
Video Game Hero
Jun 4, 2005
Donkey Kong Country
Before I get anywhere, I want to make it clear that I think the Mario Kart series is great. Also, I think Mario Kart 8 is the best of them all (a title I gave to Mario Kart 64 until 8's release). I think Mario Kart 8 controls well, has some well-implemented concepts, has stellar DLC, is beautiful and a lot of fun. That being said, I don't think the game is perfect. These are 10 things (in no particular order) that bug me about the game. Feel free to disagree with me.

1. Lots of lousy characters: A lot of the characters do not appeal to me and bug me when I race against them. Way too many babies, Pink Gold Peach, etc. Different characters like Diddy Kong, Dry Bones, Petey Piranha, Kamek, Hammer Bro., and others would have been much more appealing characters to me. Fortunately, I'm a big fan of the Koopa Kids (especially Morton).

2. A couple lousy tracks: Some flat courses(like SNES and GBA courses) just don't feel like the same quality to me. They seem squarey and in 4 players, unless I know the track, some of those turns are hard to even see. Still, most of the courses are really good.

3. No 5 players: Sonic Racing lets you play 5 players and that's awesome. At least in 2 players let someone play on the pad and the other have a full screen.

4. Battle Mode: I don't know what happened. Mario Kart 64 had a great battle mode and I'd hope it would only improve. The battle mode on Wii U just seems lazy and not that fun.

5. Lack of interesting modes: Mario Kart DS had neat challenges and boss battles. Just missing options that could have been cool. No brakes challenge, hit every opponent, green shells only, etc. Not enough modes.

6. No cool intro video: Other Mario sports have sported fun intro videos (Mario Tennis and Golf are memorable). Why doesn't Mario Kart Wii U do something like this. It could be pretty epic really. Even Rosalina's intro video for Smash Bros. showed a snippit of some fun Mario Kart racing, and it was kinda cool.

7. Missing items: Some good items were just cut from the game. I don't know if they thought it would be item overload to keep them, but it was a bummer to me. I don't know why the Mario Kart Double Dash's special items have been cut.

8. No customization: Changing colors of karts, tires, gliders would be nice. Putting symbols on them. Even alternate colors for characters clothes could be cool.

9. Coins as items: In other Mario Kart games, I shoot off my green shell or let go of my banana before the item boxes, but in Mario Kart Wii U I often do not for fear of getting a lousy coin. As a result, I have a little less fun when leading the race.

10. Small characters aren't very good: I feel like they're just too slow which is a shame, because Toad and Koopa are both cool characters.

Anyway, that's what I got. Again, a great game but not a perfect game. I feel like the next installment could be an improvement in my mind by addressing some of these points.


Zoidberg is back!
Nov 24, 2005
1. Reasonable complaint. Baby Rosalina and Pink Gold Peach were awful choices, and the DLC lineup has been mostly disappointing too, especially Tanooki Mario and Cat Peach... just why. Too many important characters missing like Diddy, Bowser Jr., Birdo, King Boo, Petey, and Kamek.

2. I disagree, I think this is the best track selection by far compared to previous games. And y'know, this is actually the fist game were some of the SNES or GBA tracks were actually given elevation, especially Cheese Land and Ribbon Road.

3. 5-player mode would have been cool, but it wasn't too necessary.

4. Completely agreed, Battle Mode was handled terribly in MK8.

5. Yeah, it would be nice to have seen Mission Mode return from DS, or even the monthly tournaments from Mario Kart Wii.

6. An intro video would have nice too, but I think the biggest problem is that there isn't even an award video anymore after you finish a grand prix. Come on, even Super Circuit had one!

7. I don't really miss any of the cut items, except for maybe the Mega Mushroom. But yeah, the return of special items would've been great.

8. Character costumes and the return of custom emblems from Mario Kart DS would definitely have been a good addition.

9. Well, coins were actually an item in the original Super Mario Kart as well. But honestly, every Mario Kart game had a crap items you get stuck with a lot if you're in first place. For a majority of the series, it was the Fake Item Box, which didn't even protect you from other items. So yeah, this really shouldn't be the first Mario Kart game where you hold on to a banana or a green shell when you're in first.

10. I prefer middle and heavy characters, but I still see plenty of lightweights being used online. Sounds like a preference issue to me.

So yeah, questionable characters choices and awful Battle Mode aside, I still think this is the best Mario Kart yet. Many of the possible features you mentioned would make it even better, but aren't really necessary either.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 20, 2009
Warp Star - Dreamland
1. Agree, the babies and koopalings weren't unique.

2. Disagree, This game had several of the best tracks. Flat tracks are needed time to time.

3. Neutral. It could've worked. I would say that they needed two player non-split screen.

4. everyone agrees.

5. Agree, It would be nice. although I would primarily focus on Racing and Battle modes.

6. Agree, Not necessary but nice.

7. I like megas but I have to say im neutral to this because of online play.

8. Agree, Color customization would be nice in addition to the kart customization.
[URL='http://www.ign.com/boards/members/dry_bones.1485249/']@Dry_Bones[/URL] I believe we talked about the MKDS emblem customizer and why they took it out. [face_tongue] I do agree there should be a selection of emblems.

