
No Longer a Noob
Oct 21, 2006
20 Characters that should debut in Street Fighter:
[This would include any character from the Street Fighter universe, meaning not only the series itself but any franchises in said continuity]

1. Batsu Ichimonji
Went to school during the time of the Rival Schools incident with the likes of Sakura. Since she has graduated now I would assume he made it through as well, and is working somewhere. He seems like the one that would keep in touch with former classmates and he would likely be willing to join the World Warriors in the fight against Gill and any future enemy.

2. Kyosuke Kagami
Another student that was involved in the Rival Schools war. Considered both a friend and rival of Batsu. Just like Batsu seems like one that would be willing to join the World Warriors to save the world.

3. Sawada
A soldier serving under Guile in the '94 Street Fighter movie. He could easily be added to the game universe as a trainee under him and working his way up the ranks. Maybe mix his moveset from the movie's game into some Guile abilities.

4. Blade
Part of the Shadaloo special forces in the game based on the '94 movie. Since Shadaloo is destroyed, at least for now, you could say he is now a rogue soldier fighting in their honor or someone trying to redeem himself.

5. Ran Hibiki
The niece of Dan Hibiki and another student involved with the Rival Schools incident. She could be trained under uncle to be a "savior of the world". And she could be on a mission to find her former classmates to either aid them in protecting people or fight them to challenge herself.

6. Mike Haggar
The former mayor of Metro City and one of the major people involved in fighting the Mad Gear Gang during the Final Fight trilogy. He could still be involved in mentoring Cody and is now free to help fight crime outside of Metro City. He would easily sign up with the World Warriors to help face Gill and any future problems.

7. Mel Masters
The son of Ken Masters. If the series ever finally moves past SF3 we could see him old enough to finally join the roster. Mel seems like one to train not only under his father but also Sean. I am sure he would take a few moves from his uncle Guile as well.

8. Amy Guile
The daughter of William Guile. She is not one to really be a fighter but I could see her honoring her father when she gets older and learning how to not only help people but keep her father's style going.

9. Li-Fen
The adopted daughter of Chun-Li and being rescued by her in SF5. Chun-Li would probably teach her how to defend herself and she would join the likes of Amy and Mel as the future generation of World Warriors.

10. Ryu's Child
If Capcom ever decides to have Ryu settle down and have children I could see them added to the roster if future games ever go past SF3. The kid could inherit Ryu's fighting style mixed with the mom's style (if she is one of the playable fighters in the series).

11. Datta
The son of Dhalsim and one that could inherit his fighting style. Would likely be willing to join the likes of Amy, Mel, and Li-Fen to become the next generation in the series.

12. Dean
He was involved in the battle of Final Fight 3. And since Lucia got involved in SF5 doing missions for Haggar I would assune she would also be able to call up her old friend to join in the fight.

13. Carlos
He was involved in fighting the Mad Gear Gang in Final Fight 2. We haven't heard or seen him since that incident but if Maki ever returns or if Haggar starts getting involved in the World Warriors fight against evil I would assume they would find him for help.

14. Akira Kazama
Another student involved in the battle amongst schools in the Rivals Schools storyline. A mysterious biker girl and younger sister of Daigo. Now that those events are all behind her, and since the story has progressed enough to have her graduated as well, she is probably out in the world doing something. I could easily see her getting caught up in the World Warrior business against Gill or whoever comes after him. And she is probably more comfortable showing off she is female now so my guess is her biker outfit would be the alt.

15. Hinata Wakaba
One more student involved in the Rival Schools fight. Went to the same school as Kyosuke and Batsu, and was on their team in the games. She seemed obsessed with Batsu and now after graduation I could see them probably being a thing now. And if he gets involved with Ryu and the gang saving the world she would be right behind him.

16. Gunloc
A wrestler in the Saturday Night Slammasters storyline and, at least in the English version, a relative of Guile. I say run with that and make it legit canon, making him a cousin or something of Guile. He probably is still involved in wrestling at this point, likely having had matches with Zangief and R. Mika at some point, but I would assume he has actual fighting experience given most of the Street Fighter characters that have wrestled do. He could join Guile in the fight and probably even help train Amy.

17. The Scorpion
Another wrestler in the Saturday Night Slammasters story. A mysterious masked heel wrestler that uses electric attacks. You could go two ways with him. He is either just playing the heel and is a good guy willing to help the World Warriors or he is legit bad and could be a semi future antagonist in the Street Fighter series.

18. El Stingray
A masked luchadore in the same wrestling company as Gunloc and The Scorpion, being involved in the Saturday Night Slammasters story. Apparently he has trained alongside El Fuerte and thus would have connections already to the World Warriors story.

19. Kyle Travers
The younger brother of Cody. He has only appeared in the non-canon Final Fight Streetwise but I think the character should be added to the canon. Maybe have him trying to live up to his older brother and, now that Cody is mayor, fill in for him on the World Warriors side in terms of fighting forces all over the world. You could even have a story where Cody has gone missing and Kyle goes in seach for him. Probably teaming up with Haggar, Guy, Lucia, Carlos, Maki, and Dean along the way.

20. Captain Commando
A police officer from the future that fights to protect Metro City in his time. You could either easily have him time travels back to the events of the Street Fighter series (whether to fight Gill or someone else) or you can have a predecessor from that time come into effect. That second one wouldn't be Captain Commando himself but would be good build up to it like Zeku is for the Striders.