
Mar 11, 2015
I just finished up the story tonight and I thought to myself "is that it?" I really loved this game,I even loved things about it that others found to be negative. But I did find the ending to be lacking and leaving far too many loose ends.

I was really,really expecting Batman to die in this one and I thought it would be a perfect way to end the trilogy. After all of the foreshadowing to Bruce's final night as Batman and saying" it all ends tonight"I was really surprised to see him make it through the story relatively unscathed.

I finished the game around 75% so I didn't get the TRUE ending but I did youtube it and I cant say I was very satisfied. Oracle and Robin getting married? Cool. Gordon is the mayor of Gotham? Cool but where is Bruce Wayne and Alfred? We know damn well they are not actually dead so why not give them some kind of closure in the way Dark Knight Rises did. If your not going to kill Bruce Wayne at least give him a proper retirement.

I just felt like there was so much tension and build up between Batman/Arkham Knight and Scarecrow that it all ended a bit anti climactic. Arkham Knight turns out to be Jason Todd ( Stevie Wonder saw that one coming) and then he suddenly has a change of heart and rescues Batman without saying a single word. Where is his closure? Where does he go from here? A vigilante? A hero? A villain? For being such an important character and even the name of the title it seemed like he could have had a more fleshed out finale.

The Scarecrow showdown was a bit anticlimactic as well. They basically pulled a Batman Begins and just had Batman giving Crane a dose of his own medicine and seeing a demonic looking Batman. Not exactly the showdown I was hoping for with such an evil/twisted villain who turned out to be the true puppet master of the story.

Overall I truly did love this game,I have very few complaints (great gameplay,story,voice acting,visuals,controls etc) but I feel like the ending left me with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth after such a great experience.

Anyone else agree? Disagree? Why or why not? And who do you think is the new Batman lurking in the shadows that was seen in the 100% ending? I'm going with Azrael. The final mission is called Knightfall (azrael takes over the mantle in the knightfall comic line) and the whole side mission for Azrael was about him proving himself worthy of the mantle which he completed successfully.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 12, 2010
The Skull Zone
Once I was done playing the game I to was like "....thats it?"

I loved the way Joker was incorporated in the game, it was probably my favorite part. I think the game would have been way better off had they not resorted to the Batmobile's "Tank Mode" so much....I think it kind of held the game back from being the best Batman game.

With that said, I hated how we got little to no boss battles. We should have at least got combat battles with the Arkham Knight or Deathstroke. Instead they give us Tank Battles? REALLY?!? I was expecting a more advanced version of the Arkham Origins-Deathstroke- boss battle with the Arkham Knight....but instead we got a tank battle. [face_plain]


I liked the story, it didn't have as much going on as Arkham City did, so in a way it felt smaller.....but it was kind of nice not having EVERY SINGLE villain thrown into the main story.

Dual-play and the new Fear Takedown's really stood out. I kind of wish Dual-play also applied to free-roam where we could switch to being another character doing their own thing in Gotham (GTA V style).

I'm probably going to replay the game again next week, simply because I still really don't know how to feel.

Batman: Arkham Knight is defiantly the game where you feel the most like Batman, but it's not the best Batman game. (It's so weird feeling this way).
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Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2014
The ending was open to interpretation of what happened to Bruce in the 100% ending. Was that Bruce standing as Batman at the end? Theory after theory.

Yeah the ending of the main story was eh. It just didn't have closure like I wanted. I agree, Jason just changes his mind then goes AWOL and disappears? Just overall the ending lacked.

And yeah no boss battles was a MAJOR let down. Arkham Knights "battle" was HORRIBLE IMO. Same with Deathstroke. I wanted combat.

Game over emphasized on the tank.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 24, 2008
The ending was open to interpretation of what happened to Bruce in the 100% ending. Was that Bruce standing as Batman at the end? Theory after theory.

Yeah the ending of the main story was eh. It just didn't have closure like I wanted. I agree, Jason just changes his mind then goes AWOL and disappears? Just overall the ending lacked.

And yeah no boss battles was a MAJOR let down. Arkham Knights "battle" was HORRIBLE IMO. Same with Deathstroke. I wanted combat.

Game over emphasized on the tank.
Yeah that's the one point RS ignored the community on. There were no fights that felt as truly epic as the Ra's Al Ghul fight
Fans: "The Mr. Freeze battle was awesome! We want more of this!"

RS: "Tank battles!!!"

The Arkham Knight being Jason Todd also betrayed what the fans have been told since the game was announced. The AK was supposed to be Batman's match in every way, but they would've had to betray Jason Todd's character to do that. They also made it a point to make Nightwing incompetent. He got beat up by Harley Quinn and the Penguin .


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2014
The ending was open to interpretation of what happened to Bruce in the 100% ending. Was that Bruce standing as Batman at the end? Theory after theory.

Yeah the ending of the main story was eh. It just didn't have closure like I wanted. I agree, Jason just changes his mind then goes AWOL and disappears? Just overall the ending lacked.

And yeah no boss battles was a MAJOR let down. Arkham Knights "battle" was HORRIBLE IMO. Same with Deathstroke. I wanted combat.

Game over emphasized on the tank.
Yeah that's the one point RS ignored the community on. There were no fights that felt as truly epic as the Ra's Al Ghul fight
Fans: "The Mr. Freeze battle was awesome! We want more of this!"

RS: "Tank battles!!!"

The Arkham Knight being Jason Todd also betrayed what the fans have been told since the game was announced. The AK was supposed to be Batman's match in every way, but they would've had to betray Jason Todd's character to do that. They also made it a point to make Nightwing incompetent. He got beat up by Harley Quinn and the Penguin .
I know! I'm almost tempted to say Arkham City was better in terms of story.

