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Zenless Zone Zero pisses me off, not cause it's a bad game, but because it's a great game and I wish it wasn't F2P. like just give me this gameplay with a proper campaign and full roster you can team build with, that shit would be tops!
Hopefully they'll do like Cygames did with Granblue and make a full priced turn-based or arpg or open world rpg game but I doubt it, there's way too much money that can be made with gacha games and I'd be surprised if they'd be interested in that part of the videogame market unless if they become so big at one point that they want to expand further and further.
RAW was amazing. Rhea's return was so juicy, and Bo Dallas comes back with the fantastic acting and selling like Shawn Michaels prime.
Banning guns would save lives! I don't care what side you are on; it's the truth. Look at the track records of other countries that impose bans and tell me otherwise.
Again, it's up to me as an individual to mitigate the risk of accidentally shooting someone by handling my firearm appropriately. The same way it's up to me to be a responsible driver and watch for pedestrians when I get behind the wheel.

The fact that the legal process behind self defence is so convoluted should tell you we have a bigger problem with our judiciary system than guns themselves.
I'm not trying to write a manifesto or anything here, and I'm not trying to convince you to change your beliefs. I'm merely stating my own, and providing a rationale that will hopefully allow you to better understand where I'm coming from.
I think it’s an important conversation to have. When making a point as disagreeable as mine, I have to back it with my own experience, thoughts and beliefs. We can be friends and disagree on particular things and I hope everyone else understands that as well.