Nov 26, 2005
Hey, Dark Cloud is my all time favorite PS2 game, nothing can beat it, i finally got it off Ebay for $61 (money worth spent) and i was really wondering, is it possible to complete the game 100%, ive passed the game but i just couldent pass the Demon Dungeon (the 100 floor dungeon), so, is there a way to?
Nov 26, 2005
no, i mean entire game, its not about just killing monsters...i mean getting 100% by:

- Getting all Atla
- Getting 100% completion and requests in all villages
- completing all dungeons + 100 floor dungeon

once u do that does it mean u get 100% completion?

or do ya have to kill all 15 monsters on each floor...


;^) PSNID: Danger_Dad
Feb 4, 2004
:^/ I don't recall Dark Cloud giving a rating for completeness. Once you've defeated the boss character at the end of the hundred level dungeon, you receive and Chronicle 2 sword, the most powerfull in the game, which you can then go around and level up and maximize and stuff. What you'd actually do with it is a mystery, since all of the plot is finished. Eh.


Feb 16, 2005
I went through and did 100% one summer but it was for nothing. You don't get any extra scenes or anything. This game dosn't have a 100% option. You don't get anything special for doing it.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 18, 2004
well you can get 100% in all villages and requests and stuff, of courses, the makers aren't going to make it impossible to get 100%, but there is no rated precentage of completion, you just really finish the main story and do the optional dungeon if you want, also about your dark cloud for 61$, i got mine for 18$, you probably could have gotten it cheaper somewhere else.


Nov 19, 2006
okay making this as clear as i can okay...okay im at the end of the game, i heavent really played in a long time because i couldnt get pass the password to fight...the big boss i forgot his i havent played in so long, anyways its asking me what type of flower he likes i think, and i have no idea and sense i havent played in a while, is this making sense to anybody, does anybody know what flower he likes, i had to restore his garden and i beat all of the dungeons and bosses, now im at him and i have to have some password, does anyone know what it is?????? please help!!!!


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 18, 2004
first of all that sucks since you haven't played a while, that might fog your memory of the password, but the two guardians at the door aren't asking about flowers, they want to know his their masters true name, which is in the story a lot, his name is Sirus, so that's what you would type, btw if you need help with dark cloud you can respond on my help thread.
Apr 17, 2006
Over 60 bucks spent?
Check other sites before you waste money on eBay.


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
Livingnate1 said:
anyone who payed over $10 got screwed i git it for five bucks.
yea were i live everyone gets screwed for crying out loud PAL ver on ebay are about $80 and the shops eeek .
Aug 11, 2006
buy if from game stop or from some who is directly selling it like through a newspaper. I bought it when nobody wanted it so it was really cheap and sometimes someone will sell it for cheap on amazon, i never buy from ebay.[face_peace]


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
Livingnate1 said:
buy if from game stop or from some who is directly selling it like through a newspaper. I bought it when nobody wanted it so it was really cheap and sometimes someone will sell it for cheap on amazon, i never buy from ebay.[face_peace]

i got it from EB used for $79 2 years later its $50 still used and really hard to find :(


i pawned road !
Apr 3, 2005
Livingnate1 said:
wow,it sounds like i should sell mine now and buy some more xbox games.[face_thinking]

and why is that ? theres atlest 500 more ps2 gamesw then there are of xbox games .


Jun 15, 2006
"Mr_Pseudonym" wrote:
I don't recall Dark Cloud giving a rating for completeness. Once you've defeated the boss character at the end of the hundred level dungeon, you receive and Chronicle 2 sword, the most powerfull in the game, which you can then go around and level up and maximize and stuff. What you'd actually do with it is a mystery, since all of the plot is finished. Eh.

What you can do is put the game away for a few months/years, have that Demon Shaft unlocked on your memory card, and complete the Demon Shaft and getting that Chronicle Sword 2 to test it out on the Dark Genie. If he gave you a hard time before, he won't this time. ;^)