Feb 25, 2013
Well, since it is hard enough to find girls on CoD as it is, I'm running around the internet in search of badass girl gamers. So far we there is only myself and ii_am_Beastness in the clan but we have at least 2 girls interested in joining at the moment, as well as one that will join if we get a few more people.

The only requirements to joining this clan (asides from being a girl) is to have an above 1.10 KD in MW3 or BO2. If you almost meet the requirements then I'm willing to work with anyone to get their KD up and teach them ways to better themselves.

Our clan is Z3R0 Angels.
If you have any questions feel free to post them here.

P.S. This is my first time running a clan since the original leader had too much to do and had to back out. Any tips about running a clan is much appreciated. <3



Almost Not a Noob
Oct 29, 2002
So... If I used a voice changer... do I qualify? My K/D is 1.29 and growing. Since K/D is so painfully important to you people. Which is mind boggling. The last 4 out of 5 games I've played have been a 2 KD or higher. Yet I'm 1.29 overall. Figure that one out.


Jan 2, 2008
If you want to join a clan where KD doesn't matter come join us at igameordie.com. Mature, laid back gaming. For the girls who just want to have fun.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 10, 2011
City by the Bay
If you want to join a clan where KD doesn't matter come join us at igameordie.com. Mature, laid back gaming. For the girls who just want to have fun.
You guys do try to win though right? I mean you make it sound pretty mellow and this is not a very mellow game to play. I visualize a bunch of middle aged "nice guys" getting annihilated in every game by amped up kids whose KD does matter. I'm just saying..
Mar 9, 2009
i dont know what you mean that you dont run into many girls on cod when i run into them more or less every night. your question regarding advice on clans....dont make any requirements other than being a girl also dont make a KDR requirement because you're gonna be turning away a lot of girls. instead make it so that you can get the most participation out of anyone that is able to do so...those are the keys to a successful clan as far as i know.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 14, 2009
Well, since it is hard enough to find girls on CoD as it is, I'm running around the internet in search of badass girl gamers. So far we there is only myself and ii_am_Beastness in the clan but we have at least 2 girls interested in joining at the moment, as well as one that will join if we get a few more people.

The only requirements to joining this clan (asides from being a girl) is to have an above 1.10 KD in MW3 or BO2. If you almost meet the requirements then I'm willing to work with anyone to get their KD up and teach them ways to better themselves.

Our clan is Z3R0 Angels.
If you have any questions feel free to post them here.

P.S. This is my first time running a clan since the original leader had too much to do and had to back out. Any tips about running a clan is much appreciated. <3


that's cute. seriously though..



Almost Not a Noob
Feb 20, 2012
What is it with guys and there tendancies to being overly stereotypical? If girls wanna play a video game then let them, the whole sandwich thing is just stupid. Id like to see more girls online cause its more interesting to have a conversation with them than with a 12 year old trash talker who thinks talking about your mom is cool.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 14, 2009
What is it with guys and there tendancies to being overly stereotypical? If girls wanna play a video game then let them, the whole sandwich thing is just stupid. Id like to see more girls online cause its more interesting to have a conversation with them than with a 12 year old trash talker who thinks talking about your mom is cool.

sorry bro, it's not the way you're going to get laid.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 3, 2010
Well, since it is hard enough to find girls on CoD as it is, I'm running around the internet in search of badass girl gamers. So far we there is only myself and ii_am_Beastness in the clan but we have at least 2 girls interested in joining at the moment, as well as one that will join if we get a few more people.

The only requirements to joining this clan (asides from being a girl) is to have an above 1.10 KD in MW3 or BO2. If you almost meet the requirements then I'm willing to work with anyone to get their KD up and teach them ways to better themselves.

Our clan is Z3R0 Angels.
If you have any questions feel free to post them here.

P.S. This is my first time running a clan since the original leader had too much to do and had to back out. Any tips about running a clan is much appreciated. <3


that's cute. seriously though..




