
Almost Not a Noob
May 14, 2011
Anyone else completely stuck at the first boss battle? I have no combat-centric augs (only hacking and stealth ones) and my best gun is a silenced 10mm with laser sight, which isn't phasing this guy at all. Horrible. Seven tries, most of them barely lasting more than a minute. This is an extremely rude and disappointing discovery. I wish the game let you know it was going to come down to brawn and that focusing on hacking computers and carrying light weaponry was going to result in certain death.

Anyone think there's a remote chance a patch will weaken this guy for those of use who built a stealth character? This is a game-killer for me. I don't have the skill to outshoot this guy or the heart to start over from the beginning.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I posted my general strategy in the "Does the boss difficulty adjust if you suck" thread. Something a friend told me but haven't personally tried is maxing Typhoon aug, I think he said 3 blasts and the boss was done.


Almost Not a Noob
May 14, 2011
matt82881 said:
I posted my general strategy in the "Does the boss difficulty adjust if you suck" thread. Something a friend told me but haven't personally tried is maxing Typhoon aug, I think he said 3 blasts and the boss was done.

It might well work, but I'll never know: Too late to get that aug and too far along to start over. I was absolutely LOVING the game up to this battle. Unqualified adoration. I loved it so much I sank hours upon hours into it in one day as I hunted down guards and took them out stealthily one by one. So satisfying. And now, ughh. Can't believe it. I'm giving serious consideration to selling it back now to cut my losses. A real shame, but after watching YouTube vids of people beating this guy, I don't think I have the patience to unload 20+ headshots. Hell, I can't stay alive that long.
Aug 6, 2011
Dude, use grenades and cover. Move around and sprint when you do.

It was probably "extremely rude and disappointing" to find out that you suck.


Got a gang of tanqueray and bubonic chronic
Sep 6, 2010
all i did was go in one of those ammo rooms and shotgun him in the face repeatedly


Almost Not a Noob
May 14, 2011
TheEsquireEsq said:
Dude, use grenades and cover. Move around and sprint when you do.

It was probably "extremely rude and disappointing" to find out that you suck.

I don't have grenades. Playing as a stealth character, I didn't leave room in my limited inventory for them since noise reduction was priority.

I "suck"? Friend, I'm not one of these guys who feels his manhood slighted by poor video game performances. I truly hope you're younger than 13. Otherwise, your weak jab tells a sad story.
Aug 6, 2011
Here's an idea of something you could do instead of whining on IGN about how betrayed you feel: switch out your inventory for stuff that it's in the room. Switch it back after the fight. Or don't. Just give up and sell the game because there's probably no patch coming. Plenty of people chose stealthy characters and plenty of those people have beaten Barrett, myself included. Clearly it's not a "game ruiner." The problem seems to be with you, friend.


Aug 24, 2006
I did it first time with no combat augs, I just threw two UR-DED bombs at his feet right at the start so they caused a chain reaction with the canister behind him then I shot him a couple of times with the combat rifle then finished with blind fire pistol shot... job done.

BTW pistol had armour piercing if that makes a difference and may have got a head shot luckily :D


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
People are having difficulty with that boss fight? Wow...

Even play as a stealth character it is easy. There are items littered throughout the main area and in the surrounding rooms to use.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 3, 2005
I quit.

I through my vizio remote off the wall, I'm selling this stupid game on Ebay.

This boss absolutely ruined the game for me. Cred to the OP!


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 5, 2010
Seems they went to far in making games way too easy these days that any little challenge causes the kiddies to throw a fit. I may be aging myself but I remember trying the water level in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game over and over again as a kid until I finally beat it man that was a challenge but it was great fun and even better when I beat it. Part of fun is not being perfect and having trouble getting through a part of game until you figure out an effective strategy by learning the enemy's moves, weakness, and level layout.


Almost Not a Noob
May 14, 2011
Dante86dmc said:
People are having difficulty with that boss fight? Wow...

Even play as a stealth character it is easy. There are items littered throughout the main area and in the surrounding rooms to use.

