Apr 22, 2015
Just thought everyone should know this. I am a founding member who pre-ordered SWTOR. I used an account security key also. If you don't know what that is here is a description. You buy a small device with a button and display on it which works like a pager. When you want to log in to your account or the game you push the button on the device and the display shows a number which you must type in to the login screen. In theory this is supposed to make your account hack proof. I can tell you that it is bullshit.
My account was hacked. I reported it with a ticket in game. A few minutes later I was kicked out of the game and my account was locked. I was sent an email telling me I had to call customer service. I did that and was told I had to send in a photocopy of my ID. I told them not a chance. We argued about how are they truly going to know who I am to which I replied you sent the message to my email address. How did you know what my address is? Then I said I can give the answers to all my security questions and that I had the security key to which they could send another number. The only thing they wanted is the photocopy. I asked how they were going to charge my account. What credit card are they going to charge. They had no problem telling me that was fine. After several calls and arguing with several different customer service people I could only get the answer that I absolutely had to send in a copy of my ID. That is never going to happen. In fact, it only makes me wonder if this was all done on purpose by the company to remove accounts. They asked me my address. They sent me emails. They verified my phone # that I was calling from. All of which matched my account. Therefore, this whole thing is bogus and I don't believe it is innocent verification. It reeks of corruption. If anyone is planning on playing this game be forewarned that Bioware customer is completely inflexible. You won't get any favorable outcomes. I never have. I even proved that items were missing from my inventory on a previous occasion because of a market error. They would not admit the error for that either. I recommend you stay away from this company and any game which they happen to operate.