
Dec 13, 2014
I'm 15 years old. I've been playing Ocarina of Time, and I fucking hate it. I hate this game. Almost nothing about it is good.

I made it to Goron City, but I have no idea what the fuck to do. This is so frustrating. It seems I am not intelligent enough to beat Ocarina of Time.

Recently, someone asked me why I don't just use a walkthrough. The reason is because I feel like I'm a worse person if I use a walkthrough.

So, what should I do? Should I use a walkthrough? Should I abandon the game? Should I try to keep playing without a walkthrough?


Super Star
Mar 14, 2005
You're 10 years to late posting this in a dead board lol but I'll answer your question

Handholding in older games was almost non existent. Ocarina of Time is outdated by today's standards so some of that stuff in that game wont be magical to you like it was to some.

So use a guide, you're not a "bad" gamer for doing so. Point of gaming as a hobby is to enjoy it. If you're not enjoying OoT then don't play it. Just because someone enjoys a game doesn't mean YOU have to as well.

If I'm guessing correctly on your placement of Goron City, what you need to do is grab a bunch of sticks, light them up and light all the torches in the cave. That will open up a door where you'll talk to chief Darunia. Play Saria's song in front of him. Go from there. ~o)


Don't forget to bring a towel.
Aug 10, 2008
You're 10 years to late posting this in a dead board lol but I'll answer your question.
lol, OoT is like 22 years old and this board died about 3 years ago.

I bought a walkthrough book to get thru some of the hard puzzles especially the Water Temple. Mind you, this was 1997 and IGN or Gamefaqs didn't exist yet. So yes, it is ok to use a book. Elite gamers tend to not use the help to help boost their ego on completing the game, but who cares. If you are stuck, find the help you need.

Today, I use guides to 100% games or if I get stuck. It isn't often that I use a guide, but they are there and it doesn't constitute as cheating. Use if if you need it.


Super Star
Mar 14, 2005
lol, OoT is like 22 years old and this board died about 3 years ago.

I bought a walkthrough book to get thru some of the hard puzzles especially the Water Temple. Mind you, this was 1997 and IGN or Gamefaqs didn't exist yet. So yes, it is ok to use a book. Elite gamers tend to not use the help to help boost their ego on completing the game, but who cares. If you are stuck, find the help you need.

Today, I use guides to 100% games or if I get stuck. It isn't often that I use a guide, but they are there and it doesn't constitute as cheating. Use if if you need it.
This board died when I left [emoji14]


No Longer a Noob
Jan 17, 2015
Games back then were meant as intellectual puzzles and repetition muscle memory to be figured out over a long period of time. modern gamers unfortunately have few games like this. It is the era of instant gratification and handholding

I dare you to try Zelda 1 or 2 for the NES. Truthfully without walkthrough's I do not think people born after 1986 are capable or have the patience to try these games without a walkthrough to coddle them nor would they have patience with the nintendo hard difficulty level.

I can beat Zelda 1 in about 7 hours now and Zelda 2 in about 9. But it took me YEARS of figuring things out and bombing every wall and burning every bush in Hyrule to find stuff while also honing my fighting abilities and even then it takes luck.

Truth is us old school gamers found ocarina and Link to the past abominably easy in comparison but we were raised on those games so we were conditioned to look for things modern gamers are not.


Fierce Deity VIP
Feb 15, 2003
Tesoro Azul
If you don’t enjoy the challenge then use a walkthrough and enjoy the story and other cool stuff the game has to offer.
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No Longer a Noob
Sep 21, 2002
Don´t play it if you hate it. This is coming from someone who watches OOT speedruns every week.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 19, 2019
I had to use the walkthrough for Wind Waker, because I had no idea what to do or where to go. You should use it for Ocarina of Time. The game can be pretty hard. I got stuck millions of time before I beat the whole game. Sorry you hate Ocarina of Time, though. I have to tell you that the story gets better more toward the end.