I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say how impressed we are that you managed to secure a victory against a digital enemy on your home gaming machine. No doubt your local civic leaders are organizing a large but tasteful ceremony in your honor. Do think twice, though, about that commemorative tattoo you're planning; you might come to regret it later.

Also, please accept our apologies: When we maligned this part of the game, we hadn't realized you'd helped develop it and couldn't anticipate that you'd feel so stung that you'd litter several threads with insipid posts devoid of useful content or even a shred of humor. Next time I'm having a rough time with a video game, I'll be sure to avoid doing something so wildly inappropriate as venting on a message board dedicated to video games.

Do you have any intention of writing anything interesting any time soon or are you just sticking to emoticons? (Emoticons are a pretty soft look for a guy, by the way.)


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
One emoticon equals using them all the time? You are so mad right now, it really is hilarious. I'm not boasting at being able to play the game, I'm laughing at you crying over it like a child. The game provides the slightest bit of a challenge and you decide that the game should burn in hell. You're entertaining, I'll give you that.

EDIT: The two laughing emoticons were just to show that I found the crying humorous. It really is funny, especially seeing you call it the worst boss fight of all time just because you can't beat it.


Aug 20, 2000
Yes, the bossfights in this game were ill-concieved and some can boil down to sheer luck depending on your character's augs. Its not a matter of skill, but of having the right augs to give you a fighting chance. For example if you don't have your dermal armor upgraded fully or at least have the EMP upgrade the second boss can be infuriating since you cannot avoid damage when the floor becomes electrocuted. Normally, when your character takes damage its because the player did something wrong; didn't take cover, stood in fire ect ect. Its usually not a required gameplay component of a fight, at least not a properly executed one.

Human Revolution is a great game; I really liked it. It also has flaws, and the boss fights are one of them.


Aug 27, 2011
chris119 said:
Yes, the bossfights in this game were ill-concieved and some can boil down to sheer luck depending on your character's augs. Its not a matter of skill, but of having the right augs to give you a fighting chance. For example if you don't have your dermal armor upgraded fully or at least have the EMP upgrade the second boss can be infuriating since you cannot avoid damage when the floor becomes electrocuted.

I've been running a stealth/hacker for my first play through, so almost all of my augs are in areas that dont help in a face to face fight. But I have to say the second boss was one of the easiest boss fights I've ever had, there where never any elec floor stuff. Only attack she did was the up close grenade spam. I've been keeping a upgraded combat rifle with me, the achievements said I could go all out on the bosses and not hurt my no kill achievement, so commonsense swirling around my head told me to keep a boss gun handy. Upgraded with the target seeking/laser and faster reloads makes for one mean rifle, and two clips later second boss was toast. I guess I could have just gotten really lucky, but so far people are making these bosses out to be a lot more then they really are. My suggestion would be if your a noncombat player, then carry at least one upgradded weapon (second D's for a double dose of pimpn) and a few emp nades. Makes bosses seem less bossy. But thats just my two cents


Feb 10, 2009
jacktres said:
Dante86dmc said:
People are having difficulty with that boss fight? Wow...

Even play as a stealth character it is easy. There are items littered throughout the main area and in the surrounding rooms to use.

I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say how impressed we are that you managed to secure a victory against a digital enemy on your home gaming machine. No doubt your local civic leaders are organizing a large but tasteful ceremony in your honor. Do think twice, though, about that commemorative tattoo you're planning; you might come to regret it later.

Also, please accept our apologies: When we maligned this part of the game, we hadn't realized you'd helped develop it and couldn't anticipate that you'd feel so stung that you'd litter several threads with insipid posts devoid of useful content or even a shred of humor. Next time I'm having a rough time with a video game, I'll be sure to avoid doing something so wildly inappropriate as venting on a message board dedicated to video games.

Do you have any intention of writing anything interesting any time soon or are you just sticking to emoticons? (Emoticons are a pretty soft look for a guy, by the way.)

I love how you're trying to turn this on a guy while starting a thread that clearly whines about you not being able to beat the boss. And also, thank you for proving that with your superior use of the English language and accomplishments in real life you can dominate the internet (see what I did there friend?).