No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2009
What is it with guys and there tendancies to being overly stereotypical? If girls wanna play a video game then let them, the whole sandwich thing is just stupid. Id like to see more girls online cause its more interesting to have a conversation with them than with a 12 year old trash talker who thinks talking about your mom is cool.

sorry bro, it's not the way you're going to get laid.

People say these jokes because they are so obvious. Not to mention the vast majority of the girls I've heard on XBL are 1. terrible 2. already in a party with their boyfriend 3. have already heard everything they've wanted to hear from 12 year old boys hitting on them in the lobby. I'd rather talk to someone that actually wants to play/win the game than chat about what's going on with their friends/school. Save that shit for facebook.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 20, 2012
What is it with guys and there tendancies to being overly stereotypical? If girls wanna play a video game then let them, the whole sandwich thing is just stupid. Id like to see more girls online cause its more interesting to have a conversation with them than with a 12 year old trash talker who thinks talking about your mom is cool.

sorry bro, it's not the way you're going to get laid.
Neither is acting like a dick, make your own damn sandwich you lazy f***.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 14, 2009
What is it with guys and there tendancies to being overly stereotypical? If girls wanna play a video game then let them, the whole sandwich thing is just stupid. Id like to see more girls online cause its more interesting to have a conversation with them than with a 12 year old trash talker who thinks talking about your mom is cool.

sorry bro, it's not the way you're going to get laid.

People say these jokes because they are so obvious. Not to mention the vast majority of the girls I've heard on XBL are 1. terrible 2. already in a party with their boyfriend 3. have already heard everything they've wanted to hear from 12 year old boys hitting on them in the lobby. I'd rather talk to someone that actually wants to play/win the game than chat about what's going on with their friends/school. Save that shit for facebook.

exactly, on both the joke and people. back when i first got live years and years ago, i started playing ncaa football. every time i'd go to matchmaking and the team select screen would load up.. i'd hear "hello? hello?" then people would back out after a few seconds. it got to the point where i had to put in my mic and then i'd just blow into it like i was fixing it or something so they'd start up. then i'd take it right out. i was there to play some football, not make friends.

the few times i tried to actually play with a mic, jesus christ. "so, you from here? do you go to school here? do you like this team? why do you use them? are you in college? what playbook do you use? oh that was such a good play, way to gain 2 yards! i remember this one time when.." like DUDE.. i just want to play, relax.

COD is different, but all the same in the end. whenever i hear someone keep yapping and yapping and yapping.. i'll think "i bet this moron is like 3-16 and dead last." then i pull up the scoreboard.. bingo. amazing how many people play just so they can hear themselves talk.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 14, 2009
What is it with guys and there tendancies to being overly stereotypical? If girls wanna play a video game then let them, the whole sandwich thing is just stupid. Id like to see more girls online cause its more interesting to have a conversation with them than with a 12 year old trash talker who thinks talking about your mom is cool.

sorry bro, it's not the way you're going to get laid.
Neither is acting like a dick, make your own damn sandwich you lazy f***.

it was a joke and i could give a shit less if females play. i didn't think someone would actually try to play online knight and shining armour though :^O:^O

btw, you contradict yourself in your earlier post. you talk about stereotypes with females, but then generalize all young kids as whiny 12 year olds with mom jokes.

we had a chick thread about a year ago. it was funny. we all know the majority of them try to make themselves known by their clan tag, gamer tag or by opening their fat mouth to proclaim they are a girl and you were just killed/beat by one. they are no different than kids, young guys or older guys. finding someone who can actually play and be mature is a long shot.

you made yourself sound like the classic desperate dude in the game lobby. you know, they start off with "don't listen to them [insert chick name here].. they're just a bunch of aholes." then they laugh crazy at every little joke. "oh man! she told you guys to shut up.. hahaha!!!~! oh my god, she owned you guys!" then it turns into "you want to start a lobby up?" by now.. he's already fantasizing this chick is going to secretly thank him by traveling thousands of miles to his house on a pit stop during her SI swimsuit shoot.. and she's going to bring a couple friends with her.

good stuff.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
sorry bro, it's not the way you're going to get laid.
Neither is acting like a dick, make your own damn sandwich you lazy f***.

