Committed to SMS compliance

Heymarket is your partner in staying compliant with all major SMS compliance regulations, from A2P 10DLC to the TCPA. Learn more about the compliance standards that apply to all businesses that text, as well as industry-specific and recommended compliance.

Illustration of 10DLC registration status for 10DLC compliance.

Why SMS compliance is essential today

Customer trust has become crucial for every business. Over the past few years, telecom entities have demonstrated this with increased regulations that require businesses to text only with opted-in contacts, and to be transparent about how they use text messaging.

Heymarket makes managing your compliance seamless with our intuitive tools, and by offering educational resources on compliance best practices.

Build trust with our industry-leading Compliance Center

With 10DLC, telecom carriers require all businesses that text to register their information in order to use 10-digit phone numbers. Heymarket’s Compliance Center is a one-stop portal for registering and tracking your 10DLC compliance, helping you through every step of the process.

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Register seamlessly

Heymarket offers an intuitive process for registering for 10DLC, the new standard for 10-digit phone numbers. We walk you through how to register your company information, vet your use case, and help you best position your messaging for compliance.

Illustration of 10DLC registration with 2 form fields: The first is an input with the label
Illustration of 10DLC compliance registration status with 5 stages, with the first 2 stages completed and a failure on stage 3.

Check your registration status

After you register your text messaging campaign in Heymarket, your registration goes through a stringent review process with carriers. Heymarket gives you full visibility into what stage your registration is in and if any additional information is needed from you.

Get instant alerts

Our email alerts give you full visibility into the process and what is required from you to stay compliant. If your submission checks all the requirements you can get up and running quickly. If more actions are needed, Heymarket automatically emails you with instructions, keeping you informed at every stage.

Illustration of an application dashboard with a top purple banner and a notification in the bottom right corner from Heymarket with Gmail logo, reading
Illustration of a customer opting into text messaging with the SMS opt-in feature.

Build trust with opt-in management

Heymarket gives you advanced options for managing opt-in throughout your texting platform: with keywords, contact records, forms, integrations, and APIs. These robust options make it easy to scale opt-in and build strong, compliant relationships. Learn more.

Improve message deliverability

In addition to improving your deliverability with 10DLC compliance, our message intercept feature improves message deliverability by ensuring AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) terms are not used or sent by your team members.

Heymarket app illustration with a text area, a
Adding opt-out language to a text message using Heymarket

Seamlessly set opt-out language

Configure and automatically add an opt-out message for your entire Heymarket team, across all inboxes. Simply set your opt-out message, and it will automatically be added to your texts when you send them.

Committed to all types of compliance

Your business has unique needs. Heymarket complies with industry- and geography-specific regulations to keep you compliant.

HIPAA symbol to show HIPAA-compliant text messaging.

HIPAA compliant

Our platform 
helps organizations handle their electronic protected health information (ePHI) to achieve
HIPAA compliance.

GDPR compliance symbol

GDPR compliant

Heymarket automatically complies with opt-out requests and empowers you to sync with your CRM to keep data accurate. Control how long data is stored and more to text with customers in the EU.

CCPA compliance symbol

CCPA and CPRA compliant

Heymarket supports California businesses’ CCPA and CPRA compliance by helping them understand what data we collect and how to access it.

TCPA logo

TCPA compliant

Our platform 
helps organizations handle their electronic protected health information (ePHI) to achieve HIPAA compliance.

SOC 2 logo

SOC 2 compliant

Heymarket automatically complies with opt-out requests and empowers you to sync with your CRM to keep data accurate. Control how long data is stored to text with customers in the EU.

A2P 10DLC logo

10DLC compliant

Heymarket supports California businesses’ CCPA and CPRA compliance by helping them understand what data we collect and how to access it.

Your 1-stop compliance learning center

Compliance is a complex topic. We’re here to make it clear and actionable. Explore our resources on messaging regulations that are required for all businesses that text.

Grow customer trust through compliance

Heymarket helps you text compliantly every step of the way to build lasting connections with customers.

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