
Jan 19, 2007
Kamille, Judau, Banagher, Seabook, and Uso are the choices. I left Amuro out intentionally.

My vote goes towards Judau. He practically made Haman piss her pants in fear once.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2000
You forgot Char, he's just as much the main character of Zeta as Kamille. They share the spot light really.

Besides Char always wins in a badass competition because of the Char kick.


Jun 11, 2010
Kamille Bidan. He was probably to be the most powerful pilot in the Gundam Universe, period. Even Amuro said kamille would be stronger than himself, but didn't reach that potential due to Scirocco's Mind Rape. But even still, Kamille is the MAN!


Jan 19, 2007
Yea I would say that Kamille would be the number one contender in my opinion. He was guiding Judau and communicating with the others despite being little more than a vegetable early on in ZZ. But even he never made Haman quiver in fear or anything.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2000
Yeah well part of that probably comes from the difference in there relationships. Kamille was more concerned with Scirocco then he was Haman whom was mostly Char's problem. Besides Haman's relationship with Judau was... complicated.


Jun 11, 2010
It's hard to compete with the likes of kamille. he was the MC of the general consenses' best gundam show, with one of the most badazz Gundams ever. Quite frankly, the likes of Seabook, Judau, and Uso have no chance pal, NO CHANCE.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2000
Now wait a minutes, in Uso's defense his balls haven't even dropped yet and he was putting up with even more **** then Kamille. Given the opportunity I'd say Uso could surpass him.


Jan 19, 2007
I concede to the fact that Zeta was a more popular Gundam series than ZZ. That doesn't necessarily mean that the character was better though.

As far as ZZ is concerned, I would say that it would have had more popularity had it not started off as as much of a kid's show. After that first episode things got a bit more serious but at that point it was too late for it to be as serious as Zeta. Victory had some problems with coherence. This could have partially been attributed to some translation issues. F91 and Unicorn are too short to directly compete as series.

Anyways this is meant to be more of an issue of which character was better as opposed to which series was better. Also which series is the best has more variables and is even more opinionated. So as to further eliminate other possible variables, consider each pilot in the same suit, or maybe no suit at all.

If I'm not mistaken, Kamille got his ass beat by Mr. Wong whereas Judau turned the tables and smacked Mr. Wong a few. Judau also was able to pilot a "broken" mobile suit half way effectively.


Jun 11, 2010
Kamille also jumped into a crowd of titan pilots and FALCON PAWNCHED jerid masa after being insulted. Hardcore villainous pilot or old politician guy? yeah, i think Jerid is kind of tougher. Kamille qas just less willing to strike a higher ranking officer.

I remember having this conversation before. And when it comes to Tomino Trilogy Protagonists in terms of skills, apparently they were created as such.

Kamille has the greatest newtype potential (which is pretty much the best talents to be the best at) but the worst when it comes to raw skill without relying on newtype powers.

Judau was the best pilot using his own natural skill without having newtype powers, but his newtype powers have developed the worst, which against the other newtype greats, is a big disdvantage.

Amuro Has a perfet blend of natural skill and newtype powers, putting both right in the middle, probably reason why he is known as the greatest.

Keep note, this scaling is just out of the three. Uso and Seebook weren't talked about in this conversation because it was pretty clear they were not much match for tomino trilogy newtype protaonists


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2000
Actually Amuro's the stronger Newtype, in fact I think he's probably the strongest in the whole series with the possible exception of Lalah.

The key difference is Amuro can actively use his telepathy were most Newtypes including Kamille seem to do this passively or by instinct in high stress situations. Even then that's just the fully developed ones, weaker ones like Mirai and Sayla only reach that early level were Newtype ability can't be confused with good reflexes and intuition.

Also there's also the fact that Amuro was able to push back a meteor with an explosion of mental energy. Granted it was with an unstable/overclocked enhancement and at a moment of death which seems to boost a Newtype's abilities (well at least there's three examples that could be evidence of this). Regardless I have my doubts that Kamille would have been able to pull that off.

