
No Longer a Noob
Jul 9, 2005
Well uncharted came out today in the uk. i picked up my pre ordered special edition this morning, and as i've literally nothing to do today, i was able to sit down and spend the day playing through the main campaign.

I got to say i didn't enjoy it as much as i thought i would. I wasn't ultra hyped about it, but i ADORED the first two so this was always a day 1 buy, based purely on my love for the first two. read a few reviews and was happy to hear reviewers enjoying it. but after i've finished the campaign(on hard as always [face_cool] ) i find myself disappointed.

I don't know about you but i didn't really find the story as immersive as the first two, i still find the first 2 immersive even after dozens of play throughs, and i recall they had me hooked on my initial play through. i just don't get bored of the first 2. but the third lacked this feeling, and my enjoyment definitely suffered as a result.

a few other examples of things i was underwhelmed by.

villians. despite the cool beginning of the game and the thorough introductions of the main "villains" i never really saw them as a real threat to drake, unlike the previous villains in the series, who i always felt we're a threat to not only drake but the world.

use of characters...well just chloe. now i loved seeing chloe in the game but she felt rather unnecessary...story wise. think about it remove her from the game and there is no impact on the story. i know she was the "get away" driver but lets face it that could've been anyone. i just thought chloe's appearance in the game was little more than a cameo, done to please those who liked her so much in Uncharted 2...that includes me.

btw did like the character of charlie cutter

had some rather annoying game play issues pop up too, which again decreased my overall enjoyment of the game. the new combat felt tedious and repetitive, what this also bought in was the ability to use O to push an enemy, this got in the way alot. e.g. i was fighting hoards of enemies moving from cover to cover, as i go to jump to a new cover drake will turn and push some random goon who was on the far side of the wall i'd be attempting to use as cover instead... they'd then punch me then i'dl be shot dead by some other goon. also this was piss easy to beat,even on hard. there are other new gameplay mechanics or tweaks which were awful but i won't bother listing them. oh and that combat RUINED the end boss, it was a stroll and frankly very disappointing.

random note i recall in igns review it stated the story was nothing like any of the other uncharted games, but i felt it was exactly the same. i was literally predicting everything, eg when sulley was "shot" near the end i was 200% sure that was merely an hallucination caused by the location...lets face it everywhere they've previously discovered had strange side effects, and there had been hallucinations suffered several times during the game, so based on this i knew it wasn't what it seemed.

fyi i don't touch multiplayer as it's just not my thing, i refer to the main campaign.

i'm note hating, i'm just saying i didn't enjoy this as much as the first 2. :)

personally i don't think this should be game of the year. it should maybe go with arkham city or zelda...though i'm expecting Uncharted will be.(or skyrim[face_tired] )


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 1, 2011
Chicago, Illinois, USA
yeah i found the campaign left something to be desired, and i felt there were a lot of random fights that felt... well random and pointless, i mean come on, Marlowe's the leader of a secret organization (i think) not the client of every afghan merc in the world, but that's just me. I also loathe those shotgun goons ESPECIALLY since a sniper is almost always paired with them, i come out of cover to kill the shotgun goon, only to find a new hole in my head, I eventually found a better tactic but whatever.

I also find the multiplayer horrible. Uncharted 2's multiplayer was great, great maps, great weapons, great characters, and the occasional teamwork. But my experience with Uncharted 3's multiplayer left me frustrated and disappointed, the maps were almost all bad in my opinion, and most players were solo people probably trying to entertain their need for adrenaline until Modern Warfare 3. I did like the character customization, though [face_mischief]

This was still a very fun game, and it had a great story, but the multiplayer really left me disappointed, of course I'll be replaying the story mode for now! [face_peace]


Sep 11, 2008
I wouldn't say Uncharted 3 is the worst in the series, but I have a similar feeling.

I was excited when Uncharted 3 was announced last December because Uncharted 1 & 2 are my favorite games of all time. I bought a PS3 back in 2007 for Uncharted 1.

I bought Uncharted 3 yesterday (US launch), and played through most of it. I finally finished it today. I really liked how the game started out, but by the third or fourth chapters it didn't feel right. I don't know what it was, but I didn't get the same feeling that I did while playing 1 and 2.

