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Rebecca Baldridge

Investing Writer


Rebecca Baldridge, CFA, is an investment professional and financial writer with over 20 years' experience in the financial services industry. In addition to a decade in banking and brokerage in Moscow, she has worked for Franklin Templeton Asset Management, The Bank of New York, JPMorgan Asset Management and Merrill Lynch Asset Management. She is a founding partner in Quartet Communications, a financial communications and content creation firm.

Rebecca Baldridge, CFA, is an investment professional and financial writer with over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry. In addition to a decade in banking and brokerage in Moscow and Kyiv, she has worked for Franklin Templeton Asset Management, The Bank of New York, JPMorgan Asset Management and Merrill Lynch Asset Management. She is a founding partner in Quartet Communications, a financial communications and content creation firm.

As a partner with Quartet Communications, Rebecca creates compelling financial content across asset classes and writes for institutional, advisory and retail channels. With project ranging from white papers, blog posts and investment commentaries to thought leadership, digital communications, and marketing collateral, there is little in the way of financial content she has not authored over her career.

When not writing on financial and investment topics, Rebecca covers polo and luxury travel for Equestrian Living Magazine, where she is editor-at-large.


  • Equities
  • Emerging markets
  • Alternative investments
  • Private equity
  • Investment management


  • 20 years of experience as a financial writer
  • Investment professional and former director of equity research
  • Holder of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation
  • Experienced across asset classes
  • Over 10 years of experience in asset management
  • On-the-ground experience in emerging markets

Other Publications


Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University (MBA, Finance)

Purdue University (B.A., Russian and Political Science)

Professional Memberships

  • CFA Institute
  • NY Society of Securities Analysts
  • Financial Writers Association
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Rebecca Baldridge, CFA, is an investment professional and financial writer with over 20 years' experience in the financial services industry. In addition to a decade in banking and brokerage in Moscow, she has worked for Franklin Templeton Asset Management, The Bank of New York, JPMorgan Asset Management and Merrill Lynch Asset Management. She is a founding partner in Quartet Communications, a financial communications and content creation firm.