
Super Star
Dec 9, 2000
Your Dreams
Astroball my ass

Over the last two days of the GM meetings, USA TODAY Sports spoke to 14 executives from around the league about the allegations made against the Astros. They requested anonymity because MLB instructed them not to publicly discuss the potential offenses.

“They’ve been cheating, they still are cheating, and it’s time MLB puts a stop to it,’’ one National League GM said. “Come on, they won 60 games at home this year. Look at their numbers when guys are on base (MLB-best .282 average) since 2017. The banging of garbage cans and pipes (as a way to convey signs). The whistles. Everything.


Get off my lawn!
Sep 19, 2000
I hope the book is thrown at them, they have the talent they shouldn't need to resort to this.