No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
Batarian Spotted in 'Prepare for Platinum' Teaser.
Game Trailer on July 04, 2017

Bioware has sent out a new trailer for Mass Effect: Andromeda and multiplayer. Platinum difficulty will be added soon according to the video, but what is most interesting is that it closes with a Batarian, a race that was not present at all in the single player campaign.

According to the lore of MEA, Batarians are not present on any of the Arks, at least as far as we know. The only Ark currently missing is the Quarian Ark that is said to also have Volus, Drell and Hanar aboard as well. Where Batarians come into play remains unknown. Perhaps a future lore piece about the next multiplayer mission will be added soon to provide insight.



No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
So, either they're going to resolve the Quarian Ark in the mission briefings for Multiplayer or they're going to release a Quarian Ark single player DLC at the same time they release the Platinum Multiplayer.


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I think it's a little shitty that we see a Batarian in Andromeda before we see a Quarian.

Batarians weren't even invited as far as I know, but the Ark full of Quarians, Volus, Hanar, Drell, and Elcor is still unseen, yet a species that wasn't even supposed to make it to Andromeda is showin up?

I mean, I don't have any major problem with Batarians, but just seems shitty. Why not just throw in some Vorcha for shits and giggles too?

BioWare/EA obviously has to be aware that even though there is a section of fans that were disappointed in the game and didn't get it, there is still a large section that disappointed or not, still purchased the game and are working with them through the missteps. I know they hear them asking for the DLC. Stop playin around with these APEX missions and give us the DLC, or at least make a statement about it. It's getting annoying that they just keep saying nothing.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
So apparently the story is they're only 2 Batarians. They were hidden on the Salarian Ark as they turned on their firmer gang and were being hunted. So they were offered asylum. Only one has been released, but the other will be released in mp eventually, as they were found by someone data mining the next update. I'm wondering if the second one might be a female Batarian. That would be interesting as we've never seen one before.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
Although I think the Batarians would've been a lot more interesting in a Quarian Ark single player DLC. As it being that they smuggled pods of themselves on board the Quarian Ark and it messed up some stuff and that was the reason it was delayed. Then the Batarians woke up early and there was a battle between them and the Quarian Ark crew for control. I think that would've been an interesting story. But maybe that's just me.


Just Some Guy
Jul 6, 2008
Depths of Obscurity
I def think introducing any new races to the game would be better fit by doing it in SP DLC as apposed to MP Apex missions, but that's me. Apparently that's all we're getting at this point.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 10, 2009
If we haven't heard anything by the end of next month I think it will be pretty safe to assume we're not getting any SP DLC. Because ME3 was released in March and the first DLC wasn't until mid August. Andromeda was released March 21. So if by the end August there's no word then there's no hope. They also didn't even mention the dlc until like a day or two before the released it. So we shall see. Lol!