
May 15, 2015
I'm a level 11 Sith Warrior and it wont let me get my advanced class i'm free to play but it didn't think that mattered. i also have an level 11 Jedi Consular i'm having the same problem with that character, what can i do?


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
I just got this game and started playing, I just became a level 10 sith inquisitor. I wasn't even aware I was able to pick an advanced class yet... I don't remembered where it was on the HUD, but look around at your display, there should be something on your HUD that might be yellow or something, click on it and it will bring up your advanced class selection. Once you pick a class, the moves trainer will allow you to learn your advanced class moves as well. Hope that helps you out.