The claim of trespass to chattel applies to certain actions involving personal property that are taken without the owner’s consent. The claim may sound archaic to a layman, but some states have recently ruled that trespass to chattel covers electronic data.

What Is Trespass to Chattel?

Trespass to chattel is a tort that involves one person interfering with another person’s property right.

Legal Definition

Chattel is “an item of tangible, movable or immovable property except real estate and things (such as buildings) connected with real property.” The Restatement (Second) of Torts Section 217 defines “trespass to chattel” as intentionally taking someone else’s property or using or interfering with someone’s property rights.


Chattel, in other words, is tangible personal property such as furniture, equipment and jewelry. Chattel does not include real estate and buildings on a site. Trespass to chattel refers to taking chattel without consent or through fraud, blocking access to chattel and destroying chattel in someone else’s possession.


An individual who successfully asserts a trespass to chattel claim can seek economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages include compensation for the diminished property value that occurred as a result of the trespass. If the trespass affected the individual’s use or possession of their personal property and resulted in loss of income, the individual can recoup the financial loss. Non-economic damages may include emotional distress.

Legal Basis

Trespass to chattel is a type of common law intentional tort. Tort law compensates individuals who have been injured by negligent or intentional acts and holds those who committed the acts liable. To establish a claim for trespass to chattel, an individual must show that their property was intentionally damaged or temporarily seized without permission.

How Does Trespass to Chattel Work?

A defendant is liable for trespass to chattel if they do any of the following:

  • take someone’s property
  • damage the property
  • deprive an individual of the use of their property for a period of time
  • cause bodily harm to the property owner

A defendant may be found liable for actual damages, usually calculated as the reduced value of the chattel as a result of the defendant’s actions.

What Is a Valid Trespass to Chattel Claim?

To prove a trespass to chattel claim, an individual must demonstrate that the defendant:

  • intended to trespass (however, it is not necessary to show that the defendant intended to cause harm)
  • did not have consent to trespass
  • intended to possess or damage the chattel’s condition or temporarily deprive the individual of its use

Trespass to Land Vs. Trespass To Chattel

What’s the difference between trespass to land and trespass to chattel? Both are intentional torts that occur when an individual deliberately interferes with someone else’s property. The primary difference is that while chattel refers to movable, personal possessions, real property covers land and anything permanently built on the site, including a house and other buildings, or attached to the lot, such as trees.

To assert a claim for trespass to real property, an individual must demonstrate that:

  • They own or have the right to possess the lot;
  • They did not give the defendant permission to enter the property, or the defendant intentionally interfered with the property and
  • They were deprived of using or possessing the property and harmed as a result.

Examples of Trespass to Chattel

The following are three examples of trespass to chattel:

  1. Your roommate took your car without your permission to run errands and returned it.
  2. Without permission, someone changed the locks on your warehouse, where you store construction equipment you own and rent out. Being temporarily locked out of the warehouse prevented you from renting your equipment for two days, resulting in the loss of rental income.
  3. After working on a project together at a colleague’s house, you and he watched a movie. As you left, you mistakenly took the colleague’s laptop home instead of your own. If the colleague decided to bring a claim for trespass to chattel, you would not be able to claim you made a mistake, but the colleague would need to prove how he was damaged by your actions to recover compensation.

Legal Defenses Against Trespass to Chattel

A defendant accused of trespass to chattel can raise a variety of defenses, including the following to dismiss the claim or reduce damages:

  • Consent. The defendant needs to prove that the owner of the chattel gave them permission to use it.
  • Ownership or right to possess. The defendant can show that they own the chattel or have a legal right to use it.
  • Privilege. A defendant may be entitled to use or interfere with an individual’s chattel if they are a law enforcement officer or another individual acting within the scope of their authority.
  • Abandonment. The defendant must prove the owner of the chattel has given up their rights to it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Trespass to Chattel

What types of property are considered chattel?

Chattel is any tangible personal property. It includes vehicles, construction equipment and watercraft as well as electronics, furniture, clothing, toys, books and jewelry.

How is trespass to chattel different from theft?

Trespass to chattel occurs when someone interferes with an individual’s possession of personal property. Theft, on the other hand, constitutes the taking of an individual’s property to deprive the individual of the possession or use of that property permanently.

Can trespass to chattel occur unintentionally?

No. A key tenet of trespass to chattel is intentional action. Therefore, a plaintiff must allege that a defendant meant to possess or damage the plaintiff’s personal property or temporarily keep the plaintiff from using it.

What harm must be demonstrated in a trespass to chattel case?

A plaintiff must demonstrate economic or non-economic damages. Economic damages may take the form of compensation for the diminished property value of the chattel or lost income from being unable to use the chattel. Non-economic damages include emotional distress.

Can trespass to chattel apply to digital property or online interference?

Yes. State courts are increasingly ruling that trespass to chattel applies to electronic data. New York courts have ruled that trespass to chattel can apply to interferences that damage computer systems and devices containing electronic data. A growing number of courts in multiple states, including California, Georgia, New York, Ohio and Virginia, have recognized that unsolicited emails, known as spam, constitute trespass to chattel.

What are common remedies for trespass to chattel?

A plaintiff may request economic damages in the form of compensation for the diminished value of the chattel at issue, lost income that resulted from the defendant’s alleged possession or use of the personal property or non-economic damages to compensate for emotional distress.

Is there a statute of limitations for bringing a trespass to chattel claim?

Yes. The statute of limitations for filing a trespass to chattel claim varies by state and usually ranges from two to three years. For example, in California and North Carolina, the statute of limitations is three years from the date of the trespass. However, the statute of limitations in Pennsylvania and Kansas is two years.