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  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic What is Giant Bomb?. on the General Discussion board

    @blitzfitness: Nothing on Giant Bomb is huge right now. If you look at Youtube stream replay numbers (admittedly a very limited metric considering much of the viewership is live and on Twitch, but not...

  • bigsocrates created a forum topic Embracer has shut down Piranha Bytes on the Embracer Group Forum board.
  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Chinese butcher boss being replaced. on the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster board

    My view is we should all wait to see what the new encounter is like and judge it then. If it's better than this is an improvement, if it's not as good then you can complain.But even if this is pure ce...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Indie Game of the Week 377: Phoenotopia Awakening. on the Phoenotopia: Awakening Forum board

    @mento: I just think that when you're making a game with no real marketing budget having a name that evokes SOMETHING is very important for discoverability and discussion. You think about a lot of the...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Indie Game of the Week 377: Phoenotopia Awakening. on the Phoenotopia: Awakening Forum board

    Some of this stuff definitely seems intentional or even referential. I think that the cooking stuff sounds like someone who played Breath of the Wild decided that what that game's cooking needed was ...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Ryan Davis, 1979 - 2013. on the Ryan Davis board

    And so the anniversary of the worst day in Giant Bomb history rolls around again. 11 years. That feels both accurate and crazy. His voice is still missed in the new industry, and I'm sure by those wh...

  • bigsocrates posted a new blog.
    My 2024 rankings halfway through the year. Not a lot of AAA or standouts for me.

    We're now at the halfway point for 2024. This has not been a great year of gaming for me so far. I'm looking at what I've played and what I'd like to get through and while I've had fun there hasn't be...

  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Will I Remember Another Code: Recollection?. on the Another Code: Recollection board

    @chamurai: It is a choice. A horrible Nintendo choice. What if someone only played the first game and wanted to play the remake of the second? They have to replay the whole first one again? FANTASTIC!...

  • bigsocrates posted a new blog.
    I thought I'd love Penny's Big Breakaway. Inconsistent controls made it a mixed bag.

    Penny’s Big Breakaway was one of my most anticipated games of the year. I love 3D platformers, and they’ve been having a bit of a revival in recent years, with AAA and AA entries not just from old sta...

  • bigsocrates posted a new image.
  • bigsocrates posted a new image.
  • bigsocrates posted a new image.
  • bigsocrates posted a new image.
  • bigsocrates posted a new image.
  • bigsocrates posted a new image.
  • bigsocrates posted a new image.
  • bigsocrates posted a message in the forum topic Dr. Disrespect Outed As A Potential Pedophile. on the General Discussion board

    @shindig: That's an old (somewhat misogynistic) formula for who it is appropriate for someone to date. But it has nothing to do with age of consent, which is a legal concept and has to do with when pe...