The Arkham Knight was a big let down to me. I wasn't so annoyed by the Knights identity, although I mean it was so blatantly obvious once the Joker did the flashback that I felt that the whole game held no more twists. But what annoyed me more was that I was hoping for Batmans true equivalent. I wanted someone who was as professional, skilled, and overall as badass and hardcore as the Bat. Instead you get some angry kid who isn't really that much of a match for the Bat when it gets to it.

I just felt that they could have done WAY more with the Knight to establish him as a great character. Kinda sad about it.


No Longer a Noob
Apr 12, 2010
The Skull Zone
I must say, I just replayed Batman: Arkham Knight and finally re-beat it last night. I think I enjoyed the game a lot more this time around. My only real lasting complaints I have from my previous post are the lack of non-Batmobile boss battles and the fact that Jason goes on "Team Batman" so quickly....I feel like they could have done more to solidify him saving Bruce from Scarecrow.

My main complaint still being why did we not get an epic one on one Arkham Origins-more advanced style - Deathstroke Battle with the Arkham Knight?!?

Tank Battles were more fun during my 2nd play-through, but I still think the game relied too much on them....I sorta feel like the Ace Chemicals mission would have benefited more with less Batmobile....I wanted a Arkham City-Sionis Industries-like setting/environment!

If anyone feels sort of weird about this game, I'd recommended replaying it again....doing so totally made me get rid of that ".....was this it?" feeling. I really hope they make more Batman games in the future, hell the amount of times Rocksteady seemed to bring up Superman....I really hope they go there next with maybe (much later) leading into a Batman/Superman cross-over game.

Side note - Anyone wonder if Batman could use Hush as a way to throw people off from him being Batman? I mean he looks just like Bruce Wayne. Why not?
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Jan 8, 2016
The ending was open to interpretation of what happened to Bruce in the 100% ending. Was that Bruce standing as Batman at the end? Theory after theory.

Yeah the ending of the main story was eh. It just didn't have closure like I wanted. I agree, Jason just changes his mind then goes AWOL and disappears? Just overall the ending lacked.

And yeah no boss battles was a MAJOR let down. Arkham Knights "battle" was HORRIBLE IMO. Same with Deathstroke. I wanted combat.

Game over emphasized on the tank.
Yeah that's the one point RS ignored the community on. There were no fights that felt as truly epic as the Ra's Al Ghul fight
Fans: "The Mr. Freeze battle was awesome! We want more of this!"

RS: "Tank battles!!!"

The Arkham Knight being Jason Todd also betrayed what the fans have been told since the game was announced. The AK was supposed to be Batman's match in every way, but they would've had to betray Jason Todd's character to do that. They also made it a point to make Nightwing incompetent. He got beat up by Harley Quinn and the Penguin .
I know! I'm almost tempted to say Arkham City was better in terms of story.

The Arkham Knight was a big let down to me. I wasn't so annoyed by the Knights identity, although I mean it was so blatantly obvious once the Joker did the flashback that I felt that the whole game held no more twists. But what annoyed me more was that I was hoping for Batmans true equivalent. I wanted someone who was as professional, skilled, and overall as badass and hardcore as the Bat. Instead you get some angry kid who isn't really that much of a match for the Bat when it gets to it.

I just felt that they could have done WAY more with the Knight to establish him as a great character. Kinda sad about it.
Jason Todd was the greatest of all of the heroes to wear the robin suit. Bruce considered him to be more of a son then any other robin (aside from Damian who isn't present in the arkham series) Jason is batmans equal in many many ways. But he never really wanted to beat Bruce. He came to the conclusion that the only way to save Gotham was to be willing to take a life. And was determined to show Bruce this. Jason loves Bruce and wanted him to experience the pain he felt of losing everything the way he did. He (in the comics wanted to Bruce to kill the joker) in AK wanted Bruce to feel utterly hopeless.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
I think Arkham City story was better simply because it made more sense. I wasn't plagued with questions that were never answered. While playing Arkham Knight, the game drove me crazy with it's lack of logic. Who the hell was paying for all this? This wasn't just hundreds of hired thugs, this was serious technology in the form of lots and lots of remote controlled tanks. (Oh, so many tanks!). I don't doubt that the combined master criminals of Gotham have that kind of money; I just doubt them turning it over to Scarecrow for his plan. And the whole Ivy-Tree-thing felt JRPGish.. Lowering the Batmobile down into a mine was stupid. Just when you thought they couldn't shoehorn the Batmobile any more forcefully into the game, you're lowering it down into a mine with a winch. #-o

I loved the basic idea--that a former Robin went cray cray and was using his knowledge for revenge--but the supporting pillars drove me crazy with how stupid it felt at times. Batman can virtually fly. Why on earth is he driving around Gotham causing millions of dollars in damage?

I know it's a game, yadda yadda, but good storytelling doesn't raise questions that nag you throughout the game. It makes it harder to suspend disbelief and get drawn into the game's world.


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 20, 2014
I think Arkham City story was better simply because it made more sense. I wasn't plagued with questions that were never answered.
That's just factually incorrect.
Except its opinion.

Factually incorrect would require an actual fact that is wrong.

Example: "Jessica Alba does NOT have a great ass" <--- factually incorrect statement (since she has an amazing ass)


Super Star
Dec 6, 2004
Oracle should have married Dick. They were always together in the comics, she was never with Tim. Tim belongs with Stephanie.