
No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014

Last week I decided to give Arkham Origins another try, as I had no money to buy new games.

And I'm glad I did, as it turned out to be better than City!

Now, the starting hours were a bit dull and unimpressive, which is why I never played it further before.

But then the game, and story, picked up pace, and became superb all round.

I was especially impressed with the young Joker, who was much more interesting here than in the City. Also, you get to play as Joker (for a bit)!!! Awesome!

And you meet many interesting villains, or 'soon to be' villains, in the game.

Special mention to the inside locations that you will see in the later parts of the game. The hotel was true eye candy, as was the Wonderland.

As to the battles, I found them slightly easier than in City. I did not curse at all, not even during boss fights!

I've now completed the main story, and there are only few assassins left to find. And some collectables to hunt.

But anyways, Origins is real good, and everyone should give it a try. The start might not impress you, but soldier on, and you will find the game has a heart of solid gold!

I was a bit disappointed that when I turned xbox360 internal clock to december 24, it did not trigger easter eggs in the game. I was hoping for father christmas, see. (the game is set on christmas eve, you see...)


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2014
Yeah the game received some shit but frankly I enjoyed it, not nearly as much as City but it was still great. I was actually disappointed that Black Mask didn't have more of a presence in the game as I wanted a change from the Joker but nonetheless great.

If WB Montreal could do Origins that well as their first Batman game I'm sure they could cook up some great games


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
I also enjoyed the crime scene investigations in Origins. Shame there were so few of them.
-I wonder if there is more as DLC...
I heard that Batman skin packs are now free for City. I have to go check if they are free for Origins too.
-I'd love to replay the game with an old skool Batman suit on, the one with bright yellow logos.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 12, 2010
The Skull Zone
Origins is so underrated. People shit on it because it wasn't made by Rocksteady. Sure it deserved to be shit on for its bugs....but once you look past them the game is incredibly good. I'm glad Arkham Knight seemed to be like "HEY ORIGINS DID COUNT!".


Nerd Extraordinaire
Mar 29, 2005
North Carolina
Origins has always been my favorite. (So far, I just started Knight yesterday, but Batmobile makes me doubt it'll overtake, depends on how good the story is) I wasn't even that bothered with Joker's appearance. The Akrham games have always been the story of Batman and Joker. No spoilers please, but I won't be surprised when Joker makes his surprise appearance in Knight. It's based on comics, no one stays dead lol. I just hope Scarecrow gets more love then Black Mask did in Origins, because he deserves it.
Jul 12, 2015
Origins has always been my favorite. (So far, I just started Knight yesterday, but Batmobile makes me doubt it'll overtake, depends on how good the story is)
Don't judge the batmobile too quickly. There is a learning curve, but with time, it does get a lot easier. Things I found so difficult with the batmobile early on, I was getting through much more easily late in the game. I'm on a second play through, and I was surprised early on by how much easier the batmobile stuff felt.

I just hope Scarecrow gets more love then Black Mask did in Origins, because he deserves it.

Don't get your hopes up. I thought he was underutilized, and nowhere near as impactful on gameplay as in AA. I enjoyed the game. A lot. But the story is a mess.

Origins is the best written. City is probably still my favorite overall.


Nerd Extraordinaire
Mar 29, 2005
North Carolina
Origins has always been my favorite. (So far, I just started Knight yesterday, but Batmobile makes me doubt it'll overtake, depends on how good the story is)
Don't judge the batmobile too quickly. There is a learning curve, but with time, it does get a lot easier. Things I found so difficult with the batmobile early on, I was getting through much more easily late in the game. I'm on a second play through, and I was surprised early on by how much easier the batmobile stuff felt.

I just hope Scarecrow gets more love then Black Mask did in Origins, because he deserves it.

Don't get your hopes up. I thought he was underutilized, and nowhere near as impactful on gameplay as in AA. I enjoyed the game. A lot. But the story is a mess.

Origins is the best written. City is probably still my favorite overall.

It's not so much difficulty with the Batmobile, it's just I don't really like the gameplay style they're going for anyway. I've never been the kind of guy to drool over the Batmobile in any piece of media (not a car guy in general lol) plus I've heard in a lot of reviews and just general player opinions that the Batmobile kind of takes over the gameplay, even in the main story. Only parts of the Batmobile I've enjoyed so far is the segment where you use it to power a tower so Batman can track Scarerow, and I like how you can launch yourself out of it to glide. (The tutorial on that was where I stopped, so not far at all)

I also hate that they took fast traveling with the Batwing out in favor of driving the Batmobile around town. I'm probably the only person, but I feel like it's a step backward. Sometimes I just want to get to the other end of the city via loading screen.
Aug 16, 2015

Last week I decided to give Arkham Origins another try, as I had no money to buy new games.

And I'm glad I did, as it turned out to be better than City!

Now, the starting hours were a bit dull and unimpressive, which is why I never played it further before.

But then the game, and story, picked up pace, and became superb all round.

I was especially impressed with the young Joker, who was much more interesting here than in the City. Also, you get to play as Joker (for a bit)!!! Awesome!

And you meet many interesting villains, or 'soon to be' villains, in the game.

Special mention to the inside locations that you will see in the later parts of the game. The hotel was true eye candy, as was the Wonderland.

As to the battles, I found them slightly easier than in City. I did not curse at all, not even during boss fights!

I've now completed the main story, and there are only few assassins left to find. And some collectables to hunt.

But anyways, Origins is real good, and everyone should give it a try. The start might not impress you, but soldier on, and you will find the game has a heart of solid gold!

I was a bit disappointed that when I turned xbox360 internal clock to december 24, it did not trigger easter eggs in the game. I was hoping for father christmas, see. (the game is set on christmas eve, you see...)
People overlook it as it had no new features (that are worth noting) and was not by rocksteady but I found it to be a pretty good game.I have completed it twice.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
I just recently replayed Arkham City and it was rather rubbish compared to Origins. Origins is bigger in every way.


;^) PSNID: Danger_Dad
Feb 4, 2004
:^/ The story and gameplay for Arkham Origins were actually done well. The downfall for public reception came from releasing the game before it was finished. The release date was a month before the launch of the PS4, so WB Montreal felt they needed to meet that date, no matter what.

The online part was way fun because you were going up against other human beings, instead of computer AI's. However, spontaneously losing the connection, and broken matchmaking having each player alone in his own lobby meant that most of your online time was spent just getting a match started. This detracted from the experience greatly.

Overall, I loved the game they set out to make, but was disappointed by the game we actually got. Of course, most of that's been fixed since then....


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Even a bad Batman game is better than most other games. Origins annoyed me because it was glitchy. I had game-ending glitches more than once. I also though they launched massive quantities of enemies at you because they couldn't think of anything else.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 12, 2014
Now that I've finished Arkham Knight, I still think Origins is the best of the Batman games.
-Knight did not come close.

For example, the Two Face in Knight was a pushover. same with other 'big' villains.
-in origins, the main villains were really tough to beat.
Dec 5, 2014
Guys Origins is not THAT good, but it is better than many people give it credit for. The reason it got so much hate is because when it was released it was full of bugs.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
The bugs are annoying, as are the regenerating enemies (particularly rooftop snipers) that make after game exploration a pain. Overall, I liked the game, maybe a solid B grade.
Dec 5, 2014
Personally, I liked playing as Deathstroke the best, but the bane fights took away from the overall game because they were so difficult and you had to try for a while to get into a rhythm to get him. I think that Arkham Origins was basically a remake of Arkham city, and I liked Arkham City, but Arkham Origins failed to meet the standard that the other games set. I would give it a 6/10.