it was a joke and i could give a shit less if females play. i didn't think someone would actually try to play online knight and shining armour though :^O:^O

btw, you contradict yourself in your earlier post. you talk about stereotypes with females, but then generalize all young kids as whiny 12 year olds with mom jokes.

we had a chick thread about a year ago. it was funny. we all know the majority of them try to make themselves known by their clan tag, gamer tag or by opening their fat mouth to proclaim they are a girl and you were just killed/beat by one. they are no different than kids, young guys or older guys. finding someone who can actually play and be mature is a long shot.

you made yourself sound like the classic desperate dude in the game lobby. you know, they start off with "don't listen to them [insert chick name here].. they're just a bunch of aholes." then they laugh crazy at every little joke. "oh man! she told you guys to shut up.. hahaha!!!~! oh my god, she owned you guys!" then it turns into "you want to start a lobby up?" by now.. he's already fantasizing this chick is going to secretly thank him by traveling thousands of miles to his house on a pit stop during her SI swimsuit shoot.. and she's going to bring a couple friends with her.

good stuff.

Dang smasher, you got all this over a sandwich comment? Getting your Yoda on I guess


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 29, 2002
What is it with guys and there tendancies to being overly stereotypical? If girls wanna play a video game then let them, the whole sandwich thing is just stupid. Id like to see more girls online cause its more interesting to have a conversation with them than with a 12 year old trash talker who thinks talking about your mom is cool.

sorry bro, it's not the way you're going to get laid.
Neither is acting like a dick, make your own damn sandwich you lazy f***.

You'd be surprised. Chicks love dicks. See what I did there...


No Longer a Noob
Feb 14, 2009
Neither is acting like a dick, make your own damn sandwich you lazy f***.

it was a joke and i could give a shit less if females play. i didn't think someone would actually try to play online knight and shining armour though :^O:^O

btw, you contradict yourself in your earlier post. you talk about stereotypes with females, but then generalize all young kids as whiny 12 year olds with mom jokes.

we had a chick thread about a year ago. it was funny. we all know the majority of them try to make themselves known by their clan tag, gamer tag or by opening their fat mouth to proclaim they are a girl and you were just killed/beat by one. they are no different than kids, young guys or older guys. finding someone who can actually play and be mature is a long shot.

you made yourself sound like the classic desperate dude in the game lobby. you know, they start off with "don't listen to them [insert chick name here].. they're just a bunch of aholes." then they laugh crazy at every little joke. "oh man! she told you guys to shut up.. hahaha!!!~! oh my god, she owned you guys!" then it turns into "you want to start a lobby up?" by now.. he's already fantasizing this chick is going to secretly thank him by traveling thousands of miles to his house on a pit stop during her SI swimsuit shoot.. and she's going to bring a couple friends with her.

good stuff.

Dang smasher, you got all this over a sandwich comment? Getting your Yoda on I guess

na, i'm just having fun with him.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 3, 2010
sorry bro, it's not the way you're going to get laid.
Neither is acting like a dick, make your own damn sandwich you lazy f***.

it was a joke and i could give a shit less if females play. i didn't think someone would actually try to play online knight and shining armour though :^O:^O

btw, you contradict yourself in your earlier post. you talk about stereotypes with females, but then generalize all young kids as whiny 12 year olds with mom jokes.

we had a chick thread about a year ago. it was funny. we all know the majority of them try to make themselves known by their clan tag, gamer tag or by opening their fat mouth to proclaim they are a girl and you were just killed/beat by one. they are no different than kids, young guys or older guys. finding someone who can actually play and be mature is a long shot.

you made yourself sound like the classic desperate dude in the game lobby. you know, they start off with "don't listen to them [insert chick name here].. they're just a bunch of aholes." then they laugh crazy at every little joke. "oh man! she told you guys to shut up.. hahaha!!!~! oh my god, she owned you guys!" then it turns into "you want to start a lobby up?" by now.. he's already fantasizing this chick is going to secretly thank him by traveling thousands of miles to his house on a pit stop during her SI swimsuit shoot.. and she's going to bring a couple friends with her.

good stuff.

