Search Results for Companies, Data & Insights

156 results for Tesla Clear
1 - 5 of 73 Companies
Company Name Headquarters No of Employees Annual Revenue (US$m)
Tesla Inc United States of America 140,473 96,773
Skyworks Solutions Inc United States of America 9,750 4,772
Martinrea International Inc Canada 19,000 3,958
Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust PLC United Kingdom - 1,825
Ericsson Nikola Tesla dd
Croatia XYZ XYZ

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1 - 5 of 10 Company Lists
List Name Sector Category
Robotics: Leading technology companies Tech Leaders & Disruptors
Global: OEMs by Employee Number Automotive Sector & Geography
Global: OEMs by Enterprise Value Automotive Sector & Geography
Global: OEMs by EV/EBITDA Automotive Sector & Geography
Global: OEMs by EV/Sales Automotive Sector & Geography
1 - 2 of 2 White papers
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