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Almost Not a Noob
Feb 8, 2007
First of all,

I decided to create this thread due to low activity. This has been made before, but I thought it would be fun to do it again, so...

1) Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump... [face_mischief]


Oh hai guyz
Jan 18, 2006
Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 8, 2007

1) Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at it's ass


the AtModspheric one
Jul 24, 2007
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 8, 2007
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them...~o)
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket


the AtModspheric one
Jul 24, 2007
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them...~o)
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.

(although the constant barking would bother you all day too.)



Aug 28, 2007
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... ~o)
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.


FYI I am a tool
Apr 11, 2005
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... ~o)
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 8, 2007
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... ~o)
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.


Prime Member
Aug 16, 2007
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... ~o)
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad


No Longer a Noob
Jan 4, 2007
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
12.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums:^O


Prime Member
Aug 16, 2007
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
12.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
13.) Feed it to a puma


The Blaze-aKin' Rebellion
Oct 6, 2006
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
13.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
14.) Feed it to a puma
15.) Keep pulling on the lead when out for a walk (Other words strangle it xD) [face_devil]
Jul 1, 2006
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
13.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
14.) Feed it to a puma
15.) Keep pulling on the lead when out for a walk (Other words strangle it xD)
16.) Throw a globe at them and yell at the same time, so your nintendog jumps, the globe pushes their paws, and they trip on the ground.
17.) Keep pulling it's ears and then make it get stuck on it's back so that it whines once it gets angry.
Jan 6, 2008
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
13.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
14.) Feed it to a puma
15.) Keep pulling on the lead when out for a walk (Other words strangle it xD)
16.) Throw a globe at them and yell at the same time, so your nintendog jumps, the globe pushes their paws, and they trip on the ground.
17.) Keep pulling it's ears and then make it get stuck on it's back so that it whines once it gets angry.
18.) take out a tug rope get the dog to bite it then swing the rope around and the dog will eventually fall off
19.) make the dog trip on a jump rope


Jul 13, 2006
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
13.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
14.) Feed it to a puma
15.) Keep pulling on the lead when out for a walk (Other words strangle it xD)
16.) Throw a globe at them and yell at the same time, so your nintendog jumps, the globe pushes their paws, and they trip on the ground.
17.) Keep pulling it's ears and then make it get stuck on it's back so that it whines once it gets angry.
18.) take out a tug rope get the dog to bite it then swing the rope around and the dog will eventually fall off
19.) make the dog trip on a jump rope
20.) Sing horridly into the micro phone
21.) never feed them or give them water and play all the time.


Apr 9, 2007
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
13.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
14.) Feed it to a puma
15.) Keep pulling on the lead when out for a walk (Other words strangle it xD)
16.) Throw a globe at them and yell at the same time, so your nintendog jumps, the globe pushes their paws, and they trip on the ground.
17.) Keep pulling it's ears and then make it get stuck on it's back so that it whines once it gets angry.
18.) take out a tug rope get the dog to bite it then swing the rope around and the dog will eventually fall off
19.) make the dog trip on a jump rope
20.) Sing horridly into the micro phone
21.) never feed them or give them water and play all the time.
Poke it up the rear with your stylus a few times....Wait sorry that will make the Dog happy:^O


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 8, 2007
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
13.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
14.) Feed it to a puma
15.) Keep pulling on the lead when out for a walk (Other words strangle it xD)
16.) Throw a globe at them and yell at the same time, so your nintendog jumps, the globe pushes their paws, and they trip on the ground.
17.) Keep pulling it's ears and then make it get stuck on it's back so that it whines once it gets angry.
18.) take out a tug rope get the dog to bite it then swing the rope around and the dog will eventually fall off
19.) make the dog trip on a jump rope
20.) Sing horridly into the micro phone
21.) never feed them or give them water and play all the time.
22.) Poke it up the rear with your stylus a few times....Wait sorry that will make the Dog happy:^O
23.) Throw a treat at it. Take it away when it's nearly there. repeat...


Jan 26, 2008
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
13.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
14.) Feed it to a puma
15.) Keep pulling on the lead when out for a walk (Other words strangle it xD)
16.) Throw a globe at them and yell at the same time, so your nintendog jumps, the globe pushes their paws, and they trip on the ground.
17.) Keep pulling it's ears and then make it get stuck on it's back so that it whines once it gets angry.
18.) take out a tug rope get the dog to bite it then swing the rope around and the dog will eventually fall off
19.) make the dog trip on a jump rope
20.) Sing horridly into the micro phone
21.) never feed them or give them water and play all the time.
22.) Poke it up the rear with your stylus a few times....Wait sorry that will make the Dog happy
23.) Throw a treat at it. Take it away when it's nearly there. repeat...
24.) Shove it into a tiny DS cartridge so people can prod it with a plastic stick.
Mar 5, 2006
Watch my Nintendogs Funniness video on Youtube. xD
- Drop a helicoper on it.
- Get it into fights with dogs it hates.
Mar 26, 2008
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
13.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
14.) Feed it to a puma
15.) Keep pulling on the lead when out for a walk (Other words strangle it xD)
16.) Throw a globe at them and yell at the same time, so your nintendog jumps, the globe pushes their paws, and they trip on the ground.
17.) Keep pulling it's ears and then make it get stuck on it's back so that it whines once it gets angry.
18.) take out a tug rope get the dog to bite it then swing the rope around and the dog will eventually fall off
19.) make the dog trip on a jump rope
20.) Sing horridly into the micro phone
21.) never feed them or give them water and play all the time.
22.) Poke it up the rear with your stylus a few times....Wait sorry that will make the Dog happy
23.) Throw a treat at it. Take it away when it's nearly there. repeat...
24.) Shove it into a tiny DS cartridge so people can prod it with a plastic stick.
25.) Blow bubbles in it's face.
26.) Make it sneeze.