LOL you've got it all planned out guy. congratz for you homes [face_applause]


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2009
it was a joke and i could give a shit less if females play. i didn't think someone would actually try to play online knight and shining armour though :^O:^O

btw, you contradict yourself in your earlier post. you talk about stereotypes with females, but then generalize all young kids as whiny 12 year olds with mom jokes.

we had a chick thread about a year ago. it was funny. we all know the majority of them try to make themselves known by their clan tag, gamer tag or by opening their fat mouth to proclaim they are a girl and you were just killed/beat by one. they are no different than kids, young guys or older guys. finding someone who can actually play and be mature is a long shot.

you made yourself sound like the classic desperate dude in the game lobby. you know, they start off with "don't listen to them [insert chick name here].. they're just a bunch of aholes." then they laugh crazy at every little joke. "oh man! she told you guys to shut up.. hahaha!!!~! oh my god, she owned you guys!" then it turns into "you want to start a lobby up?" by now.. he's already fantasizing this chick is going to secretly thank him by traveling thousands of miles to his house on a pit stop during her SI swimsuit shoot.. and she's going to bring a couple friends with her.

good stuff.

Dang smasher, you got all this over a sandwich comment? Getting your Yoda on I guess

na, i'm just having fun with him.

Hey, grab me a beer while you're making me that sammich', would ya'?

edit....notice the can of redi whip in the door....LOL!
Last edited:
Feb 25, 2013
i dont know what you mean that you dont run into many girls on cod when i run into them more or less every night. your question regarding advice on clans....dont make any requirements other than being a girl also dont make a KDR requirement because you're gonna be turning away a lot of girls. instead make it so that you can get the most participation out of anyone that is able to do so...those are the keys to a successful clan as far as i know.

Well, lately I have been seeing more girls but they are generally with a clan already, so the biggest problem is finding ones either wanting to join a clan. I've decided that with regards to KD, having above a 1.10 KD will get you into the clan faster but otherwise the girl will have to prove that that she can at least go positive and keep up with the girls that are already in the clan.

There are a few other girl clans on PS3 but they all just have the requirement of being a girl. The point of this clan even before I became leader is to create an clan of "elite" girls. That is why we decided to have a KD requirement but I think that as long as they can prove that they can contribute in game then we are happy to take them into the clan.

Right now there are 2 that I know well that are looking to be in the clan, not including the one girl I've already brought into the clan, and one that is happy to join once we recruit about 5 or 6 more people. Plus one of the girls in my clan that I know from the old clan I was in has at least 4 girls she is pretty sure about that will join our clan.
Last edited:


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
i dont know what you mean that you dont run into many girls on cod when i run into them more or less every night. your question regarding advice on clans....dont make any requirements other than being a girl also dont make a KDR requirement because you're gonna be turning away a lot of girls. instead make it so that you can get the most participation out of anyone that is able to do so...those are the keys to a successful clan as far as i know.

Well, lately I have been seeing more girls but they are generally with a clan already, so the biggest problem is finding ones either wanting to join a clan. I've decided that with regards to KD, having above a 1.10 KD will get you into the clan faster but otherwise the girl will have to prove that that she can at least go positive and keep up with the girls that are already in the clan.

There are a few other girl clans on PS3 but they all just have the requirement of being a girl. The point of this clan even before I became leader is to create an clan of "elite" girls. That is why we decided to have a KD requirement but I think that as long as they can prove that they can contribute in game then we are happy to take them into the clan.

Right now there are 2 that I know well that are looking to be in the clan, not including the one girl I've already brought into the clan, and one that is happy to join once we recruit about 5 or 6 more people. Plus one of the girls in my clan that I know from the old clan I was in has at least 4 girls she is pretty sure about that will join our clan.

