Jun 28, 2014
The Acolytes are recruiting for Elder Scrolls Online
Who are we?
The Acolytes were founded in 2004 with the basic principle of creating a strong, social gaming community.
Since then we’ve offered many outlets for our members to enjoy their time together as a community. We could
be grouping together doing a dungeon or playing a drinking game on mumble. Currently we have four supported
MMO chapters including Elder Scrolls Online. We offer a chance to join a Guild that won’t troll it’s members
or self destruct over night. Our membership has been strong for over 9 years and it continues to grow each day.

What we plan to offer members:
  • Guild hosted events
  • Farming groups
  • Dungeon groups
  • Organized Raiding
  • Organized Cyrodiil Guild PVP
  • A great community
  • Active leadership
  • Experienced players to help all levels of gamers
  • And much more – pending additional details of the game
What principles guide this chapter?
The most important thing in any MMO is that guild members are having fun. Acolytes are a zero/low drama guild of friends who like to spend time online together. We have every type of player ranging from casual 5 hours a week to hardcore 50 hours a week, and the important thing is that we all log into a great game and have a great time together.

Leadership will do everything we can to ensure the quality of the Acolytes brand, because we are more than just another guild. We will be respected by our allies. We will be feared by our enemies. This is the last guild that you will ever need.

Please feel free to visit our forums below and check out our site. If you feel we are a good fit for your play style then by all means fill out an application! Hope to see you soon!

Jun 28, 2014
Grabbed another member or 2! Remember you can be a member of 5 guilds! Why not one that's been around for 10 years, has multiple chapters, and a long standing history of being amazing! JOIN THE RANKS OF ACOLYTES NOW!
Jun 28, 2014
You can now get into the guild w/o an app! Easy peasy!

If you feel we are a good fit for your play style then by all means fill out an application! Hope to see you soon! You can contact myself @War101 or another officer @Wraithen, @TherealHussain, @Naupraptor, or @MykahAshborn in game for an invite!