.
+ Excellent music
+ Interesting cutscenes
- Indoor environment(keep, castles ...)
- Unskippable cutscenes

#2. Samurai's Destiny:

+ Beautiful environment
- English voice-overs. It's not that bad as some fans complained but I just perfer Japanese.

#3. Demon Siege:

+ Awesome intro movie
+ 3D environment
+ Cool weapons.
+ Analog control
- Having to play a Western guy, Jacques
- Having to play a Japanese samurai (Samanosue) in ... 21 century Paris!
- English voice-overs again.

I wish Capcom would make an Onimusha that combines all the elements I love above :) (sigh)


May 26, 2004
I own the first three and never played the fourth,for me it's 3. I liked the atmoshere in some parts ALOT.

#1 is a close second, and #2 it a close third.

But like I said, I never played the fourth one, so of course I can't say that how I'd rate that one.


Feb 26, 2005
I only played #2 and #4 and I liked number 4 the best. The controls were way better and they had more weapons and it was a better game. But I'm not going to say a lot because I didn't even beat number 2 because when I was playing, I got really far and forgot to save and I ended up all the way back to the mines so I got pissed off.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I was traumatized last night to find the DOLL in Okami. After playing Genma, you do not want to see a doll in another Capcom game!


No Longer a Noob
Nov 9, 2007
i loved Onimusha3 : Demon Siege. that's easily my favorite onimusha. Dawn of Dreams comes to a close second. they both had a lot of replay value for me.


Oct 9, 2006
Blade Warriors, only because it's the one game in the series I can play completely. But in terms of the others, I would have to say, 2, 1 and four. I've never played 3.
Jun 9, 2014
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams. The first three are awesome. Dawn of dreams however, surpasses all of them. Its one of those rare moments where you prefer an Alternate character to the main. I mean, <Censored> Disguised as Tenkai,personally chose Soki as the defender of humanity. And <Censored> As Tenkai was a welcome addition :D :D :D :D


I don't need a title...
Aug 31, 2004
I liked Onimusha 2 the most, but 1 and 3 are very close. Unfortunately, 4 was by far the worst in my opinion and probably the reason why we do not get any more Onimusha games :(