Is this thread about a "clan"? Funny, I didn't see you mention it at all in this post. It's crazy


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 20, 2012
sorry bro, it's not the way you're going to get laid.
Neither is acting like a dick, make your own damn sandwich you lazy f***.

it was a joke and i could give a shit less if females play. i didn't think someone would actually try to play online knight and shining armour though :^O:^O

btw, you contradict yourself in your earlier post. you talk about stereotypes with females, but then generalize all young kids as whiny 12 year olds with mom jokes.

we had a chick thread about a year ago. it was funny. we all know the majority of them try to make themselves known by their clan tag, gamer tag or by opening their fat mouth to proclaim they are a girl and you were just killed/beat by one. they are no different than kids, young guys or older guys. finding someone who can actually play and be mature is a long shot.

you made yourself sound like the classic desperate dude in the game lobby. you know, they start off with "don't listen to them [insert chick name here].. they're just a bunch of aholes." then they laugh crazy at every little joke. "oh man! she told you guys to shut up.. hahaha!!!~! oh my god, she owned you guys!" then it turns into "you want to start a lobby up?" by now.. he's already fantasizing this chick is going to secretly thank him by traveling thousands of miles to his house on a pit stop during her SI swimsuit shoot.. and she's going to bring a couple friends with her.

good stuff.
First off im not generalizing if its true, every single 12 year old ive come across is the same. It gets old pretty damn quickly, its like a growing disease. Im sick of listening to little kids playing an m rated game cause there tiny little minds havent developed any sense of maturity.

Again your stereotyping that because a guy wants to be nice to girls its cause he has some online fantasy. Maybe if you got your dick out from between you and your controller you would consider online diversity. Sometimes its nice talking to a female gamer. After a while it gets boring listening to screechers and guys calling you ****** and garbage and bitch every game. Ive gamed with a handful of girl gamers and at least they have some normal conversations and sense of maturity.
Feb 25, 2013
i dont know what you mean that you dont run into many girls on cod when i run into them more or less every night. your question regarding advice on clans....dont make any requirements other than being a girl also dont make a KDR requirement because you're gonna be turning away a lot of girls. instead make it so that you can get the most participation out of anyone that is able to do so...those are the keys to a successful clan as far as i know.

Well, lately I have been seeing more girls but they are generally with a clan already, so the biggest problem is finding ones either wanting to join a clan. I've decided that with regards to KD, having above a 1.10 KD will get you into the clan faster but otherwise the girl will have to prove that that she can at least go positive and keep up with the girls that are already in the clan.

There are a few other girl clans on PS3 but they all just have the requirement of being a girl. The point of this clan even before I became leader is to create an clan of "elite" girls. That is why we decided to have a KD requirement but I think that as long as they can prove that they can contribute in game then we are happy to take them into the clan.

Right now there are 2 that I know well that are looking to be in the clan, not including the one girl I've already brought into the clan, and one that is happy to join once we recruit about 5 or 6 more people. Plus one of the girls in my clan that I know from the old clan I was in has at least 4 girls she is pretty sure about that will join our clan.

Is this thread about a "clan"? Funny, I didn't see you mention it at all in this post. It's crazy

It is mentioned in the second paragraph...


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2009
Neither is acting like a dick, make your own damn sandwich you lazy f***.

it was a joke and i could give a shit less if females play. i didn't think someone would actually try to play online knight and shining armour though :^O:^O

btw, you contradict yourself in your earlier post. you talk about stereotypes with females, but then generalize all young kids as whiny 12 year olds with mom jokes.

we had a chick thread about a year ago. it was funny. we all know the majority of them try to make themselves known by their clan tag, gamer tag or by opening their fat mouth to proclaim they are a girl and you were just killed/beat by one. they are no different than kids, young guys or older guys. finding someone who can actually play and be mature is a long shot.

you made yourself sound like the classic desperate dude in the game lobby. you know, they start off with "don't listen to them [insert chick name here].. they're just a bunch of aholes." then they laugh crazy at every little joke. "oh man! she told you guys to shut up.. hahaha!!!~! oh my god, she owned you guys!" then it turns into "you want to start a lobby up?" by now.. he's already fantasizing this chick is going to secretly thank him by traveling thousands of miles to his house on a pit stop during her SI swimsuit shoot.. and she's going to bring a couple friends with her.

good stuff.
First off im not generalizing if its true, every single 12 year old ive come across is the same. It gets old pretty damn quickly, its like a growing disease. Im sick of listening to little kids playing an m rated game cause there tiny little minds havent developed any sense of maturity.

