The art of disinfection has become more important than ever. It's no longer just about sparkling floors and clean counters — it's about creating a safe haven free from germs and viruses. With health concerns like the coronavirus turning our cleaning routines upside down, disinfection has become a necessity in our daily lives. 

At Cleango, we've always known the power of a well-disinfected space. As we understand this new normal, let's dive into everything about disinfection, demystifying the process and empowering you to keep your environments safe and hygienic at home or in public spaces.

What Is Disinfection?

Disinfection goes beyond the simple act of cleaning. It's like the difference between a quick shower and a full-blown spa day: Both leave you clean, but one goes the extra mile to eliminate germs and bacteria. 

Here’s a rundown of the champions in the world of disinfectants:

  • Bleach: The heavy lifter of disinfectants. Effective against a wide range of pathogens, it’s a go-to for tough disinfection jobs.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide: The gentler giant. Less harsh than bleach but still a powerful fighter against viruses and bacteria.
  • Sanitizers: Quick and convenient, these are perfect for when you need to disinfect on the go. Great for surfaces that need a quick clean without the full force of bleach or hydrogen peroxide.
  • EPA-Registered Disinfectants: The Environmental Protection Agency has tested and approved these products, ensuring their effectiveness against specific pathogens, including coronavirus.

Each of these disinfectants comes with its own set of superpowers and uses. Choosing the right one can make all the difference in your disinfection routine, ensuring that your spaces are clean and genuinely safe.

What Are Some Effective Disinfection Techniques?

Here’s how to ensure your disinfection routine hits all the right areas:

  • Know Your Surfaces: Different surfaces require different treatments. For example, non-porous surfaces like doorknobs and countertops can handle stronger disinfectants like bleach, while porous surfaces like upholstery may need gentler, specialized solutions.
  • Follow the Manufacturer’s Instructions: This might seem like Disinfection 101, but it’s a step often overlooked. The effectiveness of a disinfectant is heavily reliant on using it as directed, especially when it comes to the correct dilution and application.
  • Mind the Contact Time: Disinfectants need time to work their magic. This is known as 'contact time' — when the surface should remain wet with the disinfectant to effectively kill the pathogens. Rush this step, and you might as well be using water.
  • Focus on High-Touch Areas: These are the hotspots for germs — think light switches, door handles, keyboards, and phone screens. Regular and thorough disinfection of these areas is important for preventing the spread of germs.
  • Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Safety first! When using strong disinfectants like bleach, ensure you’re protecting yourself with gloves and, if necessary, eye protection.
  • Routine Cleaning Before Disinfecting: Disinfecting must be the main cleaning act to remove dirt and grime. This preps the surface for the disinfectant to work effectively.
  • Proper Ventilation: Especially when using strong disinfectants, ensure the area is well-ventilated to avoid inhaling fumes.
  • Regular Laundering: Items like hampers, towels, and bed linens also need regular disinfecting. Use the warmest appropriate water setting and ensure they are completely dry before use.

By incorporating these techniques into your routine, you’re setting up a defense system against germs and viruses. It’s about transforming your space into a sanctuary of health and hygiene, where safety and cleanliness go hand in hand.

DIY Disinfection vs. Professional Cleaning Services

Choosing between DIY disinfection and professional cleaning services can often feel like deciding between a home-cooked meal and a gourmet restaurant experience. Both have their merits, but you need that expert touch sometimes.

DIY Disinfection

Ideal for everyday upkeep, this approach is similar to keeping your environment tidy and germ-free on a regular basis. Armed with EPA-registered disinfectants and a keen eye for high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and keyboards, you can effectively manage routine disinfection. 

Remember, following the manufacturer's instructions and observing proper contact time for the disinfectants to work their magic is important.

When to Call the Pros

There are scenarios where professional cleaning services like Cleango make all the difference. For instance, in the aftermath of a disease outbreak in your space or when dealing with areas that see high public traffic, you might want to look to the professionals. 

Our team of professionals dives into the intricacies of disinfection, employing advanced techniques and specialized equipment. At Cleango, we ensure comprehensive coverage, from door handles to hard-to-reach corners, using products that are both potent against pathogens and safe for your environment.

While DIY disinfection is perfect for daily maintenance, our professional services step in when deeper, more thorough cleaning is needed. We take the burden off your shoulders, ensuring your space is a beacon of safety and hygiene.