Yes, it is a pretty piss poor design choice to make the game with this much freedom and then put in very specific boss fights, but it's a minor inconvenience. There are always items in each boss room that help you with the fight. I played a stealth build too and I always had a machine pistol ready with a silencer, and kept an assault rifle around in case things got bad and I got detected. I don't know what it is that is taking up your inventory so much, but if you do a few takedowns on that level you can have all the ammo you need. Just throw a grenade or stun gun the boss, throw a few red barrels at him and voila.

Oh, and I'm sorry the game neglected to hold your hand during a sequence that is supposed to be challenging.


The chimp is here
Jan 27, 2008
-Use grenades
-If you don't have grenades, find some in the room
-Throw those explosive/gas barrels at him
-Run around, hide when he starts throwing grenades at you
-Don't stay in one place too long
-He is slow and loses sight of you easily


Almost Not a Noob
May 14, 2011
SL.x, not sure what "accomplishments in real life" I cited. Probably because I said nothing of the sort, but don't let accuracy get in the way of a dull tsk-tsking session, right? You and Dante86 bruise a little too easily and I don't feel like it would be very sporting of me to keep on with this. I really didn't expect other players to rise to their feet, red-faced, jowls wobbling and index fingers pointed skyward as they defended a section of the game that someone else thought sucked.

So let's try this again. What I meant to say was, "I'm a very poor Deus Ex player and an even worse person, but even a wretch like me can appreciate a boss battle which rises to the level of art and will likely spark its own religion, so perfect and inspiring is the figure of Barrett."

I apologize for offending you ladies and will be sure to temper my posts with emoticons in the future.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
So much fail in everything you type. It's like you have no idea how you look to everyone else. You call those that oppose you ladies and yet you've done nothing but cry like a child and make a dramatic thread about how a game has been ruined because of one boss fight that didn't hold your hand and therefore you couldn't beat it. No one had a problem with someone being unable to pass a boss fight, the problem was with the dramatic thread, overly harsh criticism of the game to mask a players short comings, etc. There's no point in arguing with you because you have no idea how silly you look.


Almost Not a Noob
May 14, 2011
Dante86dmc said:
So much fail in everything you type. It's like you have no idea how you look to everyone else. You call those that oppose you ladies and yet you've done nothing but cry like a child and make a dramatic thread about how a game has been ruined because of one boss fight that didn't hold your hand and therefore you couldn't beat it. No one had a problem with someone being unable to pass a boss fight, the problem was with the dramatic thread, overly harsh criticism of the game to mask a players short comings, etc. There's no point in arguing with you because you have no idea how silly you look.

What's wrong with a dramatic thread? Generates interest. A little hyperbole draws responses. Unfortunately, some responses are joyless and flat like yours, but others kicked in actual bits of advice without getting sore and without the matronly finger-wagging. Probably those people didn't take my criticism of the game personally, which makes sense if you think about it: They didn't make the game. They shrugged and said, "Hmm. I didn't have the same problem. Here's what I did." You? You leapt to your feet so quickly you probably knocked over your chair and upset your glass of Ensure. Your defense of the poor game would've been impressive and chivalrous if, well, it wasn't a video game you were defending.

Anyhow, it's been fun chatting with you, but I'm going to excuse myself from this thread. Thanks to all you to those who pitched in some tips. I managed to get past this part thanks to you.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
I love that you ignored the fact that other threads were made laughing at you and the fact that you were crying and criticizing a game just because you couldn't beat it. I didn't take your criticism of the game personally, I simply found it hilarious that you criticized the game and wanted to quit it after only five attempts. I feel really sorry for you that you have no sense of perseverance and expect a game to hold your hand at all times.