There were a few glitches like Drake putting his hand up to invisible walls that really pulled me out of the experience. The new combat system is fun, but it was annoying when you'd go to fight someone only to be killed by someone behind you. I also didn't like the way they grouped the enemies. Having the snipers mixed in with the shot gunners and riot shield guys made for some frustrating parts.

That being said, I still liked the game. The story was great, even with a few plot holes. There were some amazing chapters like the chateau and the boat sequences.The voice acting and animation was spot on as well. I'd have to say Uncharted 3 and Uncharted 1 are a tie for me, with Uncharted 2 being my favorite. Despite it's flaws, it's still Uncharted and that's all that matters. Maybe I'll like it more after another play through.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
Maybe it's just me, but I also thought the graphics were a significant step down from Uncharted 2. Still awesome, but not by Naughty Dog standards. Also... TOO MANY DAMN M32 HAMMERS! Seems like every jackass on the battlefield has one.

Other than that... [face_cool]


No Longer a Noob
Jul 9, 2005
^ they're annoying, no doubt about it. i swear near the end those b**tards where able to fire them round corners, i'd be hiding far round a corner, then one would roll to his feet.

oh and i HATE the grenade throw back, not being able to throw it back wwhilst in cover is STUPID, and 99% of the time throwing 'em back isn't an option. the amount of times a grenade lands at drake's feet with you not allowed to throw it back is annoying. I literally find myself in the same ostion countless times. the grenade will land about 20cm infront of drake (not in cover obviously) one time it'll let me throw it back most times it won't.

though i was happy they let you play hard from the get go. i HATED that you had to unlock hard in the earlier games then beat hard to unlock crushing



Ambassador of Awesome
Sep 19, 2009
I don't know if I can say the campaign is worse but it's certainly not better, it does ramp up the action set pieces to a whole new level but I think a came away feeling more satisfied with Uncharted 2.

UC3 suffers from a lack of polish, It's absolutely stunning to look at so I'm not talking aesthetically but theres a great deal of bugs throughout the campaign and on top of that there's also the little things like characters walking above the floor or how Drake swipes his hand along a wall...or I should say the air.

The AI is also frustratingly stupid.

I hate to be that guy but these are things that would have probably been touched upon if they didn't focus so much on improving the multiplayer.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
domatron said:
oh and i HATE the grenade throw back, not being able to throw it back wwhilst in cover is STUPID, and 99% of the time throwing 'em back isn't an option. the amount of times a grenade lands at drake's feet with you not allowed to throw it back is annoying. I literally find myself in the same ostion countless times. the grenade will land about 20cm infront of drake (not in cover obviously) one time it'll let me throw it back most times it won't.
You have to wait for that little red bar on the side of the grenade icon to slide into the white area. That said, it still sucks, because you have zero control over where he throws it while in cover, and half the time he'll just slam it into the object you're taking cover behind.

And also, are you sure you had to unlock hard mode in the previous games? I thought that was just for Crushing.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 5, 2007
JeanLucAwesome said:
I don't know if I can say the campaign is worse but it's certainly not better, it does ramp up the action set pieces to a whole new level but I think a came away feeling more satisfied with Uncharted 2.

UC3 suffers from a lack of polish, It's absolutely stunning to look at so I'm not talking aesthetically but theres a great deal of bugs throughout the campaign and on top of that there's also the little things like characters walking above the floor or how Drake swipes his hand along a wall...or I should say the air.

The AI is also frustratingly stupid.

I hate to be that guy but these are things that would have probably been touched upon if they didn't focus so much on improving the multiplayer.

I do wonder if multiplayer subtracted from the solo game. With the multiplayer being so much better and the singleplayer being about even, it seems like there was a trade off. Probably the big thing that I didn't like, was as you said, the AI. Early on, those guys couldn't seem to hit me on the normal setting. I practically didn't need cover until about midway through Syria. I would have just started over on hard but I decided to take advantage of the situation to get some trophies like Combat Leapfrog since I didn't have to worry much about being shot while entering melee. I really think the difficulty needs to be ramped up, at least on normal. I had shotgun guys get behind me and miss from a few feet away. There was a time when that was fatal.


Apr 28, 2009
Honestly, i think uncharted 2 is my favourite in the series with Drake's Deception following closely behind.

