
Jun 14, 2001
Or pre 4th

Fireworks? Pics?

Cooking out? Lake stuff?

U got the 5th off.from.work too?


May 26, 2012
West Coast, US
Fireworks started last night by the river. Hope to find a great sale on Chromebook Plus; any ideas?
Lotsa music, live music.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 17, 2017
I wish I was at my parents house up in New Jersey where it will be nice and quiet instead of West Palm Beach where there will literally be 135 degrees of fireworks tomorrow night for around 3 hours.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Just chilling out at home. Still recovering from Covid. If the fireworks in my neighborhood get too loud we may go for a little drive. It’ll calm the dog and get me out of the house in some way, which I haven’t been since the weekend.


Final Justice!
Aug 3, 2000
Las Vegas
Got invited out to a pool party and a separate BBQ but decided against each... mainly because I wouldn't really know a lot of people there, along with the heat.

Gonna hang out, drink a few cold ones, and I'm making chili dogs tonight. Then the resort up the street will put on their fireworks show at 9, so I'll swing outside and watch that with the neighbors. Mellow day.

I think I'll probably play through Captain America and the Avengers too... not sure if I want to go with Genesis or NES though.


Sep 6, 2000
I just want to sleep.

The next door neighbors ran out of the *really* loud ones at about 11:00, but it's approaching midnight, and the other next-door neighbors with at least more-reasonably-sized fireworks are still at it, not to mention the rest of the neighborhood.

Oh, and did I mention that in about 3 week this state has a second fireworks holiday? It basically means fireworks for the entire month.

Well, at least there's no bassy party music. One of the neighbors frequently does parties.
Nov 9, 2002
Yeah, I’m not a fan of fireworks. Arranged and proper displays are fine, or if you live in the middle of nowhere and no other houses around maybe (though huge fire risk).

Last night people at nearby apartments were firing off the loudest ones I’ve heard in a long time right over my neighbors house. My dog usually doesn’t mind fireworks but was completely freaked out. And I was putting away our grill when one went off and it was a deafening. My wife called the cops on them. They were in the parking lot of a 5 building apartment cluster and firing into our subdivision. Obviously incredibly illegal and they were all drunk and loud people.

Otherwise, I grilled some brats but it was an overcast and day of sprinkly rain.


Jes' fine
Jun 4, 2012
Yeah, I’m not a fan of fireworks. Arranged and proper displays are fine, or if you live in the middle of nowhere and no other houses around maybe (though huge fire risk).

Last night people at nearby apartments were firing off the loudest ones I’ve heard in a long time right over my neighbors house. My dog usually doesn’t mind fireworks but was completely freaked out. And I was putting away our grill when one went off and it was a deafening. My wife called the cops on them. They were in the parking lot of a 5 building apartment cluster and firing into our subdivision. Obviously incredibly illegal and they were all drunk and loud people.

Otherwise, I grilled some brats but it was an overcast and day of sprinkly rain.
Cops here don't even answer the phone on the Fourth. I think they are in bed with the fireworks industry.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 7, 2019
Same here. No point in calling the cops b/c of fireworks, even if they're still going off at 3am.

Would probably get better results calling the HOA. That's who people are really afraid of.


Sep 6, 2000
The aftermath of my neighbor's personal fireworks show is that their driveway, my driveway, and the cul-de-sac is just coated in fireworks debris, and my ears have been angry-ringing all day.

I hated the HOA when I was a homeowner, but ya know what? They kept the fireworks under control, and I miss that.

//Wonders if it's worth banging on their door to demand that they sweep my driveway. It'll probably just get them mad instead of them cleaning up their mess


Sep 6, 2000
Groundhog Day: 4th of July edition:
Fireworks from the next-door neighbors went past midnight yesterday.
Fireworks started at 9:30 tonight and are ongoing.

July 24, the *other* Fireworks holiday is three weeks away. Every night until the following Monday (July 29) is likely to have a significant amount of fireworks, disrupting human's sleep and traumatizing pets with sensitive hearing.

The 10-day forecast shows that July 9-14 (end of 10-day forecast) will have 100 degree temperatures, every day.

God, I hate July. Can I just skip the entire month?
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Sep 6, 2000
I don’t know if the cops showed up or not but the fireworks stopped pretty quickly after that!

We aren’t in a big city or anything either.

Looks like my next-door neighbors are planning on going until 11:30 every night, as they've done that every night so far, and it's a good 3 weeks until the Monday after the other July fireworks holiday.
They're the ones setting off the smaller fireworks instead of the ones setting off the really loud ones that also got their shit all over my driveway and grass on the 4th, at least, so I don't need hearing protection but it's still too much to sleep through.

I haven't called them recently for the fireworks, but I've called the cops maybe 5 times in the past about their late-night parties, and they never do anything.
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