Nov 3, 2015
Heard its being made, not sure if true but I hope they make BIG improvements considering EA UFC is overall crappy. Graphics good, gameplay is pretty good after the patches but Career Mode? CAF? TERRIBLE.

Hopefully EA comes on here and clicks on this thread so they can know how to make a great game.
1. More game mode options, seriously having only quick play, online, and career gets boring fast. Throw in a tournament mode, Pride mode, Legendary Fights mode, or hell even a GM type mode where you build your own fight cards for events and have to deal with fighter morale, contracts, scouting prospective stars, putting together epic cards, and granting title shots.

2. Add in the little details to make career mode more enjoyable and replayable.
- Stuff like choosing which gyms/teams to join
- Media responsibilities like press conferences, post fight interviews, fight week duties which could benefit or hurt a fighter's popularity, relationship with UFC, and/or overall finances.
- Weigh-ins and Press conference/Fight face-offs. Give us the option to respect our opponents by stancing or shaking hands or touching gloves during a face-off or disrespect them by getting in their face, talking trash, and/or refusing to touch gloves. There could be rewards and penalties such as respect gains moderate popularity points and the same amount with a win but takes away a moderate amount with a loss. Disrespect would take away a lot of popularity points and more with a loss but gains an extremely high amount with a win.
- Give us a little more options to who we fight in our career. Like a set of 3-4 contracts after each fight. You could gain a lot of popularity and extra money for taking short-notice fights but your stats will be significantly lower.
- Fighter relationships. Our fighter should be able to form either a friendship with a fellow fighter which leads to extra training and skills learned, or a rivalry with another fighter that adds to our popularity and contract money. I wanna be able to be a part of the greatest rivalry in UFC history.

3. More CAF options to emphasize individuality. In EA UFC you didn't even get to build the fighter you really wanted, you choose certain things but aren't able to choose your reach size (which is bs), your taunt or walkout animations, or even your own fighting stance (which is even more bs). All I ask for is reach and fighting style, the animations aren't too necessary for me.

I've been thinking about this for a while, so excuse the long post. Any other ideas guys?
Oct 14, 2015
Surrey, UK
TBH I'm surprised they didn't put Aldo & McGregor on the cover. Most interesting championship story at the mo. Plus, whoever wins there's a guaranteed Champion on the cover. Wouldn't be surprised if they discount fighters with tattoos though, given I think one of the Fight Night games got sued for including Mike Tyson's tattoo by the original artist.

Rousey was a smart initial choice, but they banked a hell of a lot on her winning.
Nov 3, 2015
TBH I'm surprised they didn't put Aldo & McGregor on the cover. Most interesting championship story at the mo. Plus, whoever wins there's a guaranteed Champion on the cover. Wouldn't be surprised if they discount fighters with tattoos though, given I think one of the Fight Night games got sued for including Mike Tyson's tattoo by the original artist.

Rousey was a smart initial choice, but they banked a hell of a lot on her winning.

I actually agree with that as well, putting two men involved in the biggest mma fight this year if not this whole era would be a safe move no matter the result.
I just wish the UFC would have waited until after their cover candidates finished their recent fights to put them on. Like 2k doesn't put the guys who didnt make the playoffs on the cover.
I personally would like to see Robbie/Weidman/Conor get the cover spot though.

What is EA curse btw lol


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 4, 2014
Anaheim, CA
Aldo isn't much of a draw to be placed on the cover. McGregor definitely is but not as much as Ronda to a person who doesn't watch UFC so good call to have her on the cover.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 4, 2014
Anaheim, CA
Well interestingly, looks like it's going to be Aldo or McGregor depending on who wins now since Ronda has lost. Wonder if they read the thread? :)

I love McGregor, I see him winning and getting the cover. Although I wouldn't mind seeing Aldo smashing his face in. I'm good with either. lol