Jul 21, 2011
As you may or may not know, Mega Man Legends 3, a game ten years in the waiting, has been cancelled. Having been announced in early September of last year, Capcom opened up a 'Devroom' for the fans, where they could all come together and discuss the development from the game as the dev team actually offered them an inside look at everything that was going on. From the biggest to the most miniscule facets of development, we were offered a look into the process that few ever are, and were even allowed to create and submit content to the game that was accepted and integrated into it!

A 'Prototype Version' of the game was going to be put onto the Nintendo eShop, to gauge interest in the game and determine whether Capcom would continue working on it.

It was delayed, as the dev team wanted to make it bigger and better.

Not long after, on July 18th(19th in Japan time of course), Capcom pulled the rug out from under us, not even allowing the Prototype Version to be released, and cancelled Mega Man Legends 3. Of course, legions of fans. myself included, were absolutely heartbroken, and felt betrayed by Capcom that they would come out of nowhere like this. You can read the official post here:


The Mega Man fanbase, however, is not allowing this game, which we have waited ten years for, poured our blood, sweat and tears into before and after it was announced, to simply die. We are organizing all possible efforts to convince Capcom that this game must go through. We are being civil about it, however - while there are fans who are crude about things, it is not our goal to act like children, however we do not plan on stopping until there's nothing left of us or Legends 3 is finally released. All we ask for, is your support, coverage, anything. Please, lend us your ears and hearts, lend us the help you can give. Or simply Join the group below to show their are a large number of people who want this game!

Feb 21, 2011
Ah excellent, I was planning on posting this here myself. Thanks for spreading the word, I've already made my contribution to it.