
Jan 13, 2010
I know many people like this game and that's great for you but Bayonetta does not deserve the high score it gets. It shouldnt get more than 7/10. Here are the reason:

1-Story/characters. Bayonetta story is bad, i know we are not playing those kind of games for the stories but Bayonetta has so many cutscenes and worst of all they are most of the time not animated. Furthermore the characters voice acting is plain bad, and Bayonetta as a character is unlikeable and is close to hooker the way she acts. In short bad story, bad character and way too many cutscenes.

2-Gameplay. Game is supposed to be a non-stop action thrill ride but with all the cut scenes it just slows down the pace too much. Combat is what the game should excel at and ill admit that the combat looks great but its too repetitive. If you dont dodge to activate witch time all you can do is get 2-3 hits before the enemy blocks and conter attack and if you dont want to get hit ... you dodge and get in witch time to unleash combos. Every fights is the same wait to dodge or force enemy to hit you to dodge. You can't do anything else beside go into witch time. Boss battles are also mostly the same regular fights.

Also the moves you can buy dont really integrate themselves well with the basics combo you have and serves more as a different big hand/foot finish you do. Walking on walls is one of the worst thing in the game, if the walls you are on is slightly angled and you are trying to hit something the big hand/foot attack will simply pass over what you are hitting. Even worst is the camera, it's bad all the time and even worst whenever you start wall walking.

3-Music. Well there's not much too say about the music in the game besides most annoying soundtrack ever.

On a final note many reviewer say Bayonetta doesnt belong in the same category as God of war and i agree... Bayonetta belongs in the category right below GoW.



No Longer a Noob
Nov 29, 2006
I personally think GoW is second tier with Bayonetta, NG1 and DMC3 being tops. But to each own.

And protip: don't use review scores as an absolute determiner of whether a game is good or not. Those are just opinions too, they're just glorified by bigshot journalists.


Just That One Guy
Nov 22, 2003
Azonicfoes said:
On a final note many reviewer say Bayonetta doesnt belong in the same category as God of war and i agree... Bayonetta belongs in the category right below GoW.
You like to mash Square until a circle appears. If that's the type of gameplay you like, that's cool.


Jan 13, 2010
Because R2 triangle mash is really different... both games have more than 1 button mashing to them but at least GoW is nonestop action and Kratos doesnt bother with talking for no reason.


Just That One Guy
Nov 22, 2003
Oh, you get to press triangle sometimes if you like. You don't have to though.

Kratos doesn't have to speak because he's a 1 dimensional character that has no other emotion other than anger.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
[blockquote]Azonicfoes posted:
I know many people like this game and that's great for you but Bayonetta does not deserve the high score it gets. It shouldnt get more than 7/10. Here are the reason:

1-Story/characters. Bayonetta story is bad, i know we are not playing those kind of games for the stories but Bayonetta has so many cutscenes and worst of all they are most of the time not animated. Furthermore the characters voice acting is plain bad, and Bayonetta as a character is unlikeable and is close to hooker the way she acts. In short bad story, bad character and way too many cutscenes.

2-Gameplay. Game is supposed to be a non-stop action thrill ride but with all the cut scenes it just slows down the pace too much. Combat is what the game should excel at and ill admit that the combat looks great but its too repetitive. If you dont dodge to activate witch time all you can do is get 2-3 hits before the enemy blocks and conter attack and if you dont want to get hit ... you dodge and get in witch time to unleash combos. Every fights is the same wait to dodge or force enemy to hit you to dodge. You can't do anything else beside go into witch time. Boss battles are also mostly the same regular fights.

Also the moves you can buy dont really integrate themselves well with the basics combo you have and serves more as a different big hand/foot finish you do. Walking on walls is one of the worst thing in the game, if the walls you are on is slightly angled and you are trying to hit something the big hand/foot attack will simply pass over what you are hitting. Even worst is the camera, it's bad all the time and even worst whenever you start wall walking.

3-Music. Well there's not much too say about the music in the game besides most annoying soundtrack ever.

On a final note many reviewer say Bayonetta doesnt belong in the same category as God of war and i agree... Bayonetta belongs in the category right below GoW.

