
Oct 4, 2013
Okay, I dunno if this has happened for anybody else, but I think it's worth checking out. I tend to regularly keep an eye on the share prices on the LCN, and one that's really caught my eye is Augury Insurance. Once I completed the story, the other stocks kept fluctuating like normal, but Augury's stock has just kept skyrocketing. At one point, it was up as high as 200%! Is anybody else's Augury stock acting like this? This could be a HUGE potential source of income.
Feb 26, 2006
You must have missed out on the Pisswasser explosion a couple months back. Went from a couple bucks a share to well over a hundred. People made millions!


"Call me Ishmael."
May 24, 2008
I just finished the story the other day, so I took your tip about Augury Insurance and invested heavily. So far, after about one in-game week, the stock has been pretty neutral, just rising or falling by a few fractions of a cent. No big gains, no big losses.

Outside of the scripted effects from things like the assassination missions, I think the LCN's activity is just a randomly generated thing. Seems like it doesn't behave the same way for everyone at the same point in the game.

Rockstar should have developed the stock market a lot more and pumped some life into it. A useful phone contact would have been a Stock Broker who could manage your investments. As long as things were programmed so you'd gain more often than you'd lose, things should work out alright in the long term. As it stands now, having to get on the phone every 5 minutes to check your investments is a tedious inconvenient bore.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2013
Chicago suburb
I just finished the story the other day, so I took your tip about Augury Insurance and invested heavily. So far, after about one in-game week, the stock has been pretty neutral, just rising or falling by a few fractions of a cent. No big gains, no big losses.

Outside of the scripted effects from things like the assassination missions, I think the LCN's activity is just a randomly generated thing. Seems like it doesn't behave the same way for everyone at the same point in the game.

Rockstar should have developed the stock market a lot more and pumped some life into it. A useful phone contact would have been a Stock Broker who could manage your investments. As long as things were programmed so you'd gain more often than you'd lose, things should work out alright in the long term. As it stands now, having to get on the phone every 5 minutes to check your investments is a tedious inconvenient bore.

Check out the tip under the burger logo here:

Haven't tried it but it makes sense.

"The way to do this is relatively simple. Make sure you have a decent weapon, or preferably some explosives. Invest all your cash in [TacoBomb] (do this when share prices are low to maximise the financial gain), then travel to the far north of the map to Paleto Bay. In Paleto Bay is a Cluckin’ Bell depot, which, depending on the time of day, will contain several Cluckin’ Bell trucks. Destroy them to temporarily send your competitor spiralling out of the fast food market, and then sell your stocks when they peak."
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"Call me Ishmael."
May 24, 2008
When the game first launched, there was a lot of talk on this board about doing essentially the same thing with competing airlines. Blow up a bunch of planes from one company and profit with the other company. As far as I know, the entire thing turned out to be a hoax. Just some guy trying to get us to waste our money. The TacoBomb thing sounds much the same.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2013
Chicago suburb
When the game first launched, there was a lot of talk on this board about doing essentially the same thing with competing airlines. Blow up a bunch of planes from one company and profit with the other company. As far as I know, the entire thing turned out to be a hoax. Just some guy trying to get us to waste our money. The TacoBomb thing sounds much the same.

Thanks, I bought the game way past the release and missed all that.


Veritas ~ Aequitas
Dec 24, 2004
multiplying your money by saving the last four assassinations until after you finish the big score is the really only reason to "spend" time on the market.
turning 25mil into 1.5bil with each character, gives you enough money to pretty much buy anything.... repeatedly.


"Call me Ishmael."
May 24, 2008
Spent a lot of time on the market these past few days, and it's a complete and utter farce. Smoke and mirrors. Entirely randomly generated stock movement. Forget those "Bomb competitor 'A' and profit with competitor 'B' " how-to videos and strategy guides put up by "knowledgeable and experienced" gamers. They're all bullshit.

For example, I invested in TacoBomb and spent two in-game days destroying Cluckin' Bell trucks and evading Wanted Levels in Paleto Bay. After 25 Sticky Bombs, TacoBomb's stock was worth less than what I paid.

As sadie said, the best way to profit is to cash in the Assassination Missions after you've earned the final payout. Those missions are the the only influence you'll ever have on the markets.

Anyone who is stuck trying to wring blood from a stone and is forced to play the markets, don't pay attention to the blue line graphs that appear on every stock's market web page. They are random fabrications which neither display the stock's performance over the past 7 days nor do they display the stock's actual current price. These stupid and meaningless graphics can give you the impression that you're buying into a stock at a low price, when in fact you might be buying at or near the peak price.