EDIT: Its not because they weren't in the first three series that they're talked about. Hell Tomino made both of those two so I'm not sure were you get this trilogy non-sense from. The reason they're not talked about much is because they series didn't focus on their Newtype abilities. The original introduced the concept while Zeta and ZZ expanded on it so we got to see a lot form there main characters. Like wise CCA had everyone in a Newtype use MS and pitted Char and Amuro against each other once and for all so it goes with out saying there would be a heavy focus on Newtypes.

Now why F91 and Victory didn't focus on there main character abilities, well:
F91 was pressed for time and didn't really develop Seabook at all. This was a side effect of it being a TV series cut down to movie length. In fact we never really confirm if Seabook is a Newtype to begin with. All we get is everyone saying he must be a Newtype because he solved a circuity puzzle his mom made.

As for Victory, from a Newtype perspective it wasn't about the hero maturing into one so much as it was about showing the evils of weaponizing them. Victory MS tech as also evolved to the point where Newtypes aren't necessary for remote weapons. As a whole it shows the Zeon Deikum was full of crap and that Newtypes wont lead us to an enlightened future because everyone just see them as weapons, and well they tend to play the part. Not only that but as weapons they're already becoming obsolete unless you want to commit an act of genocide. Needless to say focusing on Uso's evolution into psychic badass of Amuro or Kamille level would have muddied the message. Also Uso was earth born and raised then settled down on earth again after the war so he never got the chance to fully develop to that level and probably never will. Besides it was his girlfriend that ended up being the Newtype power house in that series.


Jan 19, 2007
Just so happen to be rewatching Zeta Gundam again and I need to point something out. Kamille did try against Wong but then got smacked a couple times and then stopped fighting. The same can't be said for when Judau fought Wong. If memory serves correctly, Judau didn't even get touched by Wong. The topic is more or less dead, I just wanted to point out the fact so that there isn't any ambiguity when it comes to that specific topic.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2004
I've always thought that Newtypes would be judged by Newtype abilities rather than their physical strength, so it doesn't matter about all the fights that they've gotten into and lost or won.

That being said, it wasn't really Amuro exactly who pushed back the asteroid. The combined... I don't know what to call it... feelings? thoughts? determination?... of all the pilots who wanted to push back Axis caused the psychoframes on the Nu Gundam, and I assume maybe the Sazabi's cockpit too to overload.

As for Seabook, I think there's some evidence that he might not be a Newtype at all. The biocomputer on the F91 reads data from the battlefield and feeds it into the pilot's mind, letting ordinary pilots "sense" things in a Newtype-y way. Now obviously there wasn't time during the movie to develop it but Seabook shows up again in Crossbone Gundam, and just sort of is shown as a really stellar ace pilot than anything else. Also when Berah's cousin appears and reveals that she "collects" Newtypes, she's interested only in Tobia, making no mention of wanting or ever wanting Seabook.

Banagher was menioned too, but again it's not really him so much as the Gundam he pilots. In fact from the 3 episodes out so far I kind of get the sense that he might even be a Cyber Newtype rather than a real one: all those weird flashbacks of him in that weird chair with that metal eye patch thing, and Full Frontal's comment that it takes an enhanced human being to use the NT-D (though presumably a Newtype could do it too, it's just that he chooses to bring up Cyber Newtypes only). Anyway from his description of the NT-D it seems like Banagher isn't actually the one that does all those crazy things the Unicorn can do, like stealing funnels and what not.


Mar 7, 2011
Uso all of the way. His gundam Victory II's has the Buster, Assault & Assault Buster forms & the Wings of Light which gives him unrivaled combat potentional.
Jun 11, 2004
Since this board is pretty much dead I'll post anyway. [face_tongue]

Kamille. Channeling the dead to disable an enemy machine then 'kamikaze-ing' it is badass in my opinion.

Also, I'd just like to say that I feel that Lalah is the most powerful newtype. Her 'death' scene's imagery strongly suggested transcendence... Given her implied Hindu spiritual training, it's not at all an unreasonable conclusion.