Thomas Husson

VP, Principal Analyst

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Author Insights


2024 Paris Olympic And Paralympic Games: A Big Opportunity For Brands

Thomas Husson July 3, 2024
Despite the post-election trauma in France, brands sponsoring the 2024 Paris Olympic Games should be able to leverage their investments. There is a huge contrast between the current political context today in France and the universal message that the Olympic Games will convey in about three weeks. Despite traditional French skepticism and pessimism, the momentum […]

2024 B2C Marketing Priorities And Challenges

Thomas Husson May 31, 2024
B2C marketing decision-makers have many conflicting short- and long-term priorities while facing increasingly tough challenges. Welcome to marketing, right? Improving brand perception and customer experience (CX) while achieving a positive ROI is a particularly daunting task in 2024 because: A turbulent economy makes it tough to improve marketing’s ROI. Forty-five percent of global B2C marketing […]

VivaTech & The New French Tech Next40/120: When AI Meets Green Tech

Thomas Husson May 22, 2024
Paris will be the center of innovation and technology this week. Get a unique preview of the 2024 edition of the VivaTech conference in Paris.

Earth Day 2024: Back To Square One For Sustainability Maturity

Amy DeMartine April 19, 2024
A lot has changed in the regulatory landscape since we introduced Forrester’s Sustainability Maturity Model three years ago. For Earth Day 2024, we’ve updated the model. Read this post to learn about the major changes to the model and how it can help your organization reassess your sustainability maturity.

The Green Consumer Paradox

Thomas Husson April 15, 2024
Learn the five most common barriers impeding widespread customer adoption of sustainable offerings and how to encourage sustainable behaviors among B2C buyers.

“Change Now” For Sustainable And Profitable Solutions

Thomas Husson April 3, 2024
Educating executives about the environmental impact of their business is still a challenge. Learn why and several other key takeaways from the recent ChangeNOW solutions summit in Paris.

Five Key Insights Into Consumers’ Use Of Generative AI

Thomas Husson March 28, 2024
As is often the case with new technology that promises to change the world, consumer use of generative AI has raised some questions and concerns. Learn five of the key trends we see emerging around the consumer use of generative AI in this preview of a new report.

European Consumers Challenge Popular Stereotypes About Greenness

Thomas Husson March 11, 2024
While Europe’s green segments may look homogeneous, consumers’ behaviors and attitudes vary by region and age. Learn how the latest data has countered some common stereotypes about green consumers in Europe.

Environnement & comportements d’achat des consommateurs français

Thomas Husson March 7, 2024
Bien qu’ils accordent rarement la priorité à l’environnement dans leurs habitudes d’achat, les consommateurs français sont de plus en plus soucieux des enjeux écologiques. Pour suivre le mouvement, les distributeurs et les marques françaises doivent prendre au sérieux leur engagement en matière d’environnement et la façon dont ils le démontrent à leurs clients. Forrester vient […]

Prévisions 2024

Thomas Husson 8 Janvier 2024
Thomas Husson partage un aperçu de quelques prévisions parmi les dizaines que Forrester anticipe pour 2024.

Consumers, COP28, And The Green Market Revolution

Thomas Husson November 30, 2023
With the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) happening in Dubai, learn why Forrester believes firms can no longer ignore the Green Market Revolution.

Embrace Storymaking To Change Your Sustainability Brand Narrative

Thomas Husson October 20, 2023
In 1994, when he was CEO of Pixar, Steve Jobs said, “The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller. The storyteller sets the vision, values, and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.” Fast-forward almost 30 years later, and storytelling is still incredibly powerful. Marketers and the agencies and influencers that […]

Align Purpose And Value Proposition To Activate Sustainability

Thomas Husson October 19, 2023
Over the past few years, many firms have defined or revisited their purpose — their reason for existence and how they contribute to society and to the planet. The number of B Corps has grown from about 1,000 in 2016 to over 7,000 in 2023. In France alone, more than 1,000 firms, including large corporations […]

A Potential EU Ban On “Climate-Neutral” Terms And Labels Will Force CMOs To Revisit Their Communication

Thomas Husson September 21, 2023
The European Parliament and Council have reached a provisional agreement on new rules to ban misleading advertisements and provide consumers with better product information. Generic Environmental Claims Will Be Banned Specifically, terms such as “environmentally friendly,” “natural,” “biodegradable,” “climate-neutral,” or “eco-” will be banned without proof of recognized excellent environmental performance relevant to the claim. […]

2023 B2C Marketing Challenges And Priorities

Thomas Husson July 12, 2023
In a tough economy, where privacy legislation and technology changes make qualitative consumer data increasingly difficult to access, B2C marketers are struggling to adapt their data strategies for deeper customer understanding and to develop AI capabilities to personalize experiences. Forrester conducted a survey of 906 B2C marketing decision-makers. The results are quite telling. Among the […]

Thoughts From Cannes Lions 2023

Thomas Husson June 29, 2023
Last week, I spent some time at the Cannes Lion 70th International Festival of Creativity. I hadn’t been to the event since back in the days when I was covering mobile advertising for Forrester. It is pretty obvious that over the past 10-plus years, US tech players have progressively dominated the ad industry. After only […]

Toward A Greener Marketing Ecosystem

Thomas Husson June 7, 2023
Over the past 10 years, marketers, agencies, publishers, and adtech vendors have had to deal with complex collective challenges around consumer privacy, misinformation, viewability, fraud, and diversity and inclusion. Over the next 10 years, the $600 billion advertising industry will have to play its part in fighting climate change. A February 2023 IAB Europe report […]

Nike Faces Lawsuit Over Greenwashing Claims. It Won’t Be The Last.

Thomas Husson May 17, 2023
The majority of US marketers fear greenwashing blowback when communicating about their sustainability initiatives. Nike serves as the latest example why.

Beware The Stereotype: Gen Z Isn’t The Most Actively Green Generation

Thomas Husson April 21, 2023
Gen Z’s relationship with environmental sustainability is nuanced, especially in Europe. Learn why as we dispel five common myths about Gen Z and sustainability.

Breaking The Green Market Opportunity Down Into Segments

Thomas Husson January 24, 2023
There is no single green or sustainable consumer. Learn the value of segmenting your customer base by their green purchasing habits.
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