Sales Leaders

Accelerate Revenue And Drive Consistent, Scalable Results

For today’s sales leaders, making the number isn’t enough. You also need to prove that you can build a focused sales strategy — as well as replicate and scale success for continued strong results. Meanwhile, shifting buying dynamics have introduced new challenges and complexities that require new approaches. Yesterday’s playbook no longer suffices, and the way you operate today may not serve you tomorrow.

Challenges You Face

The starting point for sales success is a clear, comprehensive strategy. Gaining internal alignment around a sustainable sales strategy is just one of the many challenges you face. Forrester helps you tackle the day-to-day challenges that stand in between you and the success of your organization, including:

  • Driving predictable and scalable growth.
  • Meeting the expectations of your buyers.
  • Finding and retaining top sales talent.
  • Aligning with marketing on demand and selling strategies.
  • Improving sellers’ efficiency and effectiveness.

Bold Solutions Built For You

Forrester helps sales leaders and their teams achieve predictable, sustainable growth by aligning teams with practices that drive operational excellence and improve sales productivity.

Lead Scalable, Sustainable Growth

Forrester Decisions for B2B Sales partners with revenue leaders to drive scalable, sustainable growth fueled by an empowered sales and customer success organization that delivers consistent and predictable results.

Operationalize The Customer-Obsessed Growth Engine

 Forrester Decisions for Revenue Operations helps business leaders align around the customer as they integrate and turbocharge the growth engine to drive revenue and higher profitability.


First-Line Sales Managers: Promote Or Hire?

Peter Ostrow June 10, 2024
Today Forrester is publishing new research revealing that, all else being equal, B2B sales leaders achieve better revenue results when they hire first-line sales managers (FLSMs) externally, rather than promoting individual contributors (ICs). This runs counter to standard practice and tradition, but the data is clear: Externally hired managers and their teams perform better. Our advice […]

The Chief Sales Officer And Cultural Leader: Not A Contradiction In Terms

Peter Ostrow May 30, 2024
My colleagues from our future-of-work research team, Katy Tynan and Angelina Gennis, recently published a wonderful report about leadership and culture. In addition to a key underlying message that great leadership mandates active cultural shaping, they crucially remind us that “Culture does not just happen. It is created, either intentionally or unintentionally, through the actions of […]

How Quickly Should A Sales Rep Be Onboarded?

Peter Ostrow May 14, 2024
In many professions, education for a new employee’s role incorporates learning with doing. Educators must undergo a full semester of student teaching, surgeons develop by “watching, teaching, doing,” and aspiring electricians must deliver hundreds of hours as apprentices prior to licensure. Even most MLB stars spend years toiling in the minor leagues perfecting their skills. […]

Focus On Customer Value To Deliver B2B Customer Growth

Steve Silver May 14, 2024
Last week, I presented at my 10th, and final, Forrester B2B Summit North America. I say final not because the event is ending but because I’m retiring from Forrester in June of this year. One of my sessions introduced the Forrester Customer-Led Sales Growth Model, which was a perfect way to summarize my views on […]

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