Feb 16, 2008
SMOGmonkey said:
-Use grenades
-If you don't have grenades, find some in the room
-Throw those explosive/gas barrels at him
-Run around, hide when he starts throwing grenades at you
-Don't stay in one place too long
-He is slow and loses sight of you easily

I most definitely caught hell w/ this too OP, so honestly don't feel bad. When I when into this fight most of my augs went into the social & hacking things--I had a few sparse prax pts thrown into some strength augs, but nothing major--so this fight was a helluva battle for me too. But I'm thankful that I had at least some passable weapon mods & pretty good amount of grenades.

.....and let me tell you, those grenades are seriously your golden ticket to kicking this bastard's ass.

I tried many times (and deaths) w/ the whole trying to throw the barrels & canisters crap but frankly that sucked for me b/c of endless supply bullets...and headshooting him? Pfft, don't even hardly if at all play any FPS type games so that's not really my forte and didn't work as effectively either (though did do somewhat better using my machine pistol in terms of blind-firing is his ass a bit).

But strangely enough after over several hours (and countless deaths) w/ asshat--the quickest way I actually got him? A couple of shots (more by accident then a deliberate plan, lol) and 3 grenades--all frag ones....he went down in less than 5 minutes (to my deliriously stupid surprise!!). No lie.

The first one I hit him w/ was actually just escape plan method I came up w/ for when I went in that first weapon room on the side--as I always seem to have that mofo trap me in there (as I'm getting some much need supplies). So my plan was really to use the frag grenade to disorient him long enough so that I could slip past him and get to the other from (in far side of the 'fight' area). Now THIS room would probably be of big use to you as it is the one that has not only 1 frag grenade but also an EMP one as well. I heard EMP one does a helluva good job on him b/c when it hits it really blows the hell out of his currents of whatever and I think he stays stunned & disoriented far longer. Of course as irony would have it I actually got him down before I even had to use it (as I was keep the EMP grenade as the last resort/finisher).

The second frag grenade I got him w/ I actually happen to toss it near one of those red barrels--so I'm sure that added damage as well, plus sprinkling maybe like 2 shots around to his head--and last one (which I actually did think it would BE the last one) I caught him near a one of the columns....which not what I think about, I wonder if there was a fire extinguisher hanger there which is sped up me killing him?

As SMOGmonkey mentioned, the key (it honest to god took me some time to get down) is to keep moving & duck out of his sight when you can. If you've built even remotely on stealth then make that an advantage for you b/c he seriously is stupid as hell, lol. I didn't my best work at him when he lost sight of me.

But above all else...don't give up!! I know that sounds corny as hell but really don't do it. I was at a breaking point too, but w/ some persistence, craftiness, and hell even some luck, lol, you CAN be him.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Stun guns and there are plenty of explosives and weapons in the little alcoves in the storage bay.


Super Star
Nov 3, 2003
here is a strategy that should work for most weapons.. i used the STun Gun.... all my augs were towards Hacking and Stealth... no combat up grades whatso ever..

stay in cover... when he throws the grenades.... RUN AT HIM... RIGHT AT HIM>. takes hima whle to pull his gun back up... you can run at him and get a Point Blank shot at him..... then take cover again till he throws more grenades... run at him again...

Nov 11, 2009
TheEsquireEsq said:
Dude, use grenades and cover. Move around and sprint when you do.

This. Use stun grenades and headshots. Run away when he recovers from the stun. Then do the same with frag grenades. It only took me 2 tries so I know this works.


Everybody's cute! But in Purple, I'm stunning!
Aug 1, 2002
The room is chokefull of BOOM-boxes and gas canisters. If you're expending any supply at all you've played too many Modern Warfare clones.


Previously hardcore_resi_fan
Aug 9, 2010
Dear Lord, people complain when things are easy, and then complain when they are faced by a challenge.

My Jensen is a pure Stealth character, and I died once in this fight. I have a fully upgraded inventory, so I've been stashing as much stuff as I can, and only droping stuff when something more valuable comes along.

I'm pretty sure there's a nice stash just before the fight too.

Anyway, I immediately chucked three Frag Grenades at his feet, then opened up on his face with a bog standard Combat Rifle. Fight took less than twenty seconds.


Prime Member
Jun 11, 2010
Okay guys, lets not be uncool about this.