For anyone who did the Assassination Missions before the final mission, and you really want to buy everything with your 25 million, there's some hope in the market, but it'll take a lot of time and tedium. Watch EMU stocks. (EmuAir). They have the second-cheapest stock price on the market, after Life Invader. EMU typically bottoms out around $3.50/share, and generally peaks around $4.55/share, sometimes going as high as $4.70-$4.90. The cycle between trough and peak is about an in-game week, but sometimes it can stall and take twice as long.

Honestly, you'd probably invest less time and have a whole hell of a lot more fun by starting a new game and playing through again, keeping the Assassination Missions on the back burner this time.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2013
Chicago suburb
Spent a lot of time on the market these past few days, and it's a complete and utter farce. Smoke and mirrors. Entirely randomly generated stock movement. Forget those "Bomb competitor 'A' and profit with competitor 'B' " how-to videos and strategy guides put up by "knowledgeable and experienced" gamers. They're all bullshit.

For example, I invested in TacoBomb and spent two in-game days destroying Cluckin' Bell trucks and evading Wanted Levels in Paleto Bay. After 25 Sticky Bombs, TacoBomb's stock was worth less than what I paid.

Somehow, a long post I just put up is gone.
I talked my wife into buying a bunch of TacoBomb stock with all three characters and she blew up 7 Cluckin' Bell trucks. The stock has done nothing but drop since and she bought it fairly low ($243 or $244/share). I'm sorry I posted the link recommending it.
She's 30% in to the story and Franklin still has only $30k. Stocks aren't cutting it, she can't buy a business/property and she can't rob stores or sell cars like she sees me do online.
How the heck do you make money in story mode?!?!?!?

Edit: We'll give EMU a shot.
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Oct 4, 2013
To be honest, I think the whole stock market aspect was a dud move. When I think about making money in GTA, I'm thinking drug dealing, arms running, selling hot cars, that sort of thing. That stuff is infinitely more enjoyable than trying to manipulate a ridiculously unpredictable and frustrating stock market. I'm sick of losing money by investing in a company then watching their share prices plummet for the rest of the game.

Sorry, R*. I commend you for trying something new, but Grand Theft Auto is not about stock manipulation. It's about guns, drugs and cars. That's the way it should be, and that's where the money should be.
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"Call me Ishmael."
May 24, 2008
Spent a lot of time on the market these past few days, and it's a complete and utter farce. Smoke and mirrors. Entirely randomly generated stock movement. Forget those "Bomb competitor 'A' and profit with competitor 'B' " how-to videos and strategy guides put up by "knowledgeable and experienced" gamers. They're all bullshit.

For example, I invested in TacoBomb and spent two in-game days destroying Cluckin' Bell trucks and evading Wanted Levels in Paleto Bay. After 25 Sticky Bombs, TacoBomb's stock was worth less than what I paid.

Somehow, a long post I just put up is gone.
I talked my wife into buying a bunch of TacoBomb stock with all three characters and she blew up 7 Cluckin' Bell trucks. The stock has done nothing but drop since and she bought it fairly low ($243 or $244/share). I'm sorry I posted the link recommending it.
She's 30% in to the story and Franklin still has only $30k. Stocks aren't cutting it, she can't buy a business/property and she can't rob stores or sell cars like she sees me do online.
How the heck do you make money in story mode?!?!?!?

Edit: We'll give EMU a shot.

Don't feel bed for posting the link. You were trying to help, and had no way of knowing that the info was flawed. The people who put that info up were trying to help too, but the thing about the internet is that when bad info gets sent out, it stays forever.

Using EMU, or any other stock, becomes a real grind. You have to keep checking the markets every few minutes over the space of an in-game week or two, and after you sell off you still have to keep checking for the stock to drop, buy in again and repeat the cycle. Not much fun.

There's a quicker exploit you can use to pick up some easy cash: Every underwater wreck site has a respawning suitcase full of cash. The biggest one ($25K) is located not too far from shore, roughly SE from the Pacific Bluffs Country Club. It's also in shallow water, so you won't need scuba gear to get it, and there's almost 0% chance of encountering sharks at shallow depths. The case sits on top of some kind of abandoned underwater facility, next to a large open circular hatch. When you've nabbed the case, swim to the surface, pull out your phone and do a "Quick Save". After the save is done, reload that save. When the game reloads, the money case (and the underwater weapon pick-ups) will have respawned. Pick up the case again, surface, save and repeat as often as you like. 10 cycles gives you a quarter of a million, and takes a fraction of the time of waiting for the stock market to do anything useful.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2013
Chicago suburb
Thanks Evil-i. Unfortunately she already got that briefcase. Are there others you can swim to without scuba gear? We watched a YouTube video about them, but I only remember most being really deep down.


