
Aug 6, 2010
Ok I find it highly unlikely that they would but with the hobbit movie on the horizon people might want to cash in, what would people like to see from a third game? My self I rather enjoyed having a mode where you carry over your army from battle to battle unlike normal rts games where you loose your army every level
Aug 18, 2009
Well, I want a new campaign. The Simarillion is to huge for a a story, so maybe a sequel to Lotr. In the 4th age, Someone is trying to take Sauron's place as Dark Lord and take over/destroy the world. Tolkien was trying to make a sequel featuring the Black Numenorians.

Also better Create a Hero. Like I want to be able to customize existing heros. I want to give Aragorn his bow, I want to give Lurtz some armor and I want to be able to make Nazgul have varity.
Aug 29, 2008
I dono if I would want to have someone other then EA make a BFME game, the 1st two were so good I dont kno if they could live up to it. Look at there 1st couple games Conquest was ok but the Story was so screwed up, and war in the north I heard it was ok but could have been much more. I still play the 1st 2 BFME's I would love a 3rd one but depends who is gona produce it


Uncanny X-Fan
Jan 6, 2006
Here are some of my ideas for future games.
Everyone gets naked and plays ring toss. The elf maidens try to toss as many cock rings as possible onto the willing genitalia of hobbit gentlemen. The winning team gets to sleep with the orc or wizard of their choice.
Another option would be trying to catch a greased up dwarf in the Mines of Moria.
A rousing game of pin the tail on the balrog would also be fun.
I'll be back with more ideas.


Jan 16, 2012
I dono if I would want to have someone other then EA make a BFME game, the 1st two were so good I dont kno if they could live up to it. Look at there 1st couple games Conquest was ok but the Story was so screwed up, and war in the north I heard it was ok but could have been much more. I still play the 1st 2 BFME's I would love a 3rd one but depends who is gona produce it

I thought some of the folks who worked on War in the North ended up moving to Guardians of Middle-Earth? The character on the main page at sure looks a lot like Agandaur from WITN...


Nov 1, 2012
i think maybe a new faction and maybe letting another company make the game because EA make good game its just they rip you of and make expansions which contain things that should of been in the base game. maybe a larger or more free choice campaign like in the first one either way a 3rd in the series would be good. :D the thing i want most is be able to make bigger armies! >:)
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Dec 14, 2012
I liked the combat focus in the first game and the base simplicity, I loved the greater difficulty and faster pace brought on in the 2nd game. I would be happy if they could combine those elements and throw in a slightly more complex economic system (having only one resource made it so simple it was nice, but why wouldn't your armies need metal and wood as opposed to only food, and perfect the races a little more I thought they were better in the first game than the second.


Dec 23, 2012
1.they should have it so u can pick any of the elf race or human race ect.. like there are about 4 drorwfin races so why not have it so you can pick either of them and just have each one have some diff unit types same for ealfs and humans and orcs ect..
2.they should also have it so u can make ur owe hero and aswell as adding to the normal heros
and if u were to have idea 1. u could pick the human race and then make ur owen army like take some units from the rohan and gundor ect..
srry for bad spell check p.s. the game should be able to run on Xbox 360 idc even if i have to use 4GB of space i would still get it:D


Jan 11, 2013
I'm quite of a perfectionist and i want the custom hero images changed, if you have a helmet that should be visible on the image, also small pieces from the mail and shoulderguards should be seen.

take away the special units, fix upgrades to the weak orcs, and remove black orcs. Improve rohan spearmen and add rohan footsoldiers and archers like the ones in (Lord of the rings Two Towers) orc pike men and last. cavalry archers should move an shoot arrows at the same time.

If you order for example an battalion of rohhirim with bows to attack an army they should trampel and fire arrows so they are vulnerable to pikes.


Jan 13, 2013
I'd like a game that isn't remotely connected to the 'Age Of Empires' Format, where you control the army from looking down on it all. I want a game where you are in the action, you play as a character and you go through every encounter this person faces. Let me give you an example, if you chose Bilbo Baggins as the character you portray, then you would be doing everything he did like when he fell inside the cavern of goblins, he was not with his company of Dwarves and Gandalf, he was by himself. Talking to Gollum, escaping Gollum, catching up to his company. Things that this character did himself. You can still be Bilbo when you're with the company, I just meant that if you were Bilbo that's what you would experience. Say if you were Kili then you would use a bow mostly. I don't know if you have guessed for yourself but, I'm almost referring to a similar gameplay as that of Dragonball Z Budokai 3. Thanks for ready. Give us a like, yeah?


Nov 5, 2011
They should base the game on the war of the ring (before the events of fellowship) and add two more armies. add the create a hero from rise of the witch king and improve the system plus add a whole bunch of more units and stuff. I highly doubt they couldn't improve the system on what they made over six years ago. Its a damn shame they shut the servers down on lotr:bfme 2 for 360...I actually think a third in the next few years would sell because of re-newed interest via the hobbit movies...
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Mar 26, 2013
what to include in bfme III? well #2 rocked, i thought. so use that as a base. i think that all races should be represented as tolkien seen them, so id include hobbits and ents in there also, in amongst the elvish and dwarven races and that of men. the goblin race should also be seen as one in its own right. and i think that larger tech tree, for all races would be an improvement. also, for strategy games like this and starcraft etc...ive always thought that units with high kill scores should get exp points and become heroes of sorts...exp points awarded every 50 kills and to be used for abilities etc. other than that, will have to get back to you. izzy


No Longer a Noob
Dec 5, 2013
More maps with more players allowed to play and teams to join.
New types of characters, abilities, buildings of course.
Maybe if its based in the Hobbit you could hunt Smaug for bonuses during Skirmish, like finding gollum got you the ring type of deal.
Main thing would be a more advanced AI, make them less predictable.
Loved the first two, would definitely buy a new one.


Jun 16, 2013
There should be something like terrain bonuses like in Civ V (E.G Elven archers get a +50% dmg and speed bonus in woods and Uruks get +50% dmg on barren wastelands). I'v played both BFME's and I didn't see too many real life tactical bonuses such as flanking. Units should have specific bonuses and disadvantages in certain areas like in Civ V....

And they shouldn't shut down the game servers.
Jan 25, 2014
they should add randomness to battles. i meen like in #2 i did pikemen vs. swordsmen like 18 times IT WAS ALWAYS THE SAME OUT COME AND SORVIVERS. thay should make it that every battle will have a slightly different outcome.


Aug 10, 2014
Hello all, decided to throw my hat into the ring or so to speak. I personally believe that they should make the hero maker more integrated into the game and specifically for use in the campaign. You should be able to make a character out of one of many of the races and similar to an RPG give them skills and equipment and then as the game goes on to earn better equipment and things. After making a hero you can then choose the faction they lead and the campaign would take place after the war of the ring. There would still be massive pockets of orcs and other nasty beasties that would have new masters attempting to grab power while other heroes would lead what is left of the armies of the free peoples of middle earth. Once more you should be able to carry that hero over to your multiplayer game so every army can be different or try to make it so.