Again your stereotyping that because a guy wants to be nice to girls its cause he has some online fantasy. Maybe if you got your dick out from between you and your controller you would consider online diversity. Sometimes its nice talking to a female gamer. After a while it gets boring listening to screechers and guys calling you ****** and garbage and bitch every game. Ive gamed with a handful of girl gamers and at least they have some normal conversations and sense of maturity.

Not why people play COD. I don't give a shit about Cindy's exam or Bobby's party last Friday. If I want that, I actually talk to people I know outside of XBL. Thank God for mute buttons.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 14, 2009
Neither is acting like a dick, make your own damn sandwich you lazy f***.

it was a joke and i could give a shit less if females play. i didn't think someone would actually try to play online knight and shining armour though :^O:^O

btw, you contradict yourself in your earlier post. you talk about stereotypes with females, but then generalize all young kids as whiny 12 year olds with mom jokes.

we had a chick thread about a year ago. it was funny. we all know the majority of them try to make themselves known by their clan tag, gamer tag or by opening their fat mouth to proclaim they are a girl and you were just killed/beat by one. they are no different than kids, young guys or older guys. finding someone who can actually play and be mature is a long shot.

you made yourself sound like the classic desperate dude in the game lobby. you know, they start off with "don't listen to them [insert chick name here].. they're just a bunch of aholes." then they laugh crazy at every little joke. "oh man! she told you guys to shut up.. hahaha!!!~! oh my god, she owned you guys!" then it turns into "you want to start a lobby up?" by now.. he's already fantasizing this chick is going to secretly thank him by traveling thousands of miles to his house on a pit stop during her SI swimsuit shoot.. and she's going to bring a couple friends with her.

good stuff.
First off im not generalizing if its true, every single 12 year old ive come across is the same. It gets old pretty damn quickly, its like a growing disease. Im sick of listening to little kids playing an m rated game cause there tiny little minds havent developed any sense of maturity.

Again your stereotyping that because a guy wants to be nice to girls its cause he has some online fantasy. Maybe if you got your dick out from between you and your controller you would consider online diversity. Sometimes its nice talking to a female gamer. After a while it gets boring listening to screechers and guys calling you ****** and garbage and bitch every game. Ive gamed with a handful of girl gamers and at least they have some normal conversations and sense of maturity.

so.. you were interested in talking to 12 year olds before you moved on to little girls? [face_thinking]

i play a game to play that game. if i want to talk to a female, i'll walk over to the kitchen to talk to my girlfriend.

it's COD, not friendfinder.com. and lets be real, you're bullshitting like a mad man if you're telling me you cannot find normal guys to converse with. they're not all 12 year olds.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 20, 2012
it was a joke and i could give a shit less if females play. i didn't think someone would actually try to play online knight and shining armour though :^O:^O

btw, you contradict yourself in your earlier post. you talk about stereotypes with females, but then generalize all young kids as whiny 12 year olds with mom jokes.

we had a chick thread about a year ago. it was funny. we all know the majority of them try to make themselves known by their clan tag, gamer tag or by opening their fat mouth to proclaim they are a girl and you were just killed/beat by one. they are no different than kids, young guys or older guys. finding someone who can actually play and be mature is a long shot.

you made yourself sound like the classic desperate dude in the game lobby. you know, they start off with "don't listen to them [insert chick name here].. they're just a bunch of aholes." then they laugh crazy at every little joke. "oh man! she told you guys to shut up.. hahaha!!!~! oh my god, she owned you guys!" then it turns into "you want to start a lobby up?" by now.. he's already fantasizing this chick is going to secretly thank him by traveling thousands of miles to his house on a pit stop during her SI swimsuit shoot.. and she's going to bring a couple friends with her.

good stuff.
First off im not generalizing if its true, every single 12 year old ive come across is the same. It gets old pretty damn quickly, its like a growing disease. Im sick of listening to little kids playing an m rated game cause there tiny little minds havent developed any sense of maturity.

