As a business leader, you know that you need to improve certain areas of your business to achieve higher goals. But understanding the roadmap on how to get there requires understanding what’s missing from your operations to get it done. This is where a gap analysis comes in. It compares where you are to where you want to be and investigates why a gap exists so that you can develop reasonable goals to fill it.

Gap Analysis Defined

A gap analysis looks for the reasons you aren’t achieving certain business goals. It considers where you are, where you want to be and looks for the reasons preventing your success. With that information, you are able to create an action plan that closes the gaps.

In many ways, a gap analysis is an efficiency tracker and looks to improve what you don’t do well. You can use a gap analysis in any department in your organization. For example, a sales team might not hit desired sales numbers or a customer service department may spend too much time on each call, causing long waiting periods. These would be specific gaps that need to be addressed.

When Is a Gap Analysis Necessary?

A gap assessment is a useful tool that helps you identify why certain goals are not being reached. Most business leaders are good at setting goals. But when goals aren’t achieved, it’s important to understand why. By digging in with a gap analysis, you can get very specific about problems and come up with solutions that move you closer to goals.

Types of Gap Analyses

Let’s explore the four types of gap analyses.

Market Gap Analysis

This is also called a product gap analysis and looks at the actual sales versus the budgeted sales. This can be done internally or externally by an analyst. Product gaps look for opportunities where supply is less than the demand. A company will use a market gap analysis to discover underserved markets that it can capitalize on.

Strategic Gap Analysis

The strategic gap analysis is also called a performance gap analysis. It measures the actual performance versus the anticipated performance. This analysis often benchmarks the company to competitors to see what you are doing versus what they are doing, to seek out opportunities to add services or products that fit the overall mission of your business.

Profit Gap Analysis

This is a common gap analysis that looks at the profit goals compared to the actual profits. By analyzing the gap, the company does a deeper dive into why the goals are not being met rather than just looking at the numbers on their own. It’s a way for a business to correct its course of action where necessary.

Skills Gap Analysis

This is sometimes called an HR gap analysis because it looks at the company’s personnel resources to determine whether or not it has enough people with the right skills to meet the goals of the company. The gap would be the makeup of the current workforce versus the workforce needed to succeed.

How To Perform a Gap Analysis

There are four primary steps to a gap analysis:

  1. Identify the important metrics you want to look at.
  2. Create S.M.A.R.T. goals.
  3. Evaluate the gaps between where you are and where your goals should take you.
  4. Establish a plan to address the gaps.

For example, a financial service firm can’t understand why it isn’t having success in selling the latest annuity rollout. Sales in the office are otherwise good, so the manager wants to find out what the issue is with the new product. Sales are currently at $500,000 a month but he expects that they should be closer to $1 million based on other product rollouts. He investigates this gap.

He begins by surveying his financial advisors. With a detailed anonymous questionnaire, he discovers that the advisors don’t feel comfortable with the product because they don’t understand it completely. He sets a new monthly goal of $750,000 to make it achievable in the first month and schedules several training sessions on the product to help advisors become more comfortable with it.

If you’d like to conduct an analysis of your own, you can download our free gap analysis template.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of gap analysis?

Jessica runs a tax filing office and feels that her staff is not very efficient in doing each return, thus hindering bottom-line performance. The average time of her staff to complete a tax return is 55 minutes. She compares this to other tax filing offices where their average time is 35 minutes per return. She sets a S.M.A.R.T. goal of reducing tax return preparation time.

Once she knows the goal with a gap of 20 minutes per return, she starts to ask why her staff takes so much longer than other offices. She realizes that they are not utilizing all the software tools available to them that expedite each filing. Jessica decides to implement a training program that will teach her staff how to use the resources available to them to shorten the time to prepare each return.

What does the gap analysis tell you?

The gap analysis tells you where you want to be in relation to where you are and how to get there. It digs deep into why you aren’t meeting certain goals so that you can develop a plan to overcome deficiencies.

What is the first step of a gap analysis?

The first part of the gap analysis is to determine what you want to measure. This is then used as the foundation to create S.M.A.R.T. goals where you can see the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Why is a gap analysis important?

When you evaluate data, you need to understand why there are certain shortcomings in the results. It’s not enough to know that you didn’t hit your sales goals; you need to know why and develop a plan to fix it. This is what the gap analysis does.