
No Longer a Noob
Oct 14, 2005
Badstreet, USA
Skate is credited by many with destroying the Tony Hawk series and it does appear so...Project 8 was terrible and nobody really bought Proving would seem that Neversoft and Activision will probably give up on the Tony series...either that or turn it into something that resembles Skate's system...

Problem with this is..while Skate is a fine game in it's own's too realistic and too tedious for me alot of the times. Yes making pulling off a kickflip fun and challenging is to be praised...but I honestly missed being able to pull off insane combos...and seeing the occasional odd-ball character.

The question of roster also comes to mind...I watched and followed skating in the '90s with people like Jamie Thomas, Bucky Lasek, Elissa Steamer, and Chad Muska...they also don't really have old school guys like Alva or Natas included...I think that adding in some more older skaters might fill out the roster...

Skate can be a really frustrating experience...and sometimes I don't want the tedium, frustration and sometimes unforgiving nature of Skate occupying time...

There is still a place for a Skating game like THUG, THPS4, etc....the gimmick tricks need to be eliminated(anything added after THUG..except the hand spins)...and the story mode needs to focus on the actual skating.

It might be clutching at straws here...but I just think a skating game that focuses on fun more-so than realism(without ignoring the realism part of the equation) still has a real place...


No Longer a Noob
Jun 27, 2005
I completely agree. I always found the older Tony Hawk games to be more fun simply because they bent reality a bit. The series ended up bending it too far though, then it decided to be mildly more realistic than usual.

It's kind of like how the older GTA games were fun because of the ridiculous things you could do, once GTAIV came along things were a bit more realistic but that also kind of made the game more boring and tedious to play...a similar principle applies to the Tony Hawk games.

I think the TH series is meandering a bit too far away from its roots and I feel like the series can't quite get back to where it was. I'm kind of biased saying that though because I have so much nostalgia for the older TH games (THPS3-THUG).

Sure, if the developers out there can work to make their Tony Hawk games more like what they were with THPS4 and THUG, then sure there's a place for that kind of game.

Based on what I've seen from the upcoming game though, that doesn't seem like the path they are taking.

And yes, what made the older TH games so much fun was that fun was the main idea...skating was just the means by which you had the fun. With Skate...the main focus is skating and the fun is meant to stem from that. They need to go back to focusing on fun like you said. They've been focusing on gimmicks too much. It'd be great if they made the games like they used to...just for fun.
Jan 19, 2005
Saying something like "focusing on fun" makes very little sense. It's something that sounds right but doesn't really mean anything at all.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 27, 2005
1,103 said:
Saying something like "focusing on fun" makes very little sense. It's something that sounds right but doesn't really mean anything at all.


How about saying "focusing on making aspects of a game fun to play"?
Jan 19, 2005
(I'm a bit drunk so I'm sorry if I'm not wording this right, I sometimes have a hard time sleeping when I've been drinking, so sorry for this.)

How does that change anything? What is the actual change between focusing on fun and focusing on aspects that make the game fun in this context? In what way did you actually explain or elaborate on your previous statement?
How is that different from what EVERY game developer EVER has tried to do?

What you're saying is, they should try to make the game enjoyable. Focues on things that make it fun. Well I agree with that. Any living person on our planet would, do you know anyone who would honestly say; "I enjoy things that aren't enjoyable"? EVERYBODY LIKES FUN THINGS!

Well actually, your point is that they should try to find a balance, it should be so easy so that not every little thing you're trying to do requires a silly amount of preparations but not so easy that nothing you do actually matters. Which, by the way, is not the same thign as focusing on fun. Which is just trying to make a fun game for a different audience. People draw that line differently, and for some that line isn't at all relevant.

To say one game is focusing on fun and the other isn't in any way at all right. It's just saying you don't think any one is focusing on the things you find fun. It's not constructive, it's just sayin "I generally dilsike this but have no rational explanation for it". And yeah, I think it's all right for someone to dislike something without being avble to rationally explain it. Just don't try to hide behind BS rhetoric, the one thing I hate the most is people pretending to know/understand/say something becuase they know a something that sounds good. but they have no idea what they'äre saying.

I guess what I'm saying is; talk clearly and stop using catchphrases to express yourselves becuase neither you or anyone else can actually understand you


Dreaming of an absolution.
Apr 16, 2001
Project 8 was freakin' awesome except many of the goals were extremely challenging and not based on skill but rather luck. I only get 99.9% in that game. Boo.

