Investigate Across All Your Data

See hidden connections across all your data sources from SIEM logs to SQL databases to CSV exports to Pandas dataframes, all without writing a manual query.

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Find Hidden Answers Using Graph Analytics

Turn any data into intelligent graphs that reveal relationships, event progression, and 360° views of any entity or event.

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Share, Embed, and Repeat Best Practices

Automatically collect the data you need and map it with one click. Turn useful investigations into guided step-by-step templates, interactive dashboards, and live embeddable experiences.

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Turn data into answers with graph analytics

Turn data into answers with graph analytics

Graphistry unlocks the potential of your data by turning raw records into highly visual and interactive incident maps. Our graph-based analysis reveals hidden connections and context across all your data, and within seconds lets analysts see key relationships, event scope and progression, patterns, anomalies, and more - all without writing a manual query or tabbing between tools. Then easily drill-down and pivot on the fly to follow the investigation.

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Breakthrough GPU technology so that you don’t have to worry about scale

Breakthrough GPU technology so that you don’t have to worry about scale

Graphistry's breakthrough GPU client/cloud technology has raised the bar for interactive visualization by 100X. That means that you can use all the data you want, and still remain fast, responsive, and interactive. Better yet, all you need is a standard browser and our cloud. If you want to run on your hardware, it’s as easy as installing a Docker or launching a cloud VM. That way you get the analytical power of GPUs without having to think about GPUs.

Automate investigations with visual investigation templates

Automate investigations with visual investigation templates

Visual templates make your investigations automated, repeatable, and shareable. Templates automatically gather data from all of your data sources and deliver step-by-step interactive maps that guide analysts through complex investigations and condense hours of data gathering and analysis into a few clicks. Easily share templates to let junior analysts follow the workflows and best practices for your senior analysts.

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Modern data science & development with ecosystem integrations

Modern data science & development with ecosystem integrations

From prototyping in Jupyter notebooks to deploying Streamlit Python data apps to embedding in your own streamlined React, JavaScript, & HTML web apps to working straight from Graphistry for Microsoft PowerBI, our easy-to-use visual analytics libraries help you focus less on reinventing & wrangling and more on being fast & best-of-class.

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All your teams and data working together

All your teams and data working together

Graphistry brings all your data, tools, and data stores together seamlessly and automatically. Need to correlate across different types of logs? No problem. Or connect your SIEM with Splunk, threat feeds or CSV files? Graphistry works with anything that has an API and handles all the queries on the backend so that analysts can finally use all your data without thinking about it. Just as importantly, staff can intuitively see relationships, clusters, outliers and more without having to think about data science.

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Data Integrations

Splunk, Pandas/Dask/RAPIDS, Jupyter, StreamLit, SQL, Spark, XLS/CSVs, and more.

Visual Querying

Clustering, histograms, timebars, filters, search, summaries, and more.


Turn recurring analyst workflows into reusable, guided investigations.

Report Easily

Save your complete interactive session and share within and across teams.

APIs & Embedding

Embed live graphs into your applications, dashboards, or notebooks.

Run in our cloud or yours

Docker, AWS/Azure, and air-gapping friendly. Access through any standard browser.

Get Started!



Connect and automatically query across Splunk, Elasticsearch, Spark, CSVs, and more... and use them all together!



Visually pivot through multiple data sources with GPU-accelerated visual graph analytics. Share your auto-tracked workbook when you're done.



For recurring or tricky workflows, automate the gathering of data, correlating & analyzing, actions, and then embed it all in your existing dashboards and tools.