Factions 1.20 Season 3 Updates

Posted by Dieu17 hours ago

Player Power and Faction Management

  • Player Power Range: The power range for players has been adjusted to span from -50 to 50.
  • Faction Member Cap: The maximum number of members in a faction has been capped at 25.
  • Offline Penalty: Players lose 10 power points for each day they remain offline.
  • Co-Leaders: Factions can now have multiple co-leaders.

Claims and Raiding Mechanics

  • Claim Limits: The previous claim limits have been removed.
  • Cannoning/Factions Updates: Adjustments have been made to the cannoning and factions systems to ensure rules are practical and enforceable. The changes aim to provide a more balanced and manageable environment. The rationale is that while old rules were well-intentioned, they were frequently violated without consequence due to enforcement difficulties or lack of evidence.
  • Increased Cannon Limits: The limits on TNT and redstone for cannons have been increased again, allowing for more powerful and extensive cannon designs.
  • Waterlogged blocks: TNT explosions will now drain waterlogged blocks.

Removed Items and Tools

  • Spawner Deobstructors: These tools have been removed from the game.
  • Lava Wall Generators: These generators have also been removed.

These changes are designed to create a more balanced gameplay experience, emphasizing enforceability and practicality while allowing for more robust cannoning strategies.

All tokens from the previous two seasons have been transferred to the new season.

Although we have already removed Fireballs and added extra checks to prevent pet abuse, we have also implemented full daily snapshots of all ExtremeCraft servers.

Due to recent exploits and glitches, the factions server has become ruined beyond repair, whether we consider a full rollback or trying to restore individual bases, which was our initial plan.

As a result, we've decided to reset Factions again on 12th of July.

To prevent such issues in the future, we will implement new backups that include full snapshots of all servers. In cases of glitches like pet/roam exploits, the entire server (map, inventories, userdata, everything) will be rolled back.

Additionally, we are considering removing SpawnerDeobstructors and splitting Factions into two servers: Factions and OpFactions.

Since this was another short-lived season, we will restore all tokens bought in this and the previous season. If there are any other issues we should address, please report them ASAP.

As part of our ongoing appreciation for your active participation, we are thrilled to announce the top voters for the month of June 2024. Each month, we randomly select 10 players who have demonstrated unwavering commitment by accumulating a minimum of 200 votes. Without further ado, let's celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding contributors who have been rewarded with vouchers:

Let the votes keep rolling in! Happy voting!

Rules Update

Posted by _OnePro_3 weeks ago

We have updated our server rules to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone according to the polls we held in the Discord.

TP Killing

  • Disallowed: Effective immediately, TP killing is entirely disallowed.
  • Evidence Required: To enforce this rule, we need video evidence of the incident. Screenshots will also be accepted, but they must have timestamps enabled. To enable timestamps, type /chat to show the time (the clock).

Auction House (AH) Scamming

  • Disallowed: All forms of /ah scamming are now strictly prohibited. This includes scams involving shulkers, renamed chests, and similar tactics.
  • Proof Required:
    • For shulkers containing false items, a full screenshot of the game is needed. The screenshot must include the sidebar showing the current gamemode.
    • A video of you purchasing the item/shulker is also acceptable as proof.

We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining the integrity of our server. Thank you for helping us create a better community for all players.


These rules do not apply to factions!

As part of our ongoing appreciation for your active participation, we are thrilled to announce the top voters for the month of May 2024. Each month, we randomly select 10 players who have demonstrated unwavering commitment by accumulating a minimum of 200 votes. Without further ado, let's celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding contributors who have been rewarded with vouchers:

Let the votes keep rolling in! Happy voting!