
Jan 19, 2007
I'm not too big when it comes to manga but apparently there's one titled something along the lines of 0079: the origin or something like that. I guess they will be reanimating the original series and basing it off of that manga. I didn't really find this on any site that looked particularly official but the commonality among most of the sites I saw it on said it came from something called Gundam Ace magazine or something like that.

From what I was able to gather, that origin story or whatever changed a few things. From what I've heard about the changes so far, I'm not really liking it. Guntanks were an old model mobile suit? That alone changes too much of the original story already in my opinion...I can understand there being a desire for more UC stuff, but there is a plethora of side stories which they could animate in a 0080 or 08th MS Team style that I think would be much a much better venture. The original was already good enough as is. I'd prefer if they didn't start remaking Gundam series and ruining them the way America is ruining all of its old franchises. Any other thoughts?

Edit: Here's hoping that I'm over reacting and it turns out to not be as bad as it sounds like it might be.
Jul 31, 2006
Why are you worried dude ? Japan can remake any anime it originated flawlessly , the only time to worry is when you hear things like live action remake of Gatchaman , Robotech, Voltron from US based Hollywood productions , then you can assume it's going to be crapola . Watch the new CGI Space Cruiser Yamato and see how a old classic can be revived with amazing results .


Jan 19, 2007
My philosophy on remakes:

I think that if you have something great, try to change almost nothing. That way you don't alienate your original fan base and with everything looking newer and shinier, younger people might be attracted to it. Replace big giant computers with something that is more futuristic looking. Update any references to external material. Make the animation look newer. That's about it. Maybe update the BGM and sound effects. Update the voice acting only if it is necessary to fulfill the modernization requirement.

I think that the main reason younger generations don't get attracted to the older series is primarily because it "looks too old." Change only the primary reasons why younger generations aren't attracted. Don't do anything that would alienate any of the original fans though.

I'm only worried because from what I've gathered so far, there are too many minute changes that in my opinion just change too much...


Girls are gamers too.
Feb 23, 2006
nfen84life said:
I'm not too big when it comes to manga but apparently there's one titled something along the lines of 0079: the origin or something like that. I guess they will be reanimating the original series and basing it off of that manga. I didn't really find this on any site that looked particularly official but the commonality among most of the sites I saw it on said it came from something called Gundam Ace magazine or something like that.

From what I was able to gather, that origin story or whatever changed a few things. From what I've heard about the changes so far, I'm not really liking it. Guntanks were an old model mobile suit? That alone changes too much of the original story already in my opinion...I can understand there being a desire for more UC stuff, but there is a plethora of side stories which they could animate in a 0080 or 08th MS Team style that I think would be much a much better venture. The original was already good enough as is. I'd prefer if they didn't start remaking Gundam series and ruining them the way America is ruining all of its old franchises. Any other thoughts?

Edit: Here's hoping that I'm over reacting and it turns out to not be as bad as it sounds like it might be.
If the new one is based off the manga, then it is based off the origin story. The first Fullmetal Alchemist was actually not the original story (for the whole anime anyway) and about halfway through was a spinoff. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (a remake) is based off the original story (the manga). It was also much better. If you don't like the 'changes', that just means you like the spinoff better then the original.

Also, the idea that Japan is seemingly flawless at recreating old animes, is really not that correct. You just hear about the successes far more then the failures. The Hellsing OVAs are seen as much worse then the original Hellsing anime for example, even though the OVAs follow the manga's storyline.
nfen84life said:
My philosophy on remakes:

I think that if you have something great, try to change almost nothing. That way you don't alienate your original fan base and with everything looking newer and shinier, younger people might be attracted to it. Replace big giant computers with something that is more futuristic looking. Update any references to external material. Make the animation look newer. That's about it. Maybe update the BGM and sound effects. Update the voice acting only if it is necessary to fulfill the modernization requirement.

I think that the main reason younger generations don't get attracted to the older series is primarily because it "looks too old." Change only the primary reasons why younger generations aren't attracted. Don't do anything that would alienate any of the original fans though.

I'm only worried because from what I've gathered so far, there are too many minute changes that in my opinion just change too much...
If you feel this way, then the original anime (which didn't follow the manga plot completely) changed something 'great' in the first place. There is no point in basically making something old look 'graphically' better, at least when it comes to anime/movies and such. Ultimately, you won't change anything that drew people to the show, and thus won't really turn a profit, or a bigger audience. The minute changes you are talking about, were changes the anime did to deviate from the original manga plot.