To be honest it became abundantly clear once you said it was below GoW at the end. That clearly shows that you have absolutely no idea when it comes to gameplay. Devil May Cry really started this whol style of gameplay and essentially a genre but GoW while arguably making it more popular bastardized it with the introduction of QTE and extremely linear, repetitive gameplay. The level layouts are often similar and the ability to switch weapons but GoW took the genre into a direction that was more accessible to the masses but not as difficult and rewarding to play. To say that Bayonetta, a game with far more visual flare and oozes style is below GoW is utterly rediculous and that's not even bringing Bayonetta's vastly superior gameplay into the equation.

Sure it's your opinion but quite frankly the game just doesn't sound like it's for you and it doesn't sound like you delved into the depth of it at all.

By the way- the biggest part that made me laugh was when you said it was repetitive but then went on to say it wasn't as good a game as GoW.



Jan 13, 2010

To be honest it became abundantly clear once you said it was below GoW at the end. That clearly shows that you have absolutely no idea when it comes to gameplay. Devil May Cry really started this whol style of gameplay and essentially a genre but GoW while arguably making it more popular bastardized it with the introduction of QTE and extremely linear, repetitive gameplay. The level layouts are often similar and the ability to switch weapons but GoW took the genre into a direction that was more accessible to the masses but not as difficult and rewarding to play. To say that Bayonetta, a game with far more visual flare and oozes style is below GoW is utterly rediculous and that's not even bringing Bayonetta's vastly superior gameplay into the equation.

Sure it's your opinion but quite frankly the game just doesn't sound like it's for you and it doesn't sound like you delved into the depth of it at all.

By the way- the biggest part that made me laugh was when you said it was repetitive but then went on to say it wasn't as good a game as GoW.

:^O [/quote]

To say that Bayonetta, a game with far more visual flare and oozes style... lol GoW=PS2, tell me how vastly superior the gameplay is... oh yea right you gotta dodge to trigger witch time otherwise you cant hit more than twice now thats what a call best gameplay ever. And tell me where i said GoW was not repetive... that's right no where. And besides you talk about how deep the gameplay is in bayonetta but in no way are you proving it... all you are proving with your statements is what i said Bayonetta looks great visually thats it.

As far as the style of Bayonetta... i love games with women that kicks ass and Bayonetta fails as a character she's closer to a stripper/prostitute than anything else. You might enjoy playing a hooker but i dont



Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
[blockquote]Azonicfoes posted:

To be honest it became abundantly clear once you said it was below GoW at the end. That clearly shows that you have absolutely no idea when it comes to gameplay. Devil May Cry really started this whol style of gameplay and essentially a genre but GoW while arguably making it more popular bastardized it with the introduction of QTE and extremely linear, repetitive gameplay. The level layouts are often similar and the ability to switch weapons but GoW took the genre into a direction that was more accessible to the masses but not as difficult and rewarding to play. To say that Bayonetta, a game with far more visual flare and oozes style is below GoW is utterly rediculous and that's not even bringing Bayonetta's vastly superior gameplay into the equation.

Sure it's your opinion but quite frankly the game just doesn't sound like it's for you and it doesn't sound like you delved into the depth of it at all.

By the way- the biggest part that made me laugh was when you said it was repetitive but then went on to say it wasn't as good a game as GoW.


To say that Bayonetta, a game with far more visual flare and oozes style... lol GoW=PS2, tell me how vastly superior the gameplay is... oh yea right you gotta dodge to trigger witch time otherwise you cant hit more than twice now thats what a call best gameplay ever. And tell me where i said GoW was not repetive... that's right no where. And besides you talk about how deep the gameplay is in bayonetta but in no way are you proving it... all you are proving with your statements is what i said Bayonetta looks great visually thats it.

As far as the style of Bayonetta... i love games with women that kicks ass and Bayonetta fails as a character she's closer to a stripper/prostitute than anything else. You might enjoy playing a hooker but i dont

Wow if you honestly think that a game having flare and style has anything to do with the graphical capabilities of the machine it is on. GoW being on the PS2 has absolutely nothing to do with that.

