
Apr 30, 2002
I'm always wary of a game that doesn't get reviewed before, or at least by, the day it comes out. I believe this means that the company decided not to send gaming sites an advanced copy to review before launch. And why would they do that? Because they know the critics will tear it a new one and they want to try to sell some copies before any reviews stunt their sales. I've seen this happen time and time again and I think every single time a game has been reviewed after it lands in stores it's been terrible, or mediocre at best.

Case in point, DAH: Path of the Furon. Read 1up's review and you'll understand why THQ didn't send out advanced copies:


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
I completely agree. THQ is trying to milk every last ounce of money out of this game before everyone finds out that it really sucks.