Skate didn't kill Tony Hawk series, Guitar Hero did. Neversoft makes so much more money off GH rehashing, why bother making a game where you have to create new levels and animations and goal types? GH is so much easier to make and it's more profitable.

If Neversoft didn't have GH they would be bringing out their own new revamped Hawk game, but why bother with GH?

Many of these so-called "gimmick tricks" are not gimmicks in the least. They are "game-changing maneuvers." The wall run, the aggro kick, nail the trick, nail the grab, nail the manual are all post-THUG and very welcome additions.

The lame gimmicks like tagging and tossing items were removed for Project 8 and Proving Ground.

Oh yeah, and Skate sucks, there is absolutely space for both series to thrive but Neversoft and Activision pussied out like little bitches and now my favorite series is DEAD! [face_cry]
Jan 19, 2005
Ha, no. They are gimmicks, just small things added so taht they could act like they've released a new game when in fact it's pretty much the same old stuff. Just because they changed the gameplay doesn't mean they aren't gimmicks
Sep 6, 2009
0ompa said:
I think the TH series is meandering a bit too far away from its roots and I feel like the series can't quite get back to where it was. I'm kind of biased saying that though because I have so much nostalgia for the older TH games (THPS3-THUG).

I couldn't agree more, although THUG2 is my favorite... Mainly because creating a character from nothing is extremely fun. But the new games just suck. NFS pulled the same stunt and now they're changing it to realistic games instead of arcades styled games. That leaves only one popular arcade racing game left... MC:LA The skateboard control is going to kill them, I know that if they're planning on releasing a crappy Wii Balance Board on another system less than a million people are going to buy it. But the fans will still buy the game hoping that it will bring it back to its former glory of the THPS3-THUG2 era. Skate was not fun for me because it lacked the enjoyability, replaced by realism. I would hate it if Final Fantasy took away magic because it wasn't real enough. Games should not have dramatic changes like NFS:Carbon>NFS[face_tongue]ro Street or THUG2>THAW.

I won't buy this game until I'm sure it's good. Right now it sounds a lot like a Skate/Tony Hawk Hybrid abomination.
Sep 6, 2009
They should keep trying to make it unrealistic for the gamers because if they're focusing on the people who can actually do these tricks than what is the point? Less skaters on the street would be better for traffic in some areas but if I could do any of what I was doing in a video game than I would be doing it in real life. Madden doesn't make their games realistic because they know that the people who can't actually play will buy the game. Maybe the new change will fail or it could redefine the series and make it amazing again. I cannot say now but do not hold your breath and wait for another good Tony Hawk game to come out. (mainly because this one does not get released for quite some time and you would probably run out of oxygen before even one day was up)
Jan 19, 2005
"They should keep trying to make it unrealistic for the gamers because if they're focusing on the people who can actually do these tricks than what is the point? Less skaters on the street would be better for traffic in some areas but if I could do any of what I was doing in a video game than I would be doing it in real life"


You haven't played skate or ever seen anyone skate in real life, have you?


No Longer a Noob
Jun 27, 2005
1,103 said:
(I'm a bit drunk so I'm sorry if I'm not wording this right, I sometimes have a hard time sleeping when I've been drinking, so sorry for this.)

How does that change anything? What is the actual change between focusing on fun and focusing on aspects that make the game fun in this context? In what way did you actually explain or elaborate on your previous statement?
How is that different from what EVERY game developer EVER has tried to do?

What you're saying is, they should try to make the game enjoyable. Focues on things that make it fun. Well I agree with that. Any living person on our planet would, do you know anyone who would honestly say; "I enjoy things that aren't enjoyable"? EVERYBODY LIKES FUN THINGS!

Well actually, your point is that they should try to find a balance, it should be so easy so that not every little thing you're trying to do requires a silly amount of preparations but not so easy that nothing you do actually matters. Which, by the way, is not the same thign as focusing on fun. Which is just trying to make a fun game for a different audience. People draw that line differently, and for some that line isn't at all relevant.

To say one game is focusing on fun and the other isn't in any way at all right. It's just saying you don't think any one is focusing on the things you find fun. It's not constructive, it's just sayin "I generally dilsike this but have no rational explanation for it". And yeah, I think it's all right for someone to dislike something without being avble to rationally explain it. Just don't try to hide behind BS rhetoric, the one thing I hate the most is people pretending to know/understand/say something becuase they know a something that sounds good. but they have no idea what they'äre saying.