"Call me Ishmael."
May 24, 2008
But you can get the case to respawn as often as you wish using the Quick Save--->reload Quick Save rinse & repeat exploit.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2013
Chicago suburb
But you can get the case to respawn as often as you wish using the Quick Save--->reload Quick Save rinse & repeat exploit.

Even if she got there briefcase quite a while back and has saved/done missions....since then? She did go back a few times even days later and it's never there anymore.


"Call me Ishmael."
May 24, 2008
But you can get the case to respawn as often as you wish using the Quick Save--->reload Quick Save rinse & repeat exploit.

Even if she got there briefcase quite a while back and has saved/done missions....since then? She did go back a few times even days later and it's never there anymore.

If the case isn't there when you visit, swim to the surface, bring up the phone and try the Quick Save--->Load Game exploit. When the game reloads, the case should have respawned. (When doing the Quick Save, allow the swirling "Save" icon in the bottom right corner of the screen to finish swirling before selecting "Load Game" from the Pause Menu.)


"Call me Ishmael."
May 24, 2008
Taterman, the Saved Game you'll be reloading during "Load Game" is the save you just made with "Quick Save" on the phone. Sorry if wasn't clear.

You don't need the save from when you first visited the dive location.

When you get the money case to spawn, pick it up and swim to the surface. Do a Quick Save on the phone. Then go to the Pause Menu, to the Game tab, and select Load Game for the Quick Save you just did. (It'll be your most recent Save, at the top of the list.) When the game reloads, you'll be floating in the water at the dive site again, and the money case will have respawned. Swim down, collect the case and swim back to the surface. Bring up the phone, do another Quick Save by over-writing your previous Quick Save. Now Load Game again using the Quick Save you just made, and the case will have respawned again. Keep repeating this cycle of making a new Quick Save after every cash dive and reloading the newest Quick Save. The case will respawn every time the game loads the newest save.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2013
Chicago suburb
Taterman, the Saved Game you'll be reloading during "Load Game" is the save you just made with "Quick Save" on the phone. Sorry if wasn't clear.

You don't need the save from when you first visited the dive location.

When you get the money case to spawn, pick it up and swim to the surface. Do a Quick Save on the phone. Then go to the Pause Menu, to the Game tab, and select Load Game for the Quick Save you just did. (It'll be your most recent Save, at the top of the list.) When the game reloads, you'll be floating in the water at the dive site again, and the money case will have respawned. Swim down, collect the case and swim back to the surface. Bring up the phone, do another Quick Save by over-writing your previous Quick Save. Now Load Game again using the Quick Save you just made, and the case will have respawned again. Keep repeating this cycle of making a new Quick Save after every cash dive and reloading the newest Quick Save. The case will respawn every time the game loads the newest save.

That's the problem though, the money case hasn't been there since she first grabbed it.
She's gone back since then but no luck. She originally got it with Franklin, and even tried switching to Michael but it's still not there. It's been about 2-3 weeks since she grabbed it.


"Call me Ishmael."
May 24, 2008
Okay. Go to the dive site, float at the surface and do a Quick Save on the phone. Then select Load Game from the Pause Menu and load the QS you just made. The case will be there when the game reloads. Now you can go ahead with the "rinse & repeat" cycle.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2013
Chicago suburb
Okay. Go to the dive site, float at the surface and do a Quick Save on the phone. Then select Load Game from the Pause Menu and load the QS you just made. The case will be there when the game reloads. Now you can go ahead with the "rinse & repeat" cycle.

Thanks for your patience with me here. I mistakenly thought you need to grab the case right before saving. I'll definitely make sure she tries it the way you just posted.


"Call me Ishmael."
May 24, 2008
Glad it worked out for you. It's a bit of grind, but a lot quicker than trying to profit on the stock market.

Also, with scuba gear, you can profit by collecting the weapon pick-ups in the deeper regions of the dive sites. (They respawn too with this rinse & repeat exploit.) Keeps you from spending too much of your hard-earned cash at Ammu-Nation. If you're free diving without gear, the pick-ups in shallower areas allow you to get some weapons and ammo that may not yet be unlocked in your game. For free diving without scuba gear, you'll need 80-100% lung capacity to get the shallower pick ups. Not a big deal, though. Lung capacity levels up quickly and easily with a bit of use.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 29, 2013
Chicago suburb
My wife isn't really a hardcore gamer and was getting frustrated even buying/using stickies just because of the price and her lack of $. I doubt she'll go overboard getting money, but it will definitely help her upgrade a few cars and weapons.
It cracks me up watching her play though. She drives so cautiously, and when we first got the game she was even stopping at lights. Her first police chase was epic though. :^O


"Call me Ishmael."
May 24, 2008
For sticky bombs, there's a wrecked container ship off the east coast that has two sticky bomb pick ups, giving you 10 stickies in total per dive. You'll need scuba gear to get them, though. This location also has a $20K money case, which I believe is the second-highest payout of any of the dive sites. Again, scuba gear is required.


