Oct 11, 2009
So I'm about to get onto the Bridge, and everytime I do so I'm slaughtered. That's not my problem; as an awful gamer, I'm used to it. My problem is that I don't have my party's lightsabres, and our weapons in general are reduced, even after looking through all the storage boxes.

Do I get the lightsabres and other weapons back afterwards, or have I done something wrong? I tend to unequip everything when I get onto the Ebon Hawk, do we only keep the weapons that are equipped?

I ask because lightsabres would obviously come in handy, and I'm hoping I haven't foolishly lost them for good.

I'm playing on PC, if that helps.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 20, 2005
Honestly, that's never happened to me before. All weapons and armor were in a locker in the storage room near the cells with the player character, Carth and Bastila. Did you check the vertical lockers as well?

You can also try reloading a previous save if it is a glitch.


Dec 7, 2013
I take it you guys are talking about KOTOR... Please talk about that on the KOTOR message board instead of the SWTOR one. :D