Again your stereotyping that because a guy wants to be nice to girls its cause he has some online fantasy. Maybe if you got your dick out from between you and your controller you would consider online diversity. Sometimes its nice talking to a female gamer. After a while it gets boring listening to screechers and guys calling you ****** and garbage and bitch every game. Ive gamed with a handful of girl gamers and at least they have some normal conversations and sense of maturity.

so.. you were interested in talking to 12 year olds before you moved on to little girls? [face_thinking]

i play a game to play that game. if i want to talk to a female, i'll walk over to the kitchen to talk to my girlfriend.

it's COD, not friendfinder.com. and lets be real, you're bullshitting like a mad man if you're telling me you cannot find normal guys to converse with. they're not all 12 year olds.
Im not looking to find friends but ranking up 10 prestiges without talking to anyone would be boring as hell, i like socializing with people while playing so im not one of those rage inducing lunatics screaming at his tv and having full conversations with an electronic appliance. Its harder to find people my age to game with, its all really young kids or really old people.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2009
First off im not generalizing if its true, every single 12 year old ive come across is the same. It gets old pretty damn quickly, its like a growing disease. Im sick of listening to little kids playing an m rated game cause there tiny little minds havent developed any sense of maturity.

Again your stereotyping that because a guy wants to be nice to girls its cause he has some online fantasy. Maybe if you got your dick out from between you and your controller you would consider online diversity. Sometimes its nice talking to a female gamer. After a while it gets boring listening to screechers and guys calling you ****** and garbage and bitch every game. Ive gamed with a handful of girl gamers and at least they have some normal conversations and sense of maturity.

so.. you were interested in talking to 12 year olds before you moved on to little girls? [face_thinking]

i play a game to play that game. if i want to talk to a female, i'll walk over to the kitchen to talk to my girlfriend.

it's COD, not friendfinder.com. and lets be real, you're bullshitting like a mad man if you're telling me you cannot find normal guys to converse with. they're not all 12 year olds.
Im not looking to find friends but ranking up 10 prestiges without talking to anyone would be boring as hell, i like socializing with people while playing so im not one of those rage inducing lunatics screaming at his tv and having full conversations with an electronic appliance. Its harder to find people my age to game with, its all really young kids or really old people.

Watch it kiddo'!:D I talk to people during the game....about what's going on....in the game.
Mar 9, 2009
i dont know what you mean that you dont run into many girls on cod when i run into them more or less every night. your question regarding advice on clans....dont make any requirements other than being a girl also dont make a KDR requirement because you're gonna be turning away a lot of girls. instead make it so that you can get the most participation out of anyone that is able to do so...those are the keys to a successful clan as far as i know.

Well, lately I have been seeing more girls but they are generally with a clan already, so the biggest problem is finding ones either wanting to join a clan. I've decided that with regards to KD, having above a 1.10 KD will get you into the clan faster but otherwise the girl will have to prove that that she can at least go positive and keep up with the girls that are already in the clan.

There are a few other girl clans on PS3 but they all just have the requirement of being a girl. The point of this clan even before I became leader is to create an clan of "elite" girls. That is why we decided to have a KD requirement but I think that as long as they can prove that they can contribute in game then we are happy to take them into the clan.

Right now there are 2 that I know well that are looking to be in the clan, not including the one girl I've already brought into the clan, and one that is happy to join once we recruit about 5 or 6 more people. Plus one of the girls in my clan that I know from the old clan I was in has at least 4 girls she is pretty sure about that will join our clan.
what system are you guys on?....i might have a few girls who could join


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 20, 2012
Watch it kiddo'!:D I talk to people during the game....about what's going on....in the game.

Kiddo? Im 26....i meant i used to game with some guys that were like 55 and 58, they weren't very good at the game but they were funny as hell to talk too [face_tongue] Ps didn't mean to offend you old people
Feb 25, 2013
i dont know what you mean that you dont run into many girls on cod when i run into them more or less every night. your question regarding advice on clans....dont make any requirements other than being a girl also dont make a KDR requirement because you're gonna be turning away a lot of girls. instead make it so that you can get the most participation out of anyone that is able to do so...those are the keys to a successful clan as far as i know.