If you honestly can't see how deep the combat is in Bayonetta then I honestly don't know where to begin. Not only are there many weapons but you can switch fighting styles in the middle of combo's, you can change movesets, combine different combo's with the techniques that you unlock, cap them off with Wicked Weave's or mix up the in the air combo's with the flying attacks or different combinations. Not to mention, Witch Time offers a genuine tactical advantage that is worth attempting to gain in a battle and provides players with the challenge of not getting hit unlike GoW where it really doesn't matter because most of the time you can continue to piledrive into enemies.

You never said that GoW wasn't repetitive but my marking Bayonetta down for it and then saying that GoW is the better game is utterly rediculous.


Jan 13, 2010
Ok so apparantly i was not clear enough with what i said. GoW is a better game because it doesnt have any of Bayonetta shortcomings. It doesn't have too many cutscenes, combat is not based off of slowing down time, it doesn't have an unlikeable main character... Kratos is borderline insane and still id rather have a beer with him instead of Bayonetta.
And you are right graphical capabilities might not have much to do with the flare and what not but Bayonetta and Gow are set in 2 completly different setting. GoW is inspired by mythology so the style of the game is right on.

Once again I prefer GoW repetitive combat over Bayonetta because if a group of 10 different type of enemies come at you in Bayonetta there is no strategy of what to kill first instead you dodge any of them and kill. GoW you at least need to watch what comes at you otherwise you'll die. Died plenty of times on regular enemies in GoW... Bayonetta I only died on boss fights with the exceptions of when wall walking happened then the camera going mental caused me to die... And gold is my worst coin i got in Bayonetta so no i don't hate Bayonetta because it's so "hard". dodge dodge dodge


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 15, 2009
Bikini Atoll
I agree with what the OP is saying, and I really don't like Beyonetta as a character. She annoys me almost as much as Nero in DMC4. I would really like to see some of the other concepts they had for her appearance before the decided to go with this one.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Azonicfoes said:
I know many people like this game and that's great for you but Bayonetta does not deserve the high score it gets. It shouldnt get more than 7/10.

Azonicfoes said:
1-Story/characters. Bayonetta story is bad, i know we are not playing those kind of games for the stories but Bayonetta has so many cutscenes and worst of all they are most of the time not animated. Furthermore the characters voice acting is plain bad, and Bayonetta as a character is unlikeable and is close to hooker the way she acts. In short bad story, bad character and way too many cutscenes.
I agree. The woman sounds like the same one who did the last three Lara Crofts (using the new game engine). Her platinum quip "I should've been a pole dancer," is funny the first time ... then it ultimately reminds me I actually know enough strippers who are classier than this broad.

Azonicfoes said:
2-Gameplay. Game is supposed to be a non-stop action thrill ride but with all the cut scenes it just slows down the pace too much. Combat is what the game should excel at and ill admit that the combat looks great but its too repetitive. If you dont dodge to activate witch time all you can do is get 2-3 hits before the enemy blocks and conter attack and if you dont want to get hit ... you dodge and get in witch time to unleash combos. Every fights is the same wait to dodge or force enemy to hit you to dodge. You can't do anything else beside go into witch time. Boss battles are also mostly the same regular fights.
I think you want to say: "The QTEs are not as forgiving as Ninja Blade, which instantly rewinds when you fail a button press, and nicks your score at the end of the stage tally, instead of loading a new dumb-ass screen to ask if you want to continue or not."

Azonicfoes said:
Also the moves you can buy dont really integrate themselves well with the basics combo you have and serves more as a different big hand/foot finish you do. Walking on walls is one of the worst thing in the game, if the walls you are on is slightly angled and you are trying to hit something the big hand/foot attack will simply pass over what you are hitting. Even worst is the camera, it's bad all the time and even worst whenever you start wall walking.
]Strangely, this is about standard fare for 3D action games (Godhand, DMC3/4, Ninja Gaiden, Ninja Blade, Onechanbara, etc.).

I think the bizarre Hand/Foot and A/B combination is a poor mimic of what's out there .... kiera.

