Flood Aftermath in the Iron Range

The Iron Range was hit with heavy rainfall Tuesday, resulting in many basements and roadways being flooded.

HIBBING, Minn. — One day after a large storm brought severe rainfall to the Iron Range, parts of Hibbing are left with multiple roadways still flooded over. There were also many reports of basements flooded in Hibbing and surrounding areas.

“The little bit in the basement just kind of got it wet, we had to move and basically clean it again. But it’s all dry now,” said Stephanie Vincent, Hibbing Resident.

“I live on a lake in a house that’s prone to the basement flooding, so it did what we expected, parts of it flooded, but our pump kept up with most of it, we’ll do what we have to do to clean, sanitize and dry afterword’s,” said Shelia Block, Hibbing Resident.

W 25th St, a populous road leading out of the town saw significant flooding, leading to the city blocking off both sides of the roadway.

One resident was on her way to visit family but was forced to turn around because the water was too high.

“So then it was like, well, can’t go that way, we’ll have to go around town though Kelly Lake, hopefully that’s all higher ground,” said Vincent.

A car and truck got stuck in the washed-out road, and while the truck was removed Wednesday morning, the car still remained submerged in three feet of water in Wednesday afternoon.

The Hibbing resident also said her own home and backyard were flooded during the storm.

“It wasn’t a lot but our whole yard was flooded, it went up past my ankles,” said Vincent.

Most of the significant flooding cleared up late Tuesday night, and crews were able to assess the damage by morning.

“I think that’s one of the things that makes us Iron Rangers, we handle whatever nature throws at us, and we just roll with it,” said Block.

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