Barret is relatively simple to take down. Littered around the combat space are several canisters. Some have knockout gas (which stuns him), and others have explosive matter. When the fight starts, take cover behind the pillar to your immediate right. First chance you get, there is a green canister behind you. Grab it and toss it at him. While he's stunned, grab a red barrel and toss that at him. While he's recovering, sprint to another part of the room, and toss another red barrel at him, making sure to avoid his triple-grenade toss, and his minigun. Especially when carrying a barrel.

There are also some weapons and various ammo packs littered around, so you might be able to find some grenades to deal with him quickly.

He only takes about 3 barrels, I think.

And as a future tip, bring some explosives on the major missions - it will make the boss fights a cakewalk. EMP/Gas grenades to stun, Frags/UR-DED packs for damage, and you're golden.

If you have the Augmented edition, or at least access to the "Tong's Rescue" mission, unpon successful completion of that mission you will receive a Grenade Launcher. Keep it. It's super useful against bossess.

I hope this helps you out.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
firesq4014 said:
2 bosses down with nothing but the stun gun. The 2nd was actually easier than the first.[face_dancing]
That's because she tends to run towards you for that shocker [face_mischief]


Dec 12, 2009
Dunno. Playing a stealth character as well, didn't have any problems. A combat rifle with laser sights fits nicely into my inventory (expanded by 1 slot only) along wit silenced pistol, sniper and trank gun plus all the ammo viruses and boosters.

Emptied two clips from combat rifle into the dude and he went down like a charm.


Mar 15, 2009
I have a mix of run and gun and stealth character going on ... and after reading all these complains I was expecting to be shocked when I fought him. After dying twice ( once was my mistake ) I just ran into the ammo rooms , hid behind a pillar and box , he tossed some grenades , they blew up with me unharmed and I emptied a clip into his face ... he dropped , took like 15-20 seconds.


Sep 11, 2011
Not sure what setting all you saying it is easy are on but on the hardest setting this is stupid. I have 200 health before starting the fight I have been working on the stealth route so my dermal armour is only rank 1 but after the initial burst of shots he throws 3 greneades in different directions and 1 is enough to kill me.

When a boss can literally 1 shot you yet you have to hit him with numerous exploding barrels grenades and mines to kill him its seriously unbalanced.

I have completed the game already on an easier setting and know the other bosses are much easier so why the hell put the hardest boss at the end of the 1st area.

Eidos screwed up in this area.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 5, 2010
Hide behind cover on the left wait until he stops shooting and just spam five frag mine. I didn't even get hit once with this method on the hardest setting.


Sep 13, 2011
Read the messages on this board as like most been totally frustrated by this boss. Beat him tonight and not that hard once you know. This is what worked for me.

Arm yourself with any grenade ideally a frag grenade which is what I used. As soon as the screen shot ends hit barret with the grenade and move directly right into the corner where you will find a gas cannister, pick it up and turn to barret who is still slightly dazed and through it at him. Move down the right hand side of the room and you come to a barrel of fuel. Pick this up turn and throw it at him. Keep moving down the room until you come to another fuel barrel. Pick this up and throw it at him again and he dies.

As long as you hit him each time you throw an item and move immediately after he is either dazed or looking the wrong way when you throw the next item.

Good Luck


Previously hardcore_resi_fan
Aug 9, 2010
On my hard playthrough I Stun Gun-ed him to death. He just stands there shaking after each hit, with enough time to fire the next one, Rinse and repeat. Once I'd stunned him once, I did the rest of the right with one hand whilst I drank a cup of coffee. [face_tongue]


Sep 21, 2011
my friend you suck big time how dumb are you???

just pick up the red barrels and throw them at him three or four time and its lights out problem solved!!!
Oct 17, 2010
Already said, but I'll say it again. Use grenades. It took me three direct frag hits to down him, easy. I immediately dove into the room to my left and tossed until he died. Fyi, my augs were the same; stealth and hacking. You can always try lowering the difficulty if you need to.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 19, 2004
I've already beat the game so difficulty isn't the question, but the boss battles did ruin the game. Take the boss battles out, the game is pretty damn good. Put them in, it adds boring repetitiveness to the game that was unneeded.


