
Jul 11, 2013
Contact conb119 on Line to join.

I've been playing for quite some time and have come to the conclusion that my favorite thing to do in this game is trading.

I'm running out of Team Members to drop, as most are currently already in top alliances and trade rooms.

My intention is to have an overhaul of my alliance.
I will require everyone to be active traders/players with a Line account.

My plan is as follows:
1) Add up to 10-15 new members FOLLOWING the completion of the current event.
2) Wait two weeks (so that new alliance members can trade with me)
3) Create a new Line trade room for my Alliance and Team Members, where EVERYONE will have connections to top alliances through myself and the rest of my Alliance/Team Members on DAY ONE of the trade room. For those unfamiliar with trade rooms, this means a complete/active trade room where all trades would be able to happen right away (no two week waiting). As most of you already know, this is especially important when trading Raid cards.

Also, my trade routes are verified/trusted traders.

Only requirement is Active players with Line (no minimum Lvl/deck requirement, as once you're in for two weeks, you will be able to drastically improve your deck)

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, let me know.
PM me here or on Line (conb119), as I will start compiling a list of new Alliance members to add at the completion of the event.

Also, as far as my alliance, it's a meritocracy where the highest scoring players get the Leadership positions. NONE are locked in. If you score higher, you get the Leadership position.