Azonicfoes said:
3-Music. Well there's not much too say about the music in the game besides most annoying soundtrack ever.
Awful. Makes me want to break my vinyl with the original Dean Martin song.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
Azonicfoes said:
Ok so apparantly i was not clear enough with what i said. GoW is a better game because it doesnt have any of Bayonetta shortcomings. It doesn't have too many cutscenes, combat is not based off of slowing down time, it doesn't have an unlikeable main character... Kratos is borderline insane and still id rather have a beer with him instead of Bayonetta.
And you are right graphical capabilities might not have much to do with the flare and what not but Bayonetta and Gow are set in 2 completly different setting. GoW is inspired by mythology so the style of the game is right on.

Once again I prefer GoW repetitive combat over Bayonetta because if a group of 10 different type of enemies come at you in Bayonetta there is no strategy of what to kill first instead you dodge any of them and kill. GoW you at least need to watch what comes at you otherwise you'll die. Died plenty of times on regular enemies in GoW... Bayonetta I only died on boss fights with the exceptions of when wall walking happened then the camera going mental caused me to die... And gold is my worst coin i got in Bayonetta so no i don't hate Bayonetta because it's so "hard". dodge dodge dodge

I think this is more of the game not suiting your tastes than you finding any genuine, notable flaws with the game. Most people have found stylistic features that they disliked such as maybe her character or the soundtrack but those are features that come down to a person's taste more than anything.

Therefore, I don't think that the 7/10 you gave it is particularly fair because you're not really saying that the game has any big flaws, you're just saying that you disliked a lot of the stylistic features in the game.

In that regard, I would say it's fair enough because everyone has their own tastes but I don't think that you can then say the game isn't very good just because they don't fit yours.[face_peace]


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Dante86dmc said:
In that regard, I would say it's fair enough because everyone has their own tastes but I don't think that you can then say the game isn't very good just because they don't fit yours.[face_peace]
If I had my way, every sports game would have a 0.0 ... followed by every JRPG ever made (negative 1.0) [face_dancing]


Senior Writer:
Oct 22, 2002
Azonicfoes said:
I know many people like this game and that's great for you but Bayonetta does not deserve the high score it gets. It shouldnt get more than 7/10. Here are the reason:

1-Story/characters. Bayonetta story is bad, i know we are not playing those kind of games for the stories but Bayonetta has so many cutscenes and worst of all they are most of the time not animated. Furthermore the characters voice acting is plain bad, and Bayonetta as a character is unlikeable and is close to hooker the way she acts. In short bad story, bad character and way too many cutscenes.

2-Gameplay. Game is supposed to be a non-stop action thrill ride but with all the cut scenes it just slows down the pace too much. Combat is what the game should excel at and ill admit that the combat looks great but its too repetitive. If you dont dodge to activate witch time all you can do is get 2-3 hits before the enemy blocks and conter attack and if you dont want to get hit ... you dodge and get in witch time to unleash combos. Every fights is the same wait to dodge or force enemy to hit you to dodge. You can't do anything else beside go into witch time. Boss battles are also mostly the same regular fights.

Also the moves you can buy dont really integrate themselves well with the basics combo you have and serves more as a different big hand/foot finish you do. Walking on walls is one of the worst thing in the game, if the walls you are on is slightly angled and you are trying to hit something the big hand/foot attack will simply pass over what you are hitting. Even worst is the camera, it's bad all the time and even worst whenever you start wall walking.

3-Music. Well there's not much too say about the music in the game besides most annoying soundtrack ever.

On a final note many reviewer say Bayonetta doesnt belong in the same category as God of war and i agree... Bayonetta belongs in the category right below GoW.

Translation: "My opinion is the only real truth! And I have arbitrary numbers (a 7) to back it up!"

Look, if you don't like it that's fine. But why does the fact that other people enjoy it so much bother you? Whether or not Bayonetta is superior to other action games (IMO, it is), it's probably never going to be as popular. So this game you find "Blah" will never have the sales numbers to rival Kratos' Bad Day 3, which means you "win." Can't you just be content with that?


