Apr 19, 2012
The first time I really regretted letting Kaiden live over Ashley was in ME3. I'm not opposed to gay characters( Cortex was a nice guy). I'm not even opposed to making Kaiden gay but did anyone else playing a straight male Shepard feel like Kaiden was overstepping his boundaries?

There were times he kind of creeped me out and was too forward, I feel like he was meant to be a comrade and not a lover for male Shepard, especially since he becomes homosexual seemingly out of nowhere .
Nov 8, 2008
If you buy him the drink when he's in the hospital, then he comes on to you. If not, then he doesn't. Just don't buy that drink.
Mar 27, 2011
A big problem for me is the fact that if they wanted him to be bisexual, they should have written him to be that way from the beginning. They had actually recorded romance dialogue for man-shep and kaiden in ME1 but then scrapped it for the final product, I remember seeing a youtube video of some of the dialogue still being on the pc version if you hack it.

That aside, yeah, he was definitely less subtle about it than Cortez is. At least Cortez sort of beats around the bush without flat-out saying "hey man are you gay? let's hook up!"
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Original poster
A big problem for me is the fact that if they wanted him to be bisexual, they should have written him to be that way from the beginning."
You couldn't smell all that sexual tension between those two? Tsk tsk.


Original poster
Let's not get too carried away here. Kaiden had his uses rounding out the squad and giving insight to the game's lore. He was lackluster, but he had his uses.
Implying he ever had a character.
>implying implications without the proper symbols
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
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Almost Not a Noob
Sep 2, 2010
Let's not get too carried away here. Kaiden had his uses rounding out the squad and giving insight to the game's lore. He was lackluster, but he had his uses.
Implying he ever had a character.
>implying implications without the proper symbols
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
Obnoxious 4chan habits don't apply anywhere else, fortunately.


Original poster
There is a point where you are in the citadel presidium commons and Kaiden says he has no one to fight for and he is wondering if that person can be you. You can either say something like "I would like that" or "lets keep it professional." This is actually your way of saying "sorry but I'm straight" or "yah I'll go gay for you." I said "lets keep it professional" and I experienced none of these moments you people are describing. It was always just a normal relationship between friends up to, including, and beyond that point.

Either way, romance or not, he is far better than Ashley dialogue-wise and slightly less homosexual-aggressive than Cortez in my experience, who is says stuff like "don't die out there... I worry about you sir" when you talk to him regardless of the fact that I told him I prefer women.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 13, 2011
Kaiden's character was ruined the second they decided to use the same voice actor as Carth from KOTOR.


The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
The moment you go "let's keep this professional aka lolnotgaysorry", Kaidan goes all cool and tries so hard to bring it back to normal, and that's cool. I'd actually not be against giving a gay-Kaidan run because I actually liked the character in ME3. It was like the arrows of interesting went in the opposite directions for the VS from ME1 to ME3.

I'm certain he then tries to hit on Vega instead, and Kaidan was trying SO hard to get Vega to play him in strip poker instead of normal poker.

I just wished they'd have not backed off making Ashley bi for a second time (originally Kaidan/Ash were to be bi in ME1, as evidenced by dialogued sex scenes and the way Kaidan acts). Especially her reasoning, her now questioning her religion and allowing you to not only get her to question (and accept) her sexuality but her understanding of her beliefs itself beyond "I don't like the Aliens THEY TOOK ARR JERBS". It's like how you can make Kaidan racist in ME1. That also would have given Ash something new to talk about rather than rehash her ME1 character.
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Almost Not a Noob
Jul 10, 2010
If you buy him the drink when he's in the hospital, then he comes on to you. If not, then he doesn't. Just don't buy that drink.
Bend reality with a single bottle of whiskey.

Kaidan wasn't that bad. He wasn't much more than an L2 codex, but not every character can be an alien, have a sexy accent, be xenophobic, or be a broken psychopath; some people are just normal. But yeah, the whole bisexual thing was unnecessary.
Feb 26, 2012
I never got any sense of Kaiden trying to flirt with my Manshep. of course I had already locked in with my LI by the time the conversation on the presidium came around so I don't know if that has something to do with it.


Original poster
At St3v3, he still flirts with you, like some kind of man wh4re. Hilarious but it creeped me out.
Again, I never noticed this.
Me neither.

Like I said as long as you don't accept his initial advance (which isn't a problem if you are already locked-in with someone else) then none of this flirty stuff should happen. I intentionally looked it up to make sure I didn't accidentally get into a relationship with him (my Shepard don't swing that way).


Almost Not a Noob
Apr 22, 2011
I always thought Kaiden was gay through the whole series (never played one). But making someone gay out of nowhere is ridiculous. In a way it cheapens the character. They should have just added another gay person if the goal was to satisfy a larger crowd (which I'm sure thats why they did it)


The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
I always thought Kaiden was gay through the whole series (never played one). But making someone gay out of nowhere is ridiculous. In a way it cheapens the character. They should have just added another gay person if the goal was to satisfy a larger crowd (which I'm sure thats why they did it)
I don't agree with that because I don't believe that everyone keeps this static sexuality that will never change in life. A major reason why people are straight is because of how alien, unnatural, looked down upon and illegitamized by our current society.

Such hold-backs aren't prominent or even there in the ME universe (thank you Asari) so I can easily believe that a more natural "coming out" will occur, along with people being more willing to accept the possibility of being bisexual or dynamically-sexual person that they are. Not everyone is that, true (even if the number of people that are would probably increase if such psycho-social barriers weren't so prominent) but to say that it's ridiculous here is ignorant on your part imo.


Original poster
There was tons of sexual tension between Kaiden and Shepard in ME1, but he's obviously bi because he was sweet on biotic childhood girl. He was dropping hints and Shepard didn't get them. He's just a bit bolder in ME3. Blah blah world coming to an end.
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The method of controlling fire...
Aug 22, 2004
There was tons of sexual tension between Kaiden and Shepard in ME1, but he's obviously bi because he was sweet on biotic childhood girl. He was dropping hints and Shepard didn't get them. He's just a bit bolder in ME3. Blah blah world coming to an end.
Also, let's be serious, if Shepard comes on to you in this galaxy, everyone would swoon to him. Hell, even if Shepard is already in a relationship some (usually psychotic) killer who's efficient at what they do, Liara still doesn't stop trying to get into you pants because you're prothean. To her, you're worth the prize.

Only one man has turned down the Shep, and he did it for the freckles. Too bad by the moment he sees that some Shepards magically grew freckles from too much exposure to space magic, he was already too hitched to a girl.


Dec 28, 2017
I liked Kadian, he was cool guy. He was a good friend to Shepard, not as good as Garrus, but still loyal but of course as a officer of the alliance he placed the council and alliance over Shepard which I found reasonable, Cerberus was bad. They were arseholes throughout mass effect one, the comics and the books painted them in no better light. Having said that, he should not have been made bi, it was stupid and wreaked the established character. Cortez was a fine addition, but he was a new character and could be homosexual. Kadian was already establish as a heterosexual, in fact he makes comments on liking women with the commander in mass effect one regarding Liara, he never talks about Garrus or the Commander in such a way.
I found locking in a previous relationship allows the commander to still buy him the whiskey and he remains just a bro, which he should have always remained.