Nov 24, 2014
Am I saying the game is bad? No, there are definately Plenty of things this game does that are worth commending it for. However is it really worth 200 GOTY awards and perfect scores across the board? I'm sorry but I really don't see it. It bothers me how this game managed to completely avoid any criticism whatsoever. Thoughts?
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Jan 17, 2015
It deserves everything it's gotten in my opinion.
It's the most emotionally engaging story I've ever played. (And it goes above The Walking Dead because off gameplay and graphics.)
Dec 25, 2013
(Does) anyone else think that there are too many topics saying that this game got a little too much praise/ is not as good as everyone makes it seem/ is overrated. Is everyone else tired already, it's been almost two years


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 23, 2012
Am I saying the game is bad? No, there are definately Plenty of things this game does that are worth commending it for. However is it really worth 200 GOTY awards and perfect scores across the board? I'm sorry but I really don't see it. It bothers me how this game managed to completely avoid any criticism whatsoever. Thoughts?

Well your upset about no one giving this game critisim. Do you have any?


Mar 30, 2015
I've just signed up here (and on the Sony PS forums) and posted this last night:

I've only recently returned to playing on my PS3 (thanks to touring!) and have had a hell of a lot of games, bought of the years, to catch up on. After nearly 18 months of on/off (mostly off) playing I finally completed GTA 5. Feeling inspired I started Last of Us as it had such great reviews practically everywhere I looked.

Having now completed it I can't, for the life of me, work out why it proved so popular amongst all the reviews I've read.

Yes it's a good game and I did enjoy playing it but to see many 9 and 10/10 scores baffles me somewhat. I remember the days when reviwers would be reluctant to give out such scores, for fear of a better game coming along (and then what do yo score that?)

A lot of reviewers commented that it had a good narrative. If that's the case, then why do I feel like I've seen this story many, many times before?

The gameplay was often clunky (especially when trying to navigate underwater) and the lack of variety throughout the game makes it feel, somewhat, labourism and monotonmous. Trying to aim before shooting was frustrating and at no time did I really feel challenged throughout the game - it always felt like 'in a matter of time I'll be onto the next bit'

Maybe a large part of my issues was that I'd just finished GTA 5, a large game, loads of variety and a flexible map, I alwats felt that in Last of Us I wanted to save before going through a door that I may not be able to go back through should I still want to search the area.

I'm genuiney interested to hear other people's opinions on what they liked about this game and why, they think, it scored so highly.


Jul 30, 2017
► is it really worth 200 GOTY awards


► and perfect scores across the board?


► I'm sorry

I forgive you

► but I really don't see it.

play Grand Theft Auto

►It bothers me

tough titties

► how this game managed to completely avoid any criticism whatsoever.

Because it doesn't deserve any criticism whatsoever.

"The Grove" episode in walking dead made me cry. September 11 made me cry. My mom's death made me cry. The Last of Us made me cry.

That's about it for the 21st century.

✍ Lux