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Old Account
Nov 10, 2011

It has come to our attention that some users have received e-mails, seemingly from Tal-IGN,
asking them to give up their passwords so they'd be modded.
These e-mails are fake, if you get one, do not reply!
No matter how official they may seem, these e-mails are not from IGN.

IGN will Never ask you for your password.
Not in an e-mail, not in an IM conversation, not even in a PM.

The only exception to this rule is if you have been flamed or otherwise harassed through PM's,
and a mod needs to check the PM's in order to verify that they are in violation of the Board rules.
In those cases, it is ok to make a temporary password
and let a mod you trust briefly log into your account.
Note however, that you won't receive an e-mail about something like this,
a mod will only ask for access to your PMs at your request,
and it will be handled through PM's.

Your regular Password is something only you should know about, you should never give it to anyone else.
Giving out your password to someone hands them access to your account.
Not only will this give a stranger access to your personal information (CC number for you insiders),
but they also have the liberty to post what they please, and only end up getting you banned.

If you have received and replied to one of these e-mails,
you should immediately go to my.ign and change your password.

If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to ask.


As posted by Kira [link=] Here[/link]

- Sparky
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