Oct 22, 2009
tbh i've not read the original post, as its too long winded, but i'll try to sum up what i think it says

i cant get anything but a stone statue, and i dont like english main characters


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
[blockquote]karlos2009 posted:
tbh i've not read the original post, as its too long winded, but i'll try to sum up what i think it says

i cant get anything but a stone statue, and i dont like english main characters
[/blockquote]Surprisingly not that far off.[face_tongue] 

One of his complaints was that he felt the game was way too easy but there is no way he beat it on the highest difficulty that quickly.


Dec 17, 2009
Well holy smokes, I haven't seen this obvious of a troll in awhile. I literally just do not have the time to sit here and point out every one of your reasons. It wouldn't be worth it because either your just some guy who couldn't play the game or some other thing and you just want to bitch and moan about it OR you just feel like bitching and moaning. Fact is, this game is opposite of everything you wrote down. You're an ignoramus.


Almost Not a Noob
May 23, 2002
What the hell is wrong with you people!?! How can you not love Bayonetta? She is a sexy badass euro chick and I pretty much fell in love with the character design instantly. This game is dripping with style and over the top insanity. Brilliant.
Oct 11, 2008
Azonicfoes said:
I know many people like this game and that's great for you but Bayonetta does not deserve the high score it gets. It shouldnt get more than 7/10. Here are the reason:

1-Story/characters. Bayonetta story is bad, i know we are not playing those kind of games for the stories but Bayonetta has so many cutscenes and worst of all they are most of the time not animated. Furthermore the characters voice acting is plain bad, and Bayonetta as a character is unlikeable and is close to hooker the way she acts. In short bad story, bad character and way too many cutscenes.

2-Gameplay. Game is supposed to be a non-stop action thrill ride but with all the cut scenes it just slows down the pace too much. Combat is what the game should excel at and ill admit that the combat looks great but its too repetitive. If you dont dodge to activate witch time all you can do is get 2-3 hits before the enemy blocks and conter attack and if you dont want to get hit ... you dodge and get in witch time to unleash combos. Every fights is the same wait to dodge or force enemy to hit you to dodge. You can't do anything else beside go into witch time. Boss battles are also mostly the same regular fights.

Also the moves you can buy dont really integrate themselves well with the basics combo you have and serves more as a different big hand/foot finish you do. Walking on walls is one of the worst thing in the game, if the walls you are on is slightly angled and you are trying to hit something the big hand/foot attack will simply pass over what you are hitting. Even worst is the camera, it's bad all the time and even worst whenever you start wall walking.

3-Music. Well there's not much too say about the music in the game besides most annoying soundtrack ever.

On a final note many reviewer say Bayonetta doesnt belong in the same category as God of war and i agree... Bayonetta belongs in the category right below GoW.

You pretty much reviewed Bayonetta well in the sense of these are all the cons. Now story wise and with characters, the only pro would be Rodin and the epic boss battles. Gameplay wise, there's great environments and backgrounds BUT the only problem is that the combos ARE too easy to do, and you end up, for boss battles, dodging and mashing a button for a long period of time, which does make the bosses somewhat repetitive. The music soundtrack has some very epic songs (Jubileus's boss theme is just O_O"), but also does have songs that have me listen to 3 doors down on my ipod while playing.

Now what you're wrong in, is that Bayonetta is below GoW, or at least in my opinion. See, here's how my action list goes (and as far as I'm concerned, how most other hack n slash players lists are).

1:) Devil May Cry 1/3/3 SE/4
2:) Bayonetta
3:) Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma 2
4:) Onimusha 2/4
5:) God of War 1/2
Oct 11, 2008
Frito8 said:
What the hell is wrong with you people!?! How can you not love Bayonetta? She is a sexy badass euro chick and I pretty much fell in love with the character design instantly. This game is dripping with style and over the top insanity. Brilliant.

She's too silly, acts too seductive, and yes, as the reviewer on this thread said, is kinda like a hooker. See, Bayonetta is nothing unique. If you are into Japanese animes, theres a lot of terrible or plain story anime shows with a girl as the hero. Only thing is that in japan, "hot girls" need big boobs, glasses, and to act seductive like or something like that. Bayonetta has all those characteristics in a plain story. Nothing brilliant, just the japanese usual.


