Children of the Sun Review (PC)

Children of the Sun Review: Shot Through the Heart

Children of the Sun | Key Art

In Children of the Sun, bloodlust and vengeance paint a stylized, third-person shooter experience viewed through the lens of a precision sniper. While the game promises a narrative depth it never fully delivers, its striking visuals, challenging gameplay, and emphasis on strategic problem-solving make it a satisfying, if somewhat fleeting, experience for fans of score-driven shooters seeking a dark, tactical twist.

Sightlines and Soundtracks

Children of the Sun | Sightlines and Soundtracks

Children of the Sun boasts a striking and unique audiovisual identity. The game’s harsh noise sound palette, combined with stylized graphics, effectively establishes an atmosphere of rage, bloodlust, and a sense of visceral intensity. Every cymbal crash that accompanies a successful shot feels satisfying and impactful, reinforcing the gameplay’s focus on precision. However, the lack of musical variety and memorable motifs throughout the game leaves something to be desired. While the harsh audio fits the overall tone, it could have done more to break up the gameplay or convey specific emotions, creating a more balanced and less overwhelming soundscape.

Story of the Shot

Children of the Sun | Story of the Shot

Children of the Sun opens with darkly satirical and provocative scenes, with subsequent cutscenes infused with shocking violence and disturbing imagery that set up an unsettling yet intriguing narrative. However, as the game progresses, this initial thematic promise fizzles out, and the narrative transforms into something more akin to a campy horror movie – focusing on spectacle rather than substance.  While less complex than expected, the narrative maintains a consistent edge, blending surreal horror with a touch of self-aware humor. It establishes a unique tone, even if it doesn’t provide the depth that early moments suggested.

Maps of Slaughter

Children of the Sun | Maps of Slaughter

The game’s level design is a core strength, gradually increasing in complexity and encouraging strategic problem-solving. Early levels introduce core mechanics, allowing players to acclimate before facing more intricate scenarios. As you progress, new challenges arise, like shielded enemies requiring creative bullet trajectories or foes with psychic barriers that deflect your shots. These diverse obstacles force you to adapt, experiment, and ultimately think outside the box.

Scouting and planning are crucial to success in Children of the Sun. Before each attempt, you’re given a limited perimeter to scan the level for enemies and potential routes. This initial assessment phase is vital, as it’s not always about the most efficient route, but finding a clever, and perhaps unconventional, path to eliminate all the targets. The game rewards a calculated and strategic playstyle, giving players a satisfying sense of accomplishment when a well-thought-out plan comes together.

Tools of the Trade

Children of the Sun | Tools of the Trade

At its foundation, Children of the Sun offers precision sniping mechanics that set the stage for more complex interactions. The ability to manipulate bullet trajectory and tag enemies opens up tactical possibilities.  As new mechanics are introduced, such as bullet acceleration or redirection, the game maintains its engaging nature. There’s a continuous sense of discovery as you learn and master these new gameplay abilities, offering a compelling sense of progression. However, after a certain point, the initial novelty may start to wane, leading to a feeling of repetition as the core mechanics remain relatively unchanged in the later stages.

Lasting Impact

Children of the Sun | Lasting Impact

While Children of the Sun might not sustain interest indefinitely, its intrinsic replay value comes from the challenge of mastering its core mechanics and discovering optimal solutions to each level. This, combined with the option to tackle optional level-specific riddles, provides a reason to revisit stages and test your skills. However, the lack of a level editor or other ways to expand the game’s scope does create a ceiling for its long-term engagement. Still, the game offers enough enjoyable content that its focused runtime feels justified, rather than lacking.

Final Tally

Children of the Sun delivers a distinctly edgy experience, blending stylized graphics, shocking cutscenes, and quirky elements. While the narrative loses some steam and gameplay variety is limited, its core mechanics – precision sniping, bullet manipulation, and cleverly designed levels – remain consistently engaging. This makes Children of the Sun a worthwhile and uniquely visceral experience for fans of score-based shooters who enjoy a strong, satirical tone and strategic problem-solving.  While it might not offer endless replayability, those who appreciate its offbeat nature will find a refreshingly different and satisfying gameplay loop.

Final Verdict: 3.5/5

Available on: PC (Reviewed); Publisher: Devolver Digital; Developer: René Rother; Players: 1; Released: April 9, 2024; MSRP: $14.99

Full disclosure: This review is based on a copy of Children of the Sun provided by the publisher.

Connor Starkman
Connor's been hooked on games ever since he could watch over his family's shoulders. He's all about immersive RPGs, city-builders, and the wild fun of roguelikes. Half-Life: Alyx blew his mind, and you'll usually find him lost in Dota 2, Rimworld, or Cities Skylines. When he's not gaming, he's digging for new music, collecting vinyl, or rocking out at live shows.

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