
Feb 26, 2014
I've never put much stock into Meltzer's 5* ratings aside from using it as base to start with, when I'm looking up matches I wouldn't normally watch. For example a NJPW match.

I saw an interview that CVV did with Meltzer and it actually shocked me to hear that Kurt Angle for example, has never received a Meltzer 5* rating. Seems criminal.

It led to me wondering what are some of your matches that (a) Should be 5* rated that aren't and (b) matches he has rated 5* that you don't feel quite deserve it. Whilst we're at let's go for a (c) a match that you feel is criminally underrated by Dave's system, perhaps a 3* that you personally would rate a lot higher, not even necessarily 5*.

My own personal ones would be;

(a) Shawn Michaels .vs. Undertaker @ Wrestlemania 26 - For me, it's a 5* match. Especially for WWE.
(b) Cody Rhodes .vs. Seth Rollins @ HIAC 2022 - Was good, but still feel it was overrated.
(c) Bret Hart .vs. Mr. Perfect @ SummerSlam '91 - I'm not gonna say it was 5*, but personally at least a 4.5-4.75*.


Feb 2, 2011
The Danger Zone
Saw some highlights of that interview. WWE went from like 97 to 2011 without a five star match, which is nuts. Anyway, time to attack his wrong opinions, lol:

(A) Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho vs Steve Austin and HHH(Raw, 4.75), Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle vs Edge and Rey Mysterio(No Mercy, 4.75), Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit(Royal Rumble, 4.75), Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho(Wrestlemania 19, 4.25), Chris Benoit vs HHH vs Shawn Michaels(Wrestlemania 20, 4.75)

(B) The Elite vs JE/Christian Cage(Full Gear), Johnny Gargano vs Adam Cole(Takeover: New York), Kyle/Roddy vs Trent/Tyler(NXT), Adam Page vs Jon Moxley(Revolution), and I haven't seen an anarchy in the arena match but i'm skeptical of those, same thing with the parking lot brawl with the best friends.

(C) Kurt Angle vs Rey Mysterio(SummerSlam, 3.75), Rock/Hogan and Taker/Flair(Wrestlemania 18, 3), Mox vs Punk(Mox could have wrestled a broomstick last year and got 4.5, somehow this got 4.25)


The Knight of Zero
Jun 2, 2009
A. Undertaker vs Kurt Angle at no way out 2006. That match should have headlined mania that year.

B. Meltzer tends to overrated certain matches when they involved his personal friends. Hence AEW has more 5 star match ratings in 4 years from him then WWE has had in 50 years. So lol no. Like omega having 6 star match ratings on his list when fighting Okada for new japan. Those were good matches but lol at 6 and 7 stars. I doubt i would rate any of those matches as 6 stars so they are overrated in his system while not bad matches they aren't that either if he had them at 5 stars i wouldn't list those but 6 or 7 stars lol. Some of the Young bucks matches aren't 5 stars either. Same with Hangman vs Moxley And while those anarchy in the arena matches can be entertaining due to the lulz involved they aren't 5 star matches.
Meltzer is just a tool voting up his friends. And i don't dislike the elite at all. But Meltzer is a complete tool with his rating system for the most part.

c. I don't generally follow his ratings so i dont know what matches he rates lower.


Legend status, fuck a Noob
Jun 17, 2003
A. Should be
Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit - Royal Rumble 2003
Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar - Iron Man, SD! 2003
Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels - WM21

B. Shouldn't be
All Adam Cole vs. Johnny Gargano matches in NXT
Cody Rhodes vs. Sammy Guevara - Dynamite 2022
Adam Cole & Young Bucks vs. Christian & Jurassic Express - Full Gear 2021
Master Wato vs. Titan - BOSJ 2023

C. Underrated (matches that weren't rated at all)
Daisuke Sekimoto, Masato Tanaka & Takashi Sugiura vs. HARASHIMA, Yuji Hino & Yuji Okabayashi - BJW 2015
Strong BJ vs. Violent Giants - AJPW Dream Power Series 2019
Kagetsu vs. Mayu Iwatani - Stardom X Stardom 2018
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