
Dec 14, 2015
Houston, Texas
I remember hearing Albatross on MTV and when the band's name/song title came up at the end and it was CoC, I thought to myself no way is this the same band. I had been a big CoC fan in junior high and high school and the last tape I bought of theirs was Technocracy so hearing this then-new stuff was a definite trip as they had always been more of a hardcore/crossover band to me. I had a feeling the Black album would be number on... Good list, still too early in the day (even though I've been up five hours lmao need more caffeine!!!) for me to think of any additions
Dec 14, 2010
This is kind of weird category to work in, and I can't quite decide between the two, but I would say Far Beyond Driven's sound seemed to permeate through the rest of Pantera's catalog.I'm sure you could make an argument for Vulgar as well. Another one (albeit one I don't really care for) would be Antichrist Superstar. He shed the groovier sound of Portrait of an American Family (which is my fav) for a more industrial pop metal sound, but I would say that's the defining sound of his career.