Just That One Guy
Nov 22, 2003
She acts like stripper? Yes. She acts like a hooker? No. Luka at one point tried to give her a kiss but she pulled away.

She isn't unique though. You're right.


Senior Writer:
Oct 22, 2002
Anime boobs... ****, even boobs in American games are much, much bigger (in general) than Bayonetta's.

[image=] [face_raised_brow] [image=]

Too many nitwits on the internet, I tell you what. [face_rolling_eyes]


Jan 13, 2010
To everyone saying I didnt like Bayonetta because i couldnt beat it on hard and it's too hard of a game.... lol. Been there done that and furthermore most token are gold and platinum. If you can't beat the game on hard with such an easy combat system that's not my problem


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
[blockquote]Azonicfoes posted:
To everyone saying I didnt like Bayonetta because i couldnt beat it on hard and it's too hard of a game.... lol. Been there done that and furthermore most token are gold and platinum. If you can't beat the game on hard with such an easy combat system that's not my problem

[/blockquote]BS. If you don't like the game then why go to all that trouble?


Senior Writer:
Oct 22, 2002
Dante86dmc said:
[blockquote]Azonicfoes posted:
To everyone saying I didnt like Bayonetta because i couldnt beat it on hard and it's too hard of a game.... lol. Been there done that and furthermore most token are gold and platinum. If you can't beat the game on hard with such an easy combat system that's not my problem

[/blockquote]BS. If you don't like the game then why go to all that trouble?

The e-peen?


Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Jun 9, 2004
Azonicfoes said:
To everyone saying I didnt like Bayonetta because i couldnt beat it on hard and it's too hard of a game.... lol. Been there done that and furthermore most token are gold and platinum. If you can't beat the game on hard with such an easy combat system that's not my problem

What is your Gamertag/PSN. I think we'd like to verify this ourselves. You say this game is easy, on hard mode, where the enemies are far more aggressive, and larger in number (as in, 3 graces and glory's at once) and show up more consistantly throughout the game? But you actually had trouble with God of War on normal?! Furthermore, you got all golds and plats by just mashing Y? Unlikely, considering that your combo score must by **** if that's all you do, not to mention time being a factor. Your pulling **** out your ass until I see otherwise.


Dec 27, 2006
i just wanted to say, i love and adore the GoW series. i think its a blast to play and the story is very interesting.

with that said, i am blown away by bayonetta. the gameplay is pretty much unrivaled by anything else i've played. and its so over the top and silly, its just nothing but fun. i think bayonetta is a great character. so what if shes sexy or whatever, it fits the games style and is just fun. if you're offended or disappointed you're doing it wrong.

i mean, how is bayonetta any different than kratos? he's a muscle bound naked dude that's pissed off at all times. if you think about it, bayonetta actually has more depth. maybe not as interesting of a story but more versatility as a character
Oct 21, 2009
ItsAHemi said:
i just wanted to say, i love and adore the GoW series. i think its a blast to play and the story is very interesting.

with that said, i am blown away by bayonetta. the gameplay is pretty much unrivaled by anything else i've played. and its so over the top and silly, its just nothing but fun. i think bayonetta is a great character. so what if shes sexy or whatever, it fits the games style and is just fun. if you're offended or disappointed you're doing it wrong.

i mean, how is bayonetta any different than kratos? he's a muscle bound naked dude that's pissed off at all times. if you think about it, bayonetta actually has more depth. maybe not as interesting of a story but more versatility as a character

Agreed! Definitely can't take this game too seriously. That and I'd rather look at a half neked female character than a half neked kratos anyhow. It's refreshing to see a female character do as much damage as any kratos/male character and dare I say.......beat the living crud out of them too when compared to the fighting styles! [face_tongue] Bayonetta wins.


May 3, 2010
karlos2009 said:
i cant get anything but a stone statue, and i dont like english main characters

Pretty much this.

Oh, and let's not forget to mention the story that I lost track of 2 minutes into the game, music that makes me want to shoot myself, and cutscenes that the devs were too lazy to fully animate but likely spent an inordinate amount of time on the "Let's Dance, Boys" video at the end of the game.