Tips for Disinfecting Various Settings

Disinfection can sometimes feel complicated, with each setting presenting its unique challenges and rewards. 

Here's a guide to tailor your disinfection strategies for different environments, ensuring every nook and cranny is safe:

  • Home Sweet Home: Focus on high-touch surfaces like doorknobs, light switches, and remote controls. For the kitchen and bathroom, use EPA-registered disinfectants to tackle those hard surfaces where germs love to linger. Don’t forget to launder items like bed linens and towels regularly.
  • Workplace Cleanliness: Pay special attention to common areas, keyboards, and phone screens. In shared spaces, routine cleaning and disinfection of desks and door handles can make a huge difference. For professional settings, it might be wise to call in experts like Cleango for thorough disinfection, ensuring employees' and clients' peace of mind.
  • Public Places: These high-traffic zones require a vigilant eye and a strong disinfection strategy. Utilize EPA-registered disinfectants for areas like public restrooms and waiting rooms. Professional cleaning services can efficiently manage the extensive and frequent disinfection required for seating areas and counters.
  • Healthcare Facilities: In healthcare, disinfection is a non-negotiable. Use hospital-grade disinfectants and adhere strictly to CDC guidelines. Pay attention to patient care areas, medical equipment, and high-touch surfaces. Here, professional cleaning services with expertise in healthcare settings are indispensable for maintaining a safe environment.
  • Educational Institutions: Schools and universities are hotspots for germs. Regular disinfection of classrooms, libraries, and cafeterias is key. Encourage hand hygiene among students and staff and ensure common areas are disinfected multiple times a day.
  • Retail Therapy: In retail spaces, disinfecting fitting rooms, cash registers, and product displays is essential. Provide hand sanitizer stations for customers and staff, and ensure frequent disinfection of shopping carts and baskets.

The Do's and Don'ts of Disinfecting

As you begin disinfecting, it's important to be mindful of what to do and what not to do. 

Here are some key pointers to help you avoid common disinfecting pitfalls:

  • Don't Skimp on Contact Time: Disinfectant solutions aren't instant germ removers. They need time to kill germs effectively. Always adhere to the contact time specified on the product label. Rushing this process can leave pathogens behind, defeating the purpose of disinfecting.
  • Avoid Mixing Cleaning Products: Mixing different disinfectant products can be dangerous. Some combinations, like bleach and ammonia, can even create toxic gases. Stick to one product per cleaning session to ensure safety.
  • Don't Overlook Personal Safety: Disinfecting is important, but so is your health. Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) like gloves and ensure good ventilation when using products like bleach solutions or other potent cleaning agents.
  • Wash Your Hands: It might seem basic, but regular hand washing is a cornerstone of infection control. Before and after cleaning, wash your hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Remember, Disinfecting Isn’t Cleaning: While disinfecting kills germs, it doesn't necessarily clean dirt and grime surfaces. Always clean surfaces before disinfecting for the most effective germ removal.
  • Use the Right Tools: For hard surfaces, a microfiber cloth can be more effective than a sponge, which can harbor bacteria. Choose your cleaning tools wisely based on the surface and the disinfectant being used.
  • Don't Disregard the Manufacturer’s Instructions: Every disinfectant has its unique formula and method of use. Following the manufacturer's instructions ensures you're using the product safely and effectively.

By keeping these do's and don'ts in mind, you can ensure your disinfecting efforts are safe, effective, and conducive to maintaining a hygienic environment. Remember, a little diligence goes a long way in the battle against germs and viruses.

The Bottom Line

Disinfection is a commitment to health and safety. In our journey at Cleango, we've seen firsthand the impact of meticulous disinfection in protecting communities and individuals alike. It's about empowering you to maintain a hygienic environment, whether through your own diligent efforts or by seeking the expertise of professionals like us.

Ultimately, the goal is clear: To create visually clean spaces and safe havens against harmful pathogens. Disinfection, done right, is an act of care — for ourselves, our loved ones, and the world around us.

Check out Cleango’s deep cleaning services today to enhance the cleanliness of your space.


What is Chlorine Bleach - Chlorine The Element of Surprise | Chlorine

Disinfection & Sterilization Guidelines | Guidelines Library | Infection Control | CDC

Selected EPA-Registered Disinfectants | US EPA

Clean the Germiest Home Items | NSF

How To Clean Tile Floors

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