Prime Member
Jun 5, 2002
I just shot him three times with the rocket launcher I picked up. It was easy. I am also playing as a stealth/hacker and when you come across a rocket launcher, you take it.


Oct 12, 2011
darkranger23 said:
Already said, but I'll say it again. Use grenades. It took me three direct frag hits to down him, easy. I immediately dove into the room to my left and tossed until he died. Fyi, my augs were the same; stealth and hacking. You can always try lowering the difficulty if you need to.

Don't lower your difficulty if you are playing for THAT achievement though.


Jun 7, 2011
I beat the game probably last week sometime, and I played through the way I wanted to. I did I mixture of steal with combat and had a blast doing it. Barret was the only boss battle in the game that pissed me off. I understand the frustration as his gun never runs out of ammo, he grabs you when you're two feet away from him and just when you think you've taken cover he throws three grenades at you.

First off, this was legitimately one of my first FPS games that I have played since I am a big RPG type of person, so in the beginning it was extremely frustrating and I almost wanted to get rid of the game too. After much trial and error, I realized the flaw in my actions and saw that even if you had done stealth the entire way there are plenty of guns/ammo littered all over the battlefield you are playing on. The trick is getting to them without dying, which can be challenging, BUT square/eidos laid out all of the tools required for you to beat this boss right in front of you. It just takes multiple retries (if you are like me and absolutely sucked at FPS games).

I can say after beating it, this game is one of the best games I have ever played due to how strongly the story sucked me into the game and how beautiful everything was as you explored the different areas. The grainy/gritty atmosphere just heightened how horrible you know things are going to eventually become in the latter chapters. Don't give up on this game. I'm on my second run through now playing on hard mode trying to get my stealth trophy and it's HARD. But not hard enough to master, my friend. The power is at your finger tips, maybe you just need to take a breather and play some mindless platformer for a little bit. That's what I did when I got mad at the game!

People who are hating on him, your comments are all quite funny, just remember we've all been in that situation before where no matter what you did you couldn't win, and at some point you wanted to throw the game out the window or get your money back.


Dec 5, 2008
Obnavox said:
I just shot him three times with the rocket launcher I picked up. It was easy. I am also playing as a stealth/hacker and when you come across a rocket launcher, you take it.

:^ONothings says stealth like a rocket launcher.


Aug 4, 2001
Wait till you get to the third boss....

I too was playing as a stealth character. Two frag grenades to his feet, then Assault Rifle to the face. He went down without me even moving from the spot you start in. Easy peasy. I had no dermal armor or weapon augs either.

On the subject of augs, I never used any until I reached a point in the game where I needed them - so on the second boss I had multiple free praxis kits to upgrade my armor and electrical resistence for that particular fight. By the end of the game, I think I still had 5 free...

Hardest fight in the game is saving your pilot, especially if your weaponry is stealth focused. But after a million goes, I did it. With multiple Typhoon blasts mostly. With the exception of the bosses, these were the first guys I 'killed' in the game up to that point. But she wasn't dying on my watch dammit...


Prime Member
Mar 20, 2007
I believe it took me a full 20 minutes to beat this guy. Number one clue: SAVE REPEATEDLY. This may be extremely cheap, but so is the boss-fight on the hardest difficulty. Start the battle off by charging into the weapons stash, pick up everything you can and unload on the guy. ALWAYS stay behind cover and use explosives to your advantage. There are a few canisters lying around that you can shoot that will damage him. If you have a TYPHOON system and it's fully upgraded, use it. Always stay as far away from him as possible. I had mainly stealth, hacking, and mobility augs. I had a bit of a quicker sprint and the 3 meter jump or whatever it was. So he couldn't catch me. It's all trial and error, don't let this boss fight ruin a great game for you.
Apr 4, 2009
my second run is based on full pacifist for achement and my weapons are only taze and rife tranqulaiser so I got barret down by using granades and throw those explosive barrers