God this game was terrible. Maybe it's just because I suck at action games, but I really liked all the GoW and Ninja Gaiden games. Must be just that I'm getting older and preferring games like Heavy Rain, lol.

Story>>>>>all, so long as gameplay is engaging and relevant.
Sep 5, 2009
k3riguma said:
karlos2009 said:
i cant get anything but a stone statue, and i dont like english main characters

Pretty much this.

Oh, and let's not forget to mention the story that I lost track of 2 minutes into the game, music that makes me want to shoot myself, and cutscenes that the devs were too lazy to fully animate but likely spent an inordinate amount of time on the "Let's Dance, Boys" video at the end of the game.

God this game was terrible. Maybe it's just because I suck at action games, but I really liked all the GoW and Ninja Gaiden games. Must be just that I'm getting older and preferring games like Heavy Rain, lol.

Story>>>>>all, so long as gameplay is engaging and relevant.

S$%T if you liked Heavy Rain then something must be wrong with you, if you complain about Bayonetta not being a game worthy of its score than might I suggest you people go back to watching your soap opera's and let the REAL GAMERS take the challenge of the game. Sure, its possible to beat the game with one combo attack, but thats the pussy way to do it! If you buy a game with a long combo list and a large array of weapons to use and only use one combo, you got some nerve to complain about the game. I bet casual gamers have higher scores than you do in the game, you have a large array of combat options to chose from to make your path of sheer death and destruction. If your going to be a scared little S#$t that doesn't care about getting high scores in the game thats your problem, but please just back the F#$K UP for those of use who can!


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Sorry for the bump, but no one should appreciate Heavy Rain as a 'game'. It's a pretty neat Choose Your Own Adventure though.


Oct 8, 2017
To be honest I disagree with most what you said. Ok Yeah the story is not that great. But Bayonetta is one of the most awsome main protagonists I have ever experianced in all of fiction. Unlikeable? I adore her. She really make me relize that I did not play alot of games with really great main Characters. The likes of Sora(Kingdom hearts), Oliver (Ni No Kuni) and Pit (Kid Icarus Uprising) are not half as amazing. I dont think would do a good job in explaing why I love her so much so I leave a Video Link here to the Video of someone who explains it fore me:

To be honest there are just 2 main Protagonists I like to a similar degree. Stich from the film Disneys Lilo and Stich and Takato from the Anime series Digimon Tamers.

I also like the rest of the Cast. Jeanne fore example is an amazing rival Character and even more amazing as an ally. Yeah Father Balder and the angels I found from a Character standpoint not to great as villains.

The music can not keep up with the music from Kingdom hearts ore Okami but its still pretty good. Fly me to the moon, You may call me father, The greatest Jubilee. I like them all. Ok I am not the biggest fan of mysterious destiny but the track does not really bother me.

I honestly like how cut scenes and game play flow together. The story as a whole is not great but I really like the events in the story. Its like playing an Anime. I like Cinematic games.

But the game play is great to. Ok I am no expert in game play deep but its really fun and never gets boring. Well fore me.

That does not mean there are things I dont like about this game. The instant death quick time events are bullshit. And than there is the Chapter with the final fight with Jeanne. This is one of the greatest fights I ever experienced in gaming. And its looked behind one of the worst stages I ever experienced in gaming. I HATE that missile sequence and I am forced to replay it if I want to replay the final fight against Jeanne. That is so awful.

Overall Bayonetta is fore me personally a fantastic game.
But hey no game can please everybody. Take Ocarina of Time fore example. Its claimed to be one of the greatest games of all time and I despise it. Also its irrlogical to say that something does not deserve the praise it gets. If Ocarina of time would not deserve the praise it gets it would not get that praise. A game gets prize because people love it. Saying that it does not deserve that praise is like saying its wrong to love it that much. I would never dear to say Ocarina Of time is overrated. The love the game gets is proving it did its job right. Making players happy. Its just not fore me.

I never played God Of War ore devil may cry and I am not the slightest bit interested in to playing them some day. I watched the first part of God of War 3 on you tube and yeah its a great game but its not fore me. Hell no.

I will save money and buy a WiiU just fore the sake of playing Bayonetta 2.
Sorry fore my flawed english.