9. Disagree, It's occasionally the front's crap item. Usually the front already has max coins.

10.Disagree, I've seen very few expert players online main them.
I completely disagree due to the introduction of 200cc which makes them relevant.
I believe 200cc will become a regular mode. (Now I want 250cc) [face_tongue] [One wish at a time...]
Jun 9, 2015
1. 100% agreed, I mean, 5 baby's, 2 metals, 7 koopalings(mind you, no bowser jr.), 1DK, 2 bowsers, 4 Mario's, and 4 peaches.

2. FUCK NO. Mount wario, N64 rainbow road, Hyrule circuit, the f-zero tracks, bowsers castle, and a fuck load more are amazing in design and memorability.

3. Meh, I don't care for multiplayer as much as every other person on the Internet.

4. I find the battle mode BETTER than the original (somebody's going to kill me for saying that)

5. as long as the regular game is fun (which it is), I will keep playing it

6. Meh, it would be neat if they had it.

7. I sort of agree, but give me a list of cut items.

8. Mario kart is made to be fun, and the customization would only be a tenth of that, and there's to much stuff in the game already.

9. I hate coins, but it wasn't the first time it appeared, but why would you not keep your green shell/banana.

10. I only use wario, so it's not a problem

Besides 1 and 9, I disagree
Jan 3, 2016
Before I get anywhere, I want to make it clear that I think the Mario Kart series is great. Also, I think Mario Kart 8 is the best of them all (a title I gave to Mario Kart 64 until 8's release). I think Mario Kart 8 controls well, has some well-implemented concepts, has stellar DLC, is beautiful and a lot of fun. That being said, I don't think the game is perfect. These are 10 things (in no particular order) that bug me about the game. Feel free to disagree with me.

1. Lots of lousy characters: A lot of the characters do not appeal to me and bug me when I race against them. Way too many babies, Pink Gold Peach, etc. Different characters like Diddy Kong, Dry Bones, Petey Piranha, Kamek, Hammer Bro., and others would have been much more appealing characters to me. Fortunately, I'm a big fan of the Koopa Kids (especially Morton).

2. A couple lousy tracks: Some flat courses(like SNES and GBA courses) just don't feel like the same quality to me. They seem squarey and in 4 players, unless I know the track, some of those turns are hard to even see. Still, most of the courses are really good.

3. No 5 players: Sonic Racing lets you play 5 players and that's awesome. At least in 2 players let someone play on the pad and the other have a full screen.

4. Battle Mode: I don't know what happened. Mario Kart 64 had a great battle mode and I'd hope it would only improve. The battle mode on Wii U just seems lazy and not that fun.

5. Lack of interesting modes: Mario Kart DS had neat challenges and boss battles. Just missing options that could have been cool. No brakes challenge, hit every opponent, green shells only, etc. Not enough modes.

6. No cool intro video: Other Mario sports have sported fun intro videos (Mario Tennis and Golf are memorable). Why doesn't Mario Kart Wii U do something like this. It could be pretty epic really. Even Rosalina's intro video for Smash Bros. showed a snippit of some fun Mario Kart racing, and it was kinda cool.

7. Missing items: Some good items were just cut from the game. I don't know if they thought it would be item overload to keep them, but it was a bummer to me. I don't know why the Mario Kart Double Dash's special items have been cut.

8. No customization: Changing colors of karts, tires, gliders would be nice. Putting symbols on them. Even alternate colors for characters clothes could be cool.

9. Coins as items: In other Mario Kart games, I shoot off my green shell or let go of my banana before the item boxes, but in Mario Kart Wii U I often do not for fear of getting a lousy coin. As a result, I have a little less fun when leading the race.

10. Small characters aren't very good: I feel like they're just too slow which is a shame, because Toad and Koopa are both cool characters.

Anyway, that's what I got. Again, a great game but not a perfect game. I feel like the next installment could be an improvement in my mind by addressing some of these points.

A little late I know.

1. I completely and totally agree with this point, nothing else I can say about it.
2. I think overall, the courses in Mario Kart 8 are some of my absolute favorite. Every game has a few lousy tracks, I think if we're talking about overall courses MK8 actually does it better than most if not all Mario Karts.
3. I haven't really had a need for 5 player mode. If one player was playing off-screen I don't think it would be that fun for him anyway.
4. Agreed.
5. True, but I think the main focus of MK has always been the racing. MK8 does the main racing mode so right in my opinion that I can't really complain.
6. Agreed
7. Talking only about changes from the Wii to this game, I didn't like the big mushroom that much, and I don't think it would have fit well with the style and more streamlined racing mode of this game. The Pow block also wouldn't have looked so attractive on the screen. But I do think they could have made the blue shell smaller like they did in the Wii version. I also think the Bullet Bill and Blooper should be removed and replaced with items a little less clunky-looking.
8. There are a lot of people playing Mario Kart, like myself, who really don't know that much about cars, as it isn't a very realistic game to begin with. I think having too many customization options could deter potential buyers who may be overwhelmed or just not know anything about what to do. Options to change wheels, body and glider was the perfect balance, giving more customization options than Wii, but not too many choices to distract and/or turn off players who aren't car enthusiasts.
9. ...Yeah, I think you're right.
10. I really like the handling of Shy Guy, he doesn't go as fast but his kart controls really tight, much tighter than the larger characters.