I think its because i didnt feel that significant jump that i got from playing the next in the series. Uncharted 2 SERIOUSLY stepped up its game, improving on everything while including a surprisingly fun but seriously flawed multiplayer experience. On the other hand, i feel that uncharted 3 focused a little bit more on the multiplayer aspect and ultimately suffered by having a campaign that sort of follows in the steps of uncharted 2.

Include the loss of tweaks and the abilitly to watch story cutscenes (and a few more unimportant things)and my reasons for Drake's Deception being second on my rankings becomes clear.
Jun 24, 2009
My two only major complaints about the game overall:
1)Naughty Dog pushes Elena to the side and that didn't go over well with me. HUGE disappointment that she was hardly in the game. I like Sully, but come on! Now that we have the Sully character development out of the way, let's move on.
2)The game felt a bit short compared to the others. I know it was 22 chapters, but many chapters were LOOONG especially the 20th one, however the game as a whole was paced very fast and I felt like I was done in no time at all compared to the previous games.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Loved Uncharted 1 & 2.
However, this one was less... epic. And too easy.
I got annoyed as it felt like I’m just running from one cutscene to the next.
Really. Either give me a movie, or give me a game. Not both.
I found some levels pointless and too exaggerated. Like the desert - I don’t want to wander around with nothing to shoot at or puzzle to figure out. I understand that it was part of the whole experience, but seriously... a whole chapter???
Developers may have “improved” the aiming controls, yet I found Nathan jumping in strange and undesired directions - to his death, of course.
Some of the elements of this game was not even "borrowed", but rather copy-and-paste. For example: "The Running From"
I remember "running from" once or twice in Uncharted 2 (The most epic being right after the final boss battle with the massive bridge collapsing - THAT was heart-poundingly awesome)
In Uncharted 3, I found myself "Running From" something at least 5-6 times. It got to the point where I thought to myself "Make me run from ONE MORE THING.. I dare you." and "Seriously, again with the spiders?"
Much of the game felt too borrowed.
At least the visuals were a great way to show off what the PS3 is capable of.
Oct 29, 2008
Having just beat all three, I much prefered Drake's Deception to the first game, which had a great plot but was let down by rough gameplay. However, it still doesn't top Among Thieves, which stands easily up as the best, in my opinon.
Feb 13, 2012
yeah. just got time to play thru it. major drop off from the first two. i was really shocked at how repetitive it was, how bad the story was, and when it was over... i was like, "uhhhh, really?"

not sure how this game got a "10"


Dec 10, 2007
I just finished Uncharted 3 today. It wasn't a bad game, but it pales in comparison to the first two. The story was mediocre, the graphics somehow seemed a step down from Uncharted 2, and the gameplay really lacked balance and cohesion. It felt like every 2 seconds they would interrupt what I was doing to make something explode or collapse. While this is cool occasionally, it kept happening, and happening, until it became a serious frustration. There were also too many obtuse puzzles and lengthy platforming sections. When I would finally run in to some bad guys, it would be a tedious unarmed combat sequence. Oh, and having Drake dynamically interact with the environment every time you move just made him control like he was drunk.


Mar 25, 2012
I recently played all the UC series so i have a complete opinion on this.Let me start by saying UC 2 is the best.Still there are some things it lacks from 3.And that would be the cutting edge graphics the new immersive gameplay and mostly the stunning cinematics.Let's face it.Every new game in the series will be better on mechanical and graphical aspects.They build on the previous and try offering us something new.I like to think of Drake's Deception as another chapter in the general UC idea.So basically it doesn't bother me that it's not that awesome as the previous one.UC 2 always had u jumping from your seat and interested on what was going even had a boss!In the final boss in 3 u do a repetitive thing of unarmed combat.Sucks big time!Not to mention that the game itself seems very short.I was playing the previous two and lived every moment in the game.And the chapters just kept on coming!In 3 you advance in no time.I don't want to go on writing as most things are in the previous posts.All in all i played 2 and was drawn in and blown away at the same time.I played 3 and was left with a bitter taste.Better graphics yes.Better story and plot unraveling not in a million.I'd give 3 a 9.6 and 2 a 10.
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Dec 19, 2010
There is no "worse" Uncharted since they are all solid games imo. Uncharted 3 Review says its on par with 2 but not as good. Uncharted Drake's Fortune could be called the "worse" out of all, I guess.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
Not the worst, I preferred it over U1 just because the gameplay is smoother, however; U2 is leaps and bounds beyond both and is simply one of the best games ever made, it even have better graphics (IMO) over it's predecessor.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2006
Its better that Uncharted 1 but Uncharted 2 is still the best. They dropped the ball here. Was too much like a movie this time. Just let me play the game and stop cutting to a cinematic every 5 damn minutes.
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Almost Not a Noob
Apr 20, 2012
Uncharted 2 was the best because it was the first time in the series drake was travelling around the world and was a massive leap from uncharted 1 in terms of storyline, graphics, everything. Uncharted 1 was still awesome when it first came out. Uncharted 3 was all right. A couple of cool action scenes here and there but the ending could have been better but it's better at multiplayer


