
Almost Not a Noob
May 24, 2008
Hey all,

I'm an old IGN forum user; I think I have had an account here since 2006. I have lots of good memories from being on these boards.

I was rummaging through my email and found a list that I had prepared over 8 years ago, with the names of users I would thank when I hit 1k posts. I don't know if it's still a thing, but back then people used to make posts celebrating their post-count milestones. Even though I have yet to hit 1k posts, I thought it would be a bit of a waste if I just binned that email, and reckoned that maybe you all would enjoy reading through this list. Maybe some of these users are still active, while some may have vanished into the ether.

  • bruno192
  • Lamont.Cranston
  • Volvagia_slayer
  • Sertith
  • HextupleyooDOT
  • martibri000
  • sharinganhero
  • thespider1
  • CakeMan42
  • TheCongressman1
  • adidas198
  • genci
  • SouthpawLink
  • Stallord_969409
  • blue.jay.link
  • robsull14
  • krossbow7
  • lizalfos
  • ThisDinner
  • EmilyLovesLink
  • Falcor007
  • I_Am_Error88
  • DrEvilGenius
  • DallasJR
  • skierdude413
I barely remember anyone on this list, but I had put them all there for a reason. I do remember Volvagia_Slayer running a really cool RPG around 2009. I remember HextupleyooDOT had some wicked artwork and instantly recognised him when he pranked the Smash scene with fake characters.The other names do look extremely familiar and if any of you are still around, know that you all contributed to a great platform where I was able to escape the stress of school and life at the time.

Well, didn't really want to linger. Stay awesome Zelda board!



Jan 9, 2005
I can't believe that RPG was 9 years ago. I can't believe I still occasionally check in here 9 years later. [face_tongue] Good memories, for sure.
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Almost Not a Noob
May 24, 2008
I can't believe that RPG was 9 years ago. I can't believe I still occasionally check in here 9 years later. [face_tongue] Good memories, for sure.
I also can't believe how quickly time flew by. You put in a crazy amount of work into that RPG; good effort! It was really well done too. I remember being excited each morning before I'd head to classes for updates. Good times indeed.


No Longer a Noob
Aug 12, 2017
Rashad, I remember you perfectly due to your avatar and name. Thanks for dropping by. Surprised that I remember almost everybody on this list while you do not. Of course, I spent too much time on IGN, so that is why I remember them all. Wish this place was active, but what are we going to do? We live in a post anti-IMDb boards era. Our internet is becoming less and less free and democratic, and more monopolized.

I do not expect you to remember me, but I was a Jan '05 user named Maz (or MazahrehLOZ). I still cannot seem to access that account if there's a moderator who can help me out with that, I would appreciate it.[face_tongue] I think that account has been banned for far too long. I need to access my profile and old messages in that account, which I cannot since it's banned as well as the other accounts banned with it lol
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I give you a five minute window.
Apr 21, 2005
I do vaguely remember you by username... but not sure if I could pair you with any specific memories.

Either way, thanks for stopping by and sharing the list.
May 20, 2018
I used to be DreamyDream. I wonder what happened to mot of the users that used to post here. I remember some of the users on your list.


Jan 9, 2005
I think we teamed up in the Zelda board RPG. Thanks for remembering me, friend.

[URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/volvagia_slayer.59/'][URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/volvagia_slayer.59/']@Volvagia_slayer[/URL][/URL] you should develop all that RPG info you had into some sort of video game or board game or something. I remember you having done an incredible amount of work in setting that up.
That would be great. If I had the free time and programming know-how, I would love to turn it into some sort of text-based online game that I could upload and just have people play at their leisure. There's so many elements to that game that no one ever got to see that I would have loved to have seen people's reactions to. (After all, less than half of the map was ever explored.)


Super Star
Jul 30, 2008
I think we teamed up in the Zelda board RPG. Thanks for remembering me, friend.

[URL='https://www.ign.com/boards/members/volvagia_slayer.59/'][URL='https://www.ign.com/boards/members/volvagia_slayer.59/']@Volvagia_slayer[/URL][/URL] you should develop all that RPG info you had into some sort of video game or board game or something. I remember you having done an incredible amount of work in setting that up.
That would be great. If I had the free time and programming know-how, I would love to turn it into some sort of text-based online game that I could upload and just have people play at their leisure. There's so many elements to that game that no one ever got to see that I would have loved to have seen people's reactions to. (After all, less than half of the map was ever explored.)
Team up with someone on Reddit or something.