Well, lately I have been seeing more girls but they are generally with a clan already, so the biggest problem is finding ones either wanting to join a clan. I've decided that with regards to KD, having above a 1.10 KD will get you into the clan faster but otherwise the girl will have to prove that that she can at least go positive and keep up with the girls that are already in the clan.

There are a few other girl clans on PS3 but they all just have the requirement of being a girl. The point of this clan even before I became leader is to create an clan of "elite" girls. That is why we decided to have a KD requirement but I think that as long as they can prove that they can contribute in game then we are happy to take them into the clan.

Right now there are 2 that I know well that are looking to be in the clan, not including the one girl I've already brought into the clan, and one that is happy to join once we recruit about 5 or 6 more people. Plus one of the girls in my clan that I know from the old clan I was in has at least 4 girls she is pretty sure about that will join our clan.
what system are you guys on?....i might have a few girls who could join

We are on the PS3 at the moment. I might eventually have the clan for the xbox 360 as well if I get my brother's hand-me-down xbox but I don't think that will happen anytime very soon.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 22, 2009
i dont know what you mean that you dont run into many girls on cod when i run into them more or less every night. your question regarding advice on clans....dont make any requirements other than being a girl also dont make a KDR requirement because you're gonna be turning away a lot of girls. instead make it so that you can get the most participation out of anyone that is able to do so...those are the keys to a successful clan as far as i know.

Well, lately I have been seeing more girls but they are generally with a clan already, so the biggest problem is finding ones either wanting to join a clan. I've decided that with regards to KD, having above a 1.10 KD will get you into the clan faster but otherwise the girl will have to prove that that she can at least go positive and keep up with the girls that are already in the clan.

There are a few other girl clans on PS3 but they all just have the requirement of being a girl. The point of this clan even before I became leader is to create an clan of "elite" girls. That is why we decided to have a KD requirement but I think that as long as they can prove that they can contribute in game then we are happy to take them into the clan.

Right now there are 2 that I know well that are looking to be in the clan, not including the one girl I've already brought into the clan, and one that is happy to join once we recruit about 5 or 6 more people. Plus one of the girls in my clan that I know from the old clan I was in has at least 4 girls she is pretty sure about that will join our clan.
what system are you guys on?....i might have a few girls who could join
Pimpin aint easy


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
Well, lately I have been seeing more girls but they are generally with a clan already, so the biggest problem is finding ones either wanting to join a clan. I've decided that with regards to KD, having above a 1.10 KD will get you into the clan faster but otherwise the girl will have to prove that that she can at least go positive and keep up with the girls that are already in the clan.

There are a few other girl clans on PS3 but they all just have the requirement of being a girl. The point of this clan even before I became leader is to create an clan of "elite" girls. That is why we decided to have a KD requirement but I think that as long as they can prove that they can contribute in game then we are happy to take them into the clan.

Right now there are 2 that I know well that are looking to be in the clan, not including the one girl I've already brought into the clan, and one that is happy to join once we recruit about 5 or 6 more people. Plus one of the girls in my clan that I know from the old clan I was in has at least 4 girls she is pretty sure about that will join our clan.
what system are you guys on?....i might have a few girls who could join
Pimpin aint easy

Not sure if you noticed OP is talking about a clan. I think she mentioned the word somewhere in there. Crazy


No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
Pimpin aint easy

Not sure if you noticed OP is talking about a clan. I think she mentioned the word somewhere in there. Crazy

" i might have a few girls who could join" That is a pimp

Hahaha I get it buzzsaw. I was being heavily sarcastic about the "clan" talk. Go back and read what that biscuit wrote. I counted 13 clan drops! Pretty serious. Clan clan clan clan clan clan clan clan clan clan



No Longer a Noob
Oct 26, 2011
Your sisters closet
Apr 20, 2020
can i join a fortnite clan for only girls ik my username doesnt look like a girl name but it was my brothers account pls replay fast