Facebook IQ: Digital Research and InsightsFacebook IQ: Digital Research and Insights

March 8, 2017

Moving Pictures:
The Persuasive Power of Video

Discover how five factors driving the rise of mobile video viewing can help make your brand visually irresistible.


    Discover five factors driving the rapid rise of mobile video viewing and how to leverage them to make your brand visually irresistible.

    Why is mobile video skyrocketing around the world? It may be that our eyes just can’t look away.

    Through a biometric analysis of how people in the UAE and the UK consume content in their personal mobile feeds,1 we discovered that people gaze 5x longer at video than at static content on Facebook and Instagram.2

    We identified five factors related to the rise of online video viewing: smartphones, shorter attention spans, binge-watching, the importance of context and the thrill of novelty.

    Watch research lead Greta Baisch explain our findings in this video, and continue reading to see what it all means for marketers.

    Video: Five factors driving the rise of mobile video

    Video: Five factors driving the rise of mobile video

    What it means for marketers

    What it means for marketers

    • Create video for mobile

      Attention may seem scarce, but mobile could be the antidote: Almost half of people surveyed find it easier to pay attention to video when viewed on a smartphone (vs a computer).3 Inject irresistible, mobile-optimized creative into people’s feeds to ignite action.

    • Make it short and sweet

      More than 1 in 3 people surveyed say that seeing the logo of a brand they like could get them to stop scrolling and watch.2 Be sure to capture attention quickly and feature your brand and key messaging up front.

    • Build to surprise and delight

      Our research revealed that people’s eyes cannot resist new, immersive and moving formats, with participants in our lab experiment gazing 5x longer at video than static content and 40% longer at 360 video than standard video.4 To create connections that count, experiment with new formats—from Live video to 360 video—to find out what works best or your brand and campaign objectives.

    Sources and methodology: Facebook IQ conducted a lab experiment that tracked people’s eye movements and facial expressions as they scrolled through their own feeds, followed by in-person interviews around the role of video in people’s daily lives. We also surveyed 1,999 people to quantify people’s evolving consumption patterns and identify emerging behaviors.

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