Oct 10, 2010
Spent a lot of time on the market these past few days, and it's a complete and utter farce. Smoke and mirrors. Entirely randomly generated stock movement. Forget those "Bomb competitor 'A' and profit with competitor 'B' " how-to videos and strategy guides put up by "knowledgeable and experienced" gamers. They're all bullshit.

For example, I invested in TacoBomb and spent two in-game days destroying Cluckin' Bell trucks and evading Wanted Levels in Paleto Bay. After 25 Sticky Bombs, TacoBomb's stock was worth less than what I paid.

Somehow, a long post I just put up is gone.
I talked my wife into buying a bunch of TacoBomb stock with all three characters and she blew up 7 Cluckin' Bell trucks. The stock has done nothing but drop since and she bought it fairly low ($243 or $244/share). I'm sorry I posted the link recommending it.
She's 30% in to the story and Franklin still has only $30k. Stocks aren't cutting it, she can't buy a business/property and she can't rob stores or sell cars like she sees me do online.
How the heck do you make money in story mode?!?!?!?

Edit: We'll give EMU a shot.

Don't feel bed for posting the link. You were trying to help, and had no way of knowing that the info was flawed. The people who put that info up were trying to help too, but the thing about the internet is that when bad info gets sent out, it stays forever.

Using EMU, or any other stock, becomes a real grind. You have to keep checking the markets every few minutes over the space of an in-game week or two, and after you sell off you still have to keep checking for the stock to drop, buy in again and repeat the cycle. Not much fun.

There's a quicker exploit you can use to pick up some easy cash: Every underwater wreck site has a respawning suitcase full of cash. The biggest one ($25K) is located not too far from shore, roughly SE from the Pacific Bluffs Country Club. It's also in shallow water, so you won't need scuba gear to get it, and there's almost 0% chance of encountering sharks at shallow depths. The case sits on top of some kind of abandoned underwater facility, next to a large open circular hatch. When you've nabbed the case, swim to the surface, pull out your phone and do a "Quick Save". After the save is done, reload that save. When the game reloads, the money case (and the underwater weapon pick-ups) will have respawned. Pick up the case again, surface, save and repeat as often as you like. 10 cycles gives you a quarter of a million, and takes a fraction of the time of waiting for the stock market to do anything useful.
Thanks for this tip. I spent one day diving, grabbing the $25 K package, saved and reloaded the game forty times and accumulated one million dollars . The best part about this is when you reload the game you float on top of the water directly over the spot with the money.... It helps if your swimming ability is at least on the second bar so you dont run out of air while diving... This sure beats waiting for tiny profits in the stock market and I finally upgrade my vehicles


Veritas ~ Aequitas
Dec 24, 2004
maybe you guys like to horse around more than me,but i never needed anymore money than the game gave me during the story. just buzz through the story and get to the assassinations (20 playing hours)

for business ventures though. if you buy sonar docks as michael and then get the 30 nuclear wastes, you net around 2.4 mil. michael gets a 2 mil bonus apparently. (2 playing hours of work)
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something dumb
Aug 31, 2003
I haven't been watching the BAWSAQ lately, but I was part of the first Pisswasser boom. Each of my story mode guys has 1.5-2 billion now. Far more money than I'll ever use with any of them, especially considering I almost never play story mode now.

I wish they'd put BAWSAQ in online mode. They haven't yet have they?


Nov 30, 2014
Okay, I dunno if this has happened for anybody else, but I think it's worth checking out. I tend to regularly keep an eye on the share prices on the LCN, and one that's really caught my eye is Augury Insurance. Once I completed the story, the other stocks kept fluctuating like normal, but Augury's stock has just kept skyrocketing. At one point, it was up as high as 200%! Is anybody else's Augury stock acting like this? This could be a HUGE potential source of income.
The money limit is 2.147 billion. to get this much first you have to get a wanted level of 5 and down some choppers( 4 or 5 should do the trick), after you die (you have to die for this to work) buy Augury Insurance's shares ( i suggest you use all your money) the shares should be at 160 or 170, if they're at that price or lower before the police chase, great. Once you bought the shares, as Franklin, save and exit the game, then go back in and the augury shares should be selling at around 300 dollars. I got 2.147 billion on each character like this, which is more money than you can spend but still.
May 18, 2016
The money limit is 2.147 billion. to get this much first you have to get a wanted level of 5 and down some choppers( 4 or 5 should do the trick), after you die (you have to die for this to work) buy Augury Insurance's shares ( i suggest you use all your money) the shares should be at 160 or 170, if they're at that price or lower before the police chase, great. Once you bought the shares, as Franklin, save and exit the game, then go back in and the augury shares should be selling at around 300 dollars. I got 2.147 billion on each character like this, which is more money than you can spend but still.

