Dec 2, 2012
Hey so I've always been a big Digimon fan, but I didn't realize they had handheld games for it till recently, so I picked up a copy. Is anyone still alive with this game? I would love some friends to play with!


Jan 18, 2004
I wouldnt play that version. It has a nasty bug in it. Your digimons levels and stats get reset and it can make it impossable to devolve/evolve, not to mention kill all your hard work that you have put into those digimon.

Go get DW Dawn/Dusk. I've played that game for over 200+ hours and it doesnt have any glitches. Dawn/Dusk play exactly like DS so if you like that game you should have no problems with them. Never touched Digimon looked like a whole other type of game.

(I can't help you with online stuff).
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Jan 18, 2004
Its been forever since I played it but I think the problem starts happening after you build up the stats on your digimon alot and you devolve them. When you devolve them it totally screws up their stats, you go from 200-500+ down to like 2-5. If you devolve from a mega or ultimate down to a ultimate or champion you will not even be able to meet the stat requirements to evolve again.

You can probably crush the game before running into the bug but if you do alot of grinding and trying to max out your digimon stats you will probably get hit by the bug. I tried saving and reloading and stuff but it just kept happening to me.

Im just trying to warn you man. I wouldnt want to spend 40-100+ hours on something only for it to break and be ruined at the end. I was playing the NTSC (american) version so...
Dec 2, 2012
Ah well it's funny you said that because right after I got back from the store from buying dusk is when I saw your comment about it. I already beat the first one. Kind of. But yeah. Do you have dusk?


Jan 18, 2004
*looks further down the page sarcastically* Yeah I have dusk. Still can't help you with online. I don't play anything online.

Tips for Dusk....
-You can stack 1 digimon ability with 1 accessory item of similar effect, but adding more of either is worthless. For example if you have a Digimon with XP 1 and an XP Ring 1 those two things will stack. If you have 5 XP ring 1's only the first will count. If you have 5 digimon with XP 1 only the first will count.
-Digimon or items with xp, money, or item drop boosting effects can be in the Relief Digimon field. They don't have to be one of the 3 active digimon.

I started making a list of all the digimon that give you XP/Money/Item Drop boosting effects and I can give you some of the better ones if you want.. I recently started a new game on my dusk but I stalled out and didnt get around to finishing my research so my list is incomplete.

I know whatever digimon turns into Darugamon is awesome. From its Rookie form to its Mega form it has XP ability. But I think he stops at Lv4 and there is 5 levels.
Dec 2, 2012
Thanks for the info. Dusk and I'm assuming dawn are a huge difference from the first one. A lot of this gameplay is different.


Jan 18, 2004
What are you talking about? DW DS had farms Dusk/Dawn have islands and thats about the only major difference??? The battles, the leveling, the training thats still all the same?


Jan 18, 2004
Sorry it took so long..

Collector: bonus chance at items after a battle (# in parenthesis is collector level)
-Haguromon(1) -> Hookmon(2) -> Kapurimon ??(don't know what happened here it should have a number next to it..)
-Betamon -> Octomon(2) -> Whamamon or Dolphinmon(3)
-Gummymon -> Tapirmon(1)
-Poyomon -> Kamemon(1)
-?? -> Toy Agumon -> Mekanorimon(2)
-?? -> Otamamon -> Gekomon(2)

Lucky Medal: Increases XP gain
-??-> Betamon -> Dolphmon -> Whamon -> MA Angemon (5) (You need lots of aqua species XP to evolve to whamon so get to work on that asap)
-Dorimon -> Dorumon(1) -> Dorugamon(2) -> Dorugreymon(3) -> Doruwhatever(4)

MA Angemon is Lv5 but you will probably feel the need to devolve him and evolve him periodically, plus he is hard to get to because of the species XP requirements on Whamon. You could use a Farm Island geared towards Aqua species to help... But in the meantime I would also work on the Dorimon line. I use him whenever im devolving MA Angemon. The great thing about Dorimon's line is that Mega and Ultimate forms both have Lucky medal so it doesnt hurt that much evolving/devolving him.

Those are the best two digimon I have found for Lucky Medal so far...

Money Saver: Increase money gained after battle
-Tanemon -> Palmon -> Morishellmon(2)
-Tanemon -> Floramon -> Veggiemon(2)
-?? -> Gotsumon -> Icemon(2)
-Kapurimon -> Kotemon -> Omekamon -> Tekkamon -> Puppetmon(4)

Puppetmon has some really difficult requirement so I havent actually got to him yet. I would also rather have Collector over Money saver because items especially rare items would probably make you way more money then just collecting money after battle... By the time money collector would make a difference money is worthless anyways. But thats your call..

There is another utility ability I "think". It reduces the MP cost of attacks..I have not had a chance to test if it applies to the whole group or just the digimon that has it. But thats my entire list of utility digimon right now.. Hope it helps make the game more fun. If you find any more Lv4 or 5's in anything let me know the digimon line. Lv5 abilities have "Godly" in front of them instead of numbers.