Jan 19, 2007
First of all I consider the manga and anime universes as completely separate things. I'll admit that this might be a little bit greedy on my part. It is true, however, that most of what is held as canon is what is animated.

Secondly, they aren't basing it on Tomino's original manga. In fact in his original, things were even more different from my understanding. It is going to be based on someones manga adaptation of the anime.

Finally, I don't know about in Japan, but here in America, anyone that I try to get into older shows is almost instantly turned off by old animation. They don't even give the show a chance because they think it looks ugly. I don't agree with this but I can't change their minds about that. If it looked better, they would be more likely to give it a chance. After all, the earlier Gundam series were a lot better than most of the other cartoons of the time, they were actually coherent.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2004
nfen84life said:
My philosophy on remakes:

I think that if you have something great, try to change almost nothing. That way you don't alienate your original fan base and with everything looking newer and shinier, younger people might be attracted to it. Replace big giant computers with something that is more futuristic looking. Update any references to external material. Make the animation look newer. That's about it. Maybe update the BGM and sound effects. Update the voice acting only if it is necessary to fulfill the modernization requirement.

I think that the main reason younger generations don't get attracted to the older series is primarily because it "looks too old." Change only the primary reasons why younger generations aren't attracted. Don't do anything that would alienate any of the original fans though.

I'm only worried because from what I've gathered so far, there are too many minute changes that in my opinion just change too much...
If you don't want to change anything, then why bother remaking it at all? The Origin manga changes things to make the more "realistic," similar to how they replaced the G-Fighter with the Core Booster in the movie adaptations. Things like White Base makes a direct line for Jaburo instead of circumnavigating the globe for w/e reason.

The major difference comes in the form of fleshing out back stories, most notably Char/Casvals, which we really only know bits and pieces of from the various UC series.

ArkBlade said:
If you feel this way, then the original anime (which didn't follow the manga plot completely) changed something 'great' in the first place. There is no point in basically making something old look 'graphically' better, at least when it comes to anime/movies and such. Ultimately, you won't change anything that drew people to the show, and thus won't really turn a profit, or a bigger audience. The minute changes you are talking about, were changes the anime did to deviate from the original manga plot.
What are you talking about? Almost all the Gundams are completely original animes not based on any previous work. There's only two exceptions so far, Char's Counterattack, and Gundam Unicorn, and even then CCA was book written by Tomino himself. There was no "original manga" for the first Gundam. There is, however, a novel, again written by Tomino himself, that's supposed to be more what he envisioned Gundam to be, but that was written after he finished his work on the anime.


Jan 19, 2007
zgmfx said:
If you don't want to change anything, then why bother remaking it at all?

As I've mentioned before, I think that a lot of people never give the older series chances simply because it "looks too old." Whereas I personally disagree with this, I think that it is one of the main things that limits new fans. Personally, I wouldn't remake it. If they have to remake it, however, then I am just voicing my opinion on how I would prefer if they changed as little as possible.

zgmfx said:
What are you talking about? Almost all the Gundams are completely original animes not based on any previous work. There's only two exceptions so far, Char's Counterattack, and Gundam Unicorn, and even then CCA was book written by Tomino himself. There was no "original manga" for the first Gundam. There is, however, a novel, again written by Tomino himself, that's supposed to be more what he envisioned Gundam to be, but that was written after he finished his work on the anime.

Thanks for this, it details some of the information that I was trying to get across earlier.
Sep 11, 2011
I hope so. The original anime was bogged down and corrupted from intended script by the system of the day.

And anyone and I do mean anyone that says that the Hellsing OVA is worse then the TV series is a MORON....flat out moron. The only thing the tv series did reasonably better was the english dub. The cast actually did their lines great in the tv series even if the script was a piece of crap but when they did them on the OVA, they're completely feeling at all, they're just saying the lines pretty much. Also the accents for the Germans are horrible. I'm glad the localization company collapsed. Now, as much as I like the Hellsing manga, and the fact the OVA is 97% word for word, the problems with the animation itself do hurt it a bit. Still better then that crap TV series.

On a side note...can't wait for the new Berserk OVA....the anime was a bit bland at first, and when they started leaving crap out, it just plain turned into I'm glad they're finally remedying that.

Though, if they do remake better have a solid white RX-78 gundam and last longer then A Boa Qu.