Don't waste your time... yet another stock market exploit that either never worked (it was posted by a 1 message member) or has been patched since then. I did this:

1) Get 5 star wanted level as Franklin.
2) Let them kill you.
3) Buy AUG with all Frank's money.
4) Switched to Michael and Trevor and also invested.
5) Switched back to Frank and saved.
6) Completely exited out of game.
7) Lauched back into game and stock had NOT gone up.


Jan 10, 2005
The money limit is 2.147 billion. to get this much first you have to get a wanted level of 5 and down some choppers( 4 or 5 should do the trick), after you die (you have to die for this to work) buy Augury Insurance's shares ( i suggest you use all your money) the shares should be at 160 or 170, if they're at that price or lower before the police chase, great. Once you bought the shares, as Franklin, save and exit the game, then go back in and the augury shares should be selling at around 300 dollars. I got 2.147 billion on each character like this, which is more money than you can spend but still.

Don't waste your time... yet another stock market exploit that either never worked (it was posted by a 1 message member) or has been patched since then. I did this:

1) Get 5 star wanted level as Franklin.
2) Let them kill you.
3) Buy AUG with all Frank's money.
4) Switched to Michael and Trevor and also invested.
5) Switched back to Frank and saved.
6) Completely exited out of game.
7) Lauched back into game and stock had NOT gone up.

I'm sure things have changed in the two years since this topic was discussed lol.
Aug 27, 2020
So I’m not a regular commentary person—I’m still playing story mode. But this stock market has probably been patched because it DOES work.

MORS includes health insurance for injured & also killed people.
AUG only covers vehicles. This is really important.

AUG hit it’s all time high of $259 today, and MOR is down at $15. I just bought the scrap yard which pays out $150/car you destroy.
So I dumped $850,000 into MOR stock with intent to effectively create a black hole inside the fullest parking lot I could find. I poured gasoline into the streets parked cars too. I rocket launched, grenade launched sticky bombedsticky bomb
I was predicting stock trends today and got a little money, but I decided to become my own insider trader.
Aug 27, 2020
OMG sorry I hit submit by accident. I’m starting over...

So I’m not a regular commentary person—I’m still playing story mode. But this stock market has probably been patched because it DOES work.

1) MORS includes health insurance for injured & also killed people.
2) AUG only covers vehicles. This is really important.

AUG hit it’s all time high of $259 today, and MOR is down at $15. I just bought the scrap yard which pays out $150/car you destroy. I decided to kill two birds with one stone.

So I dumped $850,000 into MOR stock with intent to effectively create a black hole inside the fullest parking lot I could find. I poured gasoline from inside the lot to the streets where I covered the parked cars too. I rocket launched, grenade launched, sticky bombed, and fragged enough molten steel to make Los Santos smell like a blacksmiths workshop.

My goal was to tank AUG and increase MOR. Then I’d sell off my MOR stocks at their peak in time to dump as much profit as possible into AUG to benefit from the market rebalancing. Alternatively, I could’ve hastened AUGs return to original prices by going on a bloody rampage...but I didn’t need SWAT all over me. To make the plan’s vital to avoid shooting anyone!!!

The market needs to respond by avoiding car insurance companies like AUG while choosing their main competitor...a human health insurance company like MOR that wouldnt lose money from 100 burned vehicles. It was a perfect plan until I detonated the first bomb...and every nosey LSPD, FIB, IAA, & NOOSE agent arrived from all directions. I got so distracted that I blew all my rockets on taking out helicopters...and all my grenades were wasted on busybody good guys trying to stop me. I took out more police and military vehicles in my 25 seconds of mayhem than civilian cars in the lot (I got maybe 6?).

I failed in profiting from MOR because I inadvertently sent AUG stock souring 25% above its highest reported share price. MOR plunged from $15, unbelievably, so that my profits were -$687,000. So in many ways it was a great success. Michael woke up bankrupt, but he learned that he had immense power over any long as he agreed that crime doesn’t pay if you’re not killing everybody.