I guess what I'm saying is; talk clearly and stop using catchphrases to express yourselves becuase neither you or anyone else can actually understand you


I think you're right. I suppose the best way to put things based on what you've said would be to replace "focusing on fun" with "focusing primarily on arcade-style gameplay which I find more fun than games that primarily strive for realism/simulation in its gameplay (though I do appreciate the innovations presented by the latter)."

I dunno, but for being drunk you did get your point across well.
Jan 19, 2005
I did say it in way too many words though and with a little too much anger. But you know what happens when you're drunk. Pet peeves turn into real annoyances, buddies into best friends and me into a dance machine.

Also, a automatic spellchecker helps when trying to write late at night


Sep 26, 2008
KrobelustheMedavan said:
Skate is credited by many with destroying the Tony Hawk series and it does appear so...Project 8 was terrible and nobody really bought Proving would seem that Neversoft and Activision will probably give up on the Tony series...either that or turn it into something that resembles Skate's system...

Problem with this is..while Skate is a fine game in it's own's too realistic and too tedious for me alot of the times. Yes making pulling off a kickflip fun and challenging is to be praised...but I honestly missed being able to pull off insane combos...and seeing the occasional odd-ball character.

The question of roster also comes to mind...I watched and followed skating in the '90s with people like Jamie Thomas, Bucky Lasek, Elissa Steamer, and Chad Muska...they also don't really have old school guys like Alva or Natas included...I think that adding in some more older skaters might fill out the roster...

Skate can be a really frustrating experience...and sometimes I don't want the tedium, frustration and sometimes unforgiving nature of Skate occupying time...

There is still a place for a Skating game like THUG, THPS4, etc....the gimmick tricks need to be eliminated(anything added after THUG..except the hand spins)...and the story mode needs to focus on the actual skating.

It might be clutching at straws here...but I just think a skating game that focuses on fun more-so than realism(without ignoring the realism part of the equation) still has a real place...

one of the biggest things they messed up is that they took ut create park after thaw. that is 50% of the game to me.
Oct 28, 2009
I have played both the Tony Hawks series of games as well as the Skate series and they are both equally good but what i really want to know is if i pay the £100 odd that the game with the board will cost is, will the brand new board work with the skate games?
Jul 1, 2009
Chocoburger said:
Project 8 was freakin' awesome except many of the goals were extremely challenging and not based on skill but rather luck. I only get 99.9% in that game. Boo.

Skate didn't kill Tony Hawk series, Guitar Hero did. Neversoft makes so much more money off GH rehashing, why bother making a game where you have to create new levels and animations and goal types? GH is so much easier to make and it's more profitable.

If Neversoft didn't have GH they would be bringing out their own new revamped Hawk game, but why bother with GH?

Many of these so-called "gimmick tricks" are not gimmicks in the least. They are "game-changing maneuvers." The wall run, the aggro kick, nail the trick, nail the grab, nail the manual are all post-THUG and very welcome additions.

The lame gimmicks like tagging and tossing items were removed for Project 8 and Proving Ground.

Oh yeah, and Skate sucks, there is absolutely space for both series to thrive but Neversoft and Activision pussied out like little bitches and now my favorite series is DEAD! [face_cry]
I like Guitar Hero better though [face_mischief] But the Tony Hawk series will always remain a special place in my heart.


Jun 13, 2007
audikiller09 said:
last decent tony hawk was American wasteland.....

I COMPLETELY agree. After they made American Wasteland, everything just went downhill.
I remember back when they had the trailers for it, everyone was stoked, they were like "AWW MAN AMERICAN WASTELAND IS GONNA BE THE SH!T", then when it came out they had the exact same reaction towards the game itself, because it gave you the opportunity to start from scratch and build your own skating fantasy, while still maintaining the elements of the first 2 games (with added benefits of BMX riding, Focus Mode, off-board bonuses, spray painting and Parkour nonetheless). The point I'm trying to make is when they made American Wasteland, they found the perfect balance. I think the idea of not having a story feature a female character was only a minor problem, but that's one of the main things that dragged down the buzz about THAW. Other than that, for me, it was the perfect skating game, and I still prefer it to Project 8 or Proving Ground, even though I had the PS2 version. It was killer, and if they made more games like THAW, Neversoft and Activision wouldn't be receiving so many complaints.