Feb 24, 2008
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
13.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
14.) Feed it to a puma
15.) Keep pulling on the lead when out for a walk (Other words strangle it xD)
16.) Throw a globe at them and yell at the same time, so your nintendog jumps, the globe pushes their paws, and they trip on the ground.
17.) Keep pulling it's ears and then make it get stuck on it's back so that it whines once it gets angry.
18.) take out a tug rope get the dog to bite it then swing the rope around and the dog will eventually fall off
19.) make the dog trip on a jump rope
20.) Sing horridly into the micro phone
21.) never feed them or give them water and play all the time.
22.) Poke it up the rear with your stylus a few times....Wait sorry that will make the Dog happy
23.) Throw a treat at it. Take it away when it's nearly there. repeat...
24.) Shove it into a tiny DS cartridge so people can prod it with a plastic stick.
25.) Blow bubbles in it's face.
26.) Make it sneeze.
27.) Wake it up at midnight to play then when it is finally awake, do nothing (Wait for it to fall asleep again then repeat)
28.) Dress it up with the worst clothing and meet every dog on the block xD


The Blaze-aKin' Rebellion
Oct 6, 2006
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
13.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
14.) Feed it to a puma
15.) Keep pulling on the lead when out for a walk (Other words strangle it xD)
16.) Throw a globe at them and yell at the same time, so your nintendog jumps, the globe pushes their paws, and they trip on the ground.
17.) Keep pulling it's ears and then make it get stuck on it's back so that it whines once it gets angry.
18.) take out a tug rope get the dog to bite it then swing the rope around and the dog will eventually fall off
19.) make the dog trip on a jump rope
20.) Sing horridly into the micro phone
21.) never feed them or give them water and play all the time.
22.) Poke it up the rear with your stylus a few times....Wait sorry that will make the Dog happy
23.) Throw a treat at it. Take it away when it's nearly there. repeat...
24.) Shove it into a tiny DS cartridge so people can prod it with a plastic stick.
25.) Blow bubbles in it's face.
26.) Make it sneeze.
27.) Wake it up at midnight to play then when it is finally awake, do nothing (Wait for it to fall asleep again then repeat)
28.) Dress it up with the worst clothing and meet every dog on the block xD
29.) Give the dog the most silly name you can think of.. xD


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 10, 2006
CrazyScorpion. said:
1)Play the "Naptime" record to send your dogs to sleep, then play the "Suprise" record. It will wake them up in a jump...
2)Give a famished dog a nice, big plate of juicy, wet food, then take it away right when he's about to eat it.
3)Lob a meteorite at its ass
4)Keep running it over with the RC car.
5)Create a thread giving people ideas on how to annoy them... coffee
6)Poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket
7)Leave a toy it hates out all day.
8)Play the record that makes it angry.... then poke it's happy place.... hard.... with a rocket and keep running it ---over with the RC car.
9.) Don't play your game. At all. Let's see how it likes suffering for eternity!
10.) Throw gold bars and priceless vases at it. Simple.
11.) Drop a high heel on its head.
12.) Donate it to a flea farm with a pig as the owner....that smells....bad
13.) Make him go on the IGN Nintendogs forums
14.) Feed it to a puma
15.) Keep pulling on the lead when out for a walk (Other words strangle it xD)
16.) Throw a globe at them and yell at the same time, so your nintendog jumps, the globe pushes their paws, and they trip on the ground.
17.) Keep pulling it's ears and then make it get stuck on it's back so that it whines once it gets angry.
18.) take out a tug rope get the dog to bite it then swing the rope around and the dog will eventually fall off
19.) make the dog trip on a jump rope
20.) Sing horridly into the micro phone
21.) never feed them or give them water and play all the time.
22.) Poke it up the rear with your stylus a few times....Wait sorry that will make the Dog happy
23.) Throw a treat at it. Take it away when it's nearly there. repeat...
24.) Shove it into a tiny DS cartridge so people can prod it with a plastic stick.
25.) Blow bubbles in it's face.
26.) Make it sneeze.
27.) Wake it up at midnight to play then when it is finally awake, do nothing (Wait for it to fall asleep again then repeat)
28.) Dress it up with the worst clothing and meet every dog on the block xD
29.) Give the dog the most silly name you can think of.. xD
how could you be so cruel to your dogs[face_angry]
Nov 10, 2008
Whats wrong with you people?! Dogs are living breathing things like us. I wouldnt want too be a abused and tortured you wouldnt either


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 8, 2007
Colincrossing said:
Whats wrong with you people?! Dogs are living breathing things like us. I wouldnt want too be a abused and tortured you wouldnt either

But it's a NINTENdog, a Non-Intelligent Non-Talking or Educated Non-real dog with no feelings. It is computer-generated also.
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