May 17, 2004
Why do people complain so much. Uncharted is a marvelous technical achievement in entertainment media. No matter what you will always complain.
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Feb 22, 2012
yeah i found the campaign left something to be desired, and i felt there were a lot of random fights that felt... well random and pointless, i mean come on, Marlowe's the leader of a secret organization (i think) not the client of every afghan merc in the world, but that's just me. I also loathe those shotgun goons ESPECIALLY since a sniper is almost always paired with them, i come out of cover to kill the shotgun goon, only to find a new hole in my head, I eventually found a better tactic but whatever.

I also find the multiplayer horrible. Uncharted 2's multiplayer was great, great maps, great weapons, great characters, and the occasional teamwork. But my experience with Uncharted 3's multiplayer left me frustrated and disappointed, the maps were almost all bad in my opinion, and most players were solo people probably trying to entertain their need for adrenaline until Modern Warfare 3. I did like the character customization, though [face_mischief]

This was still a very fun game, and it had a great story, but the multiplayer really left me disappointed, of course I'll be replaying the story mode for now! [face_peace]

The Spiders remain unexplained.
Talbot surviving point blank heart shot remains unexplained.
They made Elena a dumb character.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 20, 2009
I'm only on chapter 8, but so far it's just like Uncharted 2 with a new map pack. The gameplay, story, etc. are virtually identical to the previous games. I know exactly what's going to happen and when it's going to happen. And that's really disappointing.

Hopefully it will get better later on.


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Irish immigrant to USA
I'm only on chapter 8, but so far it's just like Uncharted 2 with a new map pack. The gameplay, story, etc. are virtually identical to the previous games. I know exactly what's going to happen and when it's going to happen. And that's really disappointing.

Hopefully it will get better later on.
If you've seen the Indiana Jones movies, it only gets worse...


No Longer a Noob
Jul 26, 2008
I felt like I got punk'd.

U3 felt like a bullshit rushed installment where Naughty Dog needed some quick cash and basically threw together a terrible plot with sub par villains. I felt no connection to the story or the characters and did not care what happened to any of them this go around. Matter of fact the whole game felt more like a chore. Terrible.

I love the first two Uncharted Games, and love Uncharted Golden Abyss (which IMO is better then 3).


Oct 8, 2007
I don't know. I think part of it was maybe we expect too much from Naughty Dog now. I mean...there are likely no games better than Uncharted 2.

Nevertheless, I agree with prior comments. In U2, I probably played the campaign every day for a few weeks. I technically never finished the campaign in this one. I just figured *spoiler* Sully died, I don't care anymore. (He may have lived, it is Uncharted after all). But the point is, I enjoyed it less than U2.

However, I find the multiplayer better, which is a caveat. I no longer average 18 kills a game in Team Deathmatch, so there's that.
I don't like the throwback mechanism in multiplayer though. That's mostly just because I dont like my Revenge booster not meaning much to some players. [face_tongue]


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 25, 2002
Judging by the opinions on here I gather most of the complaints were about the gameplay. But one thing is for sure the voice acting still great as usual, great set pieces, the story had great pacing imo and the visuals are best current gen.Now the gameplay I thought was so so nothing spectacular just solid. One more thing play on Crushing hard feels